Curiosities 2024, October

DOMESTIC BIRDS - Types, names and photos

DOMESTIC BIRDS - Types, names and photos

Domestic birds - Types, names and photos. Thinking of adopting a bird? Discover the best birds to take care of at home

Incubation of the CUCKOO BIRD - Environment and Birth (VIDEO)

Incubation of the CUCKOO BIRD - Environment and Birth (VIDEO)

Cuckoo bird incubation, environment, duration and birth. We explain to you what the cuckoo bird's incubation period is like, what it consists of, how long it lasts and how it is born. With photos and video

Story of B alto, the wolfdog who became a hero

Story of B alto, the wolfdog who became a hero

Story of B alto, the wolfdog who became a hero. B alto's story is one of America's most captivating true events and proves how dogs can

How to make my dog famous on Instagram - 6 steps

How to make my dog famous on Instagram - 6 steps

How to make my dog famous on Instagram. Famous dogs are becoming more and more popular on instagram, facebook, twitter and on the Internet in general. If you are also a lover of

How do dogs greet each other? - Greeting types and tips

How do dogs greet each other? - Greeting types and tips

How do dogs greet each other? How do dogs greet people? How to greet a dog correctly? We answer these and more questions

What does it mean when a bitch mounts another bitch? - Find out

What does it mean when a bitch mounts another bitch? - Find out

What does it mean when a bitch mounts another bitch? We can feel discomfort in the face of certain canine behaviors, such as the act of riding, for example. But instead of punishing or

Benefits of owning a dog

Benefits of owning a dog

Benefits of having a dog. The dog is undoubtedly the best friend of the human being, providing multiple mental and physical benefits. In addition, if we have the presence of children in the



What do the sleeping postures of cats mean? Cats are the world champions at sleeping. They spend an average of 13 to 20 hours a day sleeping or dozing

Beautiful and easy to care for fish

Beautiful and easy to care for fish

Beautiful and easy to care for fish. If we ask ourselves what it means for a fish to be easy to care for, we will say that it is one that is easy to feed, maintain, that is resistant to

All About Raccoon Habitat

All About Raccoon Habitat

All about raccoon habitat. Although there are three species of raccoons, the most common and often referred to is the boreal raccoon. The truth is that each species of bear

Get started in falconry

Get started in falconry

Getting started in falconry. Falconry is an ancient art: formerly falconers used their birds to get food. At present, this end is not the primary one, since the

Types of marmosets

Types of marmosets

Types of marmosets. Marmosets are the common name of platyrrhine apes of the callitrichid family that are only distributed in Central and South America. Some of

The 7 most obedient dog breeds

The 7 most obedient dog breeds

So, if you are looking for calm and obedient dog breeds, whether we are talking about purebred dogs or some of their crosses, keep reading this article, you will find the perfect dog for you

How to report animal abuse? - Take action today

How to report animal abuse? - Take action today

We offer you a complete guide with advice and recommendations so you know how to report animal abuse, a responsibility that every member of this society should carry out

Can I sleep with my rabbit?

Can I sleep with my rabbit?

Can I sleep with my rabbit?. Many people are rabbit lovers and prefer to have them as a pet instead of choosing a dog or cat. These animals look like

Can a dog fall in love with a person?

Can a dog fall in love with a person?

Can a dog fall in love with a person?. Dogs are very social animals that enjoy the company of those who love and care for them. capabilities are well known

Why does my cat sleep on my pillow? - Discover these 5 reasons

Why does my cat sleep on my pillow? - Discover these 5 reasons

Why does my cat sleep on my pillow? It is no secret to anyone that cats are great sleepers. That's why we tell you why my cat sleeps on my head, here

How can I prevent my house from smelling like a dog? - 5 very effective tricks

How can I prevent my house from smelling like a dog? - 5 very effective tricks

Do you want to know how to prevent your house from smelling like a dog? At AnimalWised we offer you useful tips to improve this problem quickly and effectively

Benefits of petting a cat - Scientifically proven

Benefits of petting a cat - Scientifically proven

Benefits of petting a cat. Learn about the benefits of petting your cat both for him and for you. This activity not only manages to strengthen the bond, it also reduces stress, improves

Science confirms the benefits of watching cat videos

Science confirms the benefits of watching cat videos

The Internet is full of cat videos and most of us really enjoy watching them. Now, what does science say about it? Find out

Benefits of petting a dog

Benefits of petting a dog

Benefits of petting a dog. You may or may not already know some of them, but there are many advantages to having a pet at home, and specifically, a dog. Did you know that these

6 benefits of running with my dog

6 benefits of running with my dog

6 benefits of running with my dog. I had always wanted to go running with my dog. Dusha, like all cocker spaniels, had (always) so much energy to release that I didn't know

My dog has killed a rat, is it normal?

My dog has killed a rat, is it normal?

My dog has killed a rat, is it normal? If you wonder my dog has killed a rat, is it normal? You should know that yes, dogs are predators and although they do not usually

Do parakeets like music?

Do parakeets like music?

Do parakeets like music? If you have or have ever had a parakeet, you will have noticed his sociable attitude and that he loves to spend time with you or with

10 myths about dogs that you should know

10 myths about dogs that you should know

10 myths about dogs that you should know. There are many myths surrounding the world of dogs: they see in black and white, one human year is equivalent to seven dog years, they eat grass to

How to photograph dogs? - 10 infallible TIPS and TRICKS

How to photograph dogs? - 10 infallible TIPS and TRICKS

How to photograph dogs? Normally it is not easy to get good photographs of animals, since they do not always have the same interest in posing as we do. Keep reading

How many words do dogs understand? - Find out

How many words do dogs understand? - Find out

Dogs are particularly intelligent animals, however, have you ever wondered how many words dogs understand? We will answer your questions and most importantly: you will love it

The 10 commandments of the dog

The 10 commandments of the dog

The 10 commandments of the dog. People have our famous 10 commandments of Christianity, which are nothing more or less than a set of basic principles that should be followed

13 things that drive your cat crazy

13 things that drive your cat crazy

13 things that drive your cat crazy. Cats are very special animals, full of curious behaviors that may seem like mania to humans, but are usually

The strength of the gorillas ??

The strength of the gorillas ??

The strength of gorillas. Gorillas are the largest primates that exist and have a DNA very similar to that of people. These animals are fascinating and arouse curiosity

Where the Coconut Crab Lives

Where the Coconut Crab Lives

Where the coconut crab lives. The coconut crab or Birgus latro by its scientific name, is known for feeding on coconuts, which it opens with its claws. It is for that reason

Why Hippos Attack

Why Hippos Attack

Why hippos attack. Hippopotamuses are artiodactyl mammals. Currently there are only two species, the one known as the common hippopotamus and the pygmy hippopotamus. The

What is the smallest bird in the world? - Find out

What is the smallest bird in the world? - Find out

Birds are one of the most interesting animals in the animal kingdom, since their characteristics, way of life and ability to fly across the skies have amazed hundreds

The 10 smallest primates in the world

The 10 smallest primates in the world

Primates are commonly known as monkeys and some are extremely small, which is very attractive due to their peculiarity. Keep reading

10 exotic birds of Chile

10 exotic birds of Chile

10 exotic birds of Chile. Chile is a country in South America that has an impressive geographical variety, due to which you can find mountainous areas, volcanic islands and

Differences between hedgehog and porcupine

Differences between hedgehog and porcupine

Differences between hedgehog and porcupine. Talking about hedgehog and porcupine is not the same, many people mistakenly use the term to refer to the same type of animal and cannot

5 things your dog says about you

5 things your dog says about you

5 things your dog says about you. When we decide to adopt a dog as a pet and we choose one above the rest, we do it for a reason. Sometimes race will predominate

Why do dogs like to sleep on feet?

Why do dogs like to sleep on feet?

Why do dogs like to sleep on their feet? Although you have spent a good amount of money and time looking for the best and most comfortable bed for your dog, he insists on staying with you

What is Noah's syndrome?

What is Noah's syndrome?

What is Noah's syndrome?. Noah's syndrome is a behavioral disorder very similar to Diogenes syndrome that generally affects people suffering from other pathologies

Why does my dog like to sleep under my bed?

Why does my dog like to sleep under my bed?

Dogs love to sleep next to their beloved guardians, because that way they feel safer when it comes to enjoying he althy hours of sleep