Cats are the world champions at sleeping. They spend an average of 13 to 20 hours a day sleeping or dozing. And in what position does your cat sleep? Cat sleeping positions provide information on the he alth and well-being of the feline.
The positions they choose to sleep in depend on several factors, such as the temperature, the environment, and whether they feel safe or are really tired. If you want to know more, keep reading this article on our site about what cat sleeping postures mean to understand cats' body language and why they sleep one way or another.
This cat sleeping position comes from times long past, when our cats were still wild. Sleeping curled up in the shape of a half moon is ideal for protecting himself from the wind and cold If your cat lies down in this position curled up and covering his head with his paws, he wants feeling safe and secure Sometimes his tail helps him like a scarf to keep him warm and safe. The best thing is that you don't bother him, because the cat's body language is indicating that he wants to be calm.

During the hot summer months, cats often sleep stretched out on the cool floor. If you find your cat sleeping stretched out and it suddenly seems twice as big, try to cool off on a cool surface, such as tiles or dirt fresh from the garden.
In addition to these fun sleeping positions, you may also be interested in this other article on Where should a cat sleep?

Face up
Cats that feel very comfortable at home and trust their surroundings, sleep in more relaxing positions but at the same time more vulnerable. As they feel safe in their home, they allow themselves to present their most delicate body areas, such as the throat and the belly. The "face up" position is the most vulnerable to sleep, and with it shows total confidence and well-being. If you look at this sleeping position of your cat, you can be sure that he is now quite relaxed.
In multi-cat households, such a sleeping position can only be allowed by one high-ranking cat If there is a new member in the family, both a human baby and a new kitten, it can often be observed that this position decreases or only sleeps like this in more sheltered places It is normal for the cat prefers a position that allows him to quickly escape from the new member, until he has got used to it.

Curled up and head off
The cat is curled up on its paws, front paws tucked in, head up. Often the cat also has its ears back and its back to its guardian. Although the cat has its eyes closed, this posture has nothing to do with a deep or relaxed sleep. When the cat lies down in this way, means that it is alert, listening carefully to its surroundings and ready to get up and run away at any moment.
This sleeping position is that of an insecure cat Often seen in cats that are new to the home and not yet sitting up completely comfortable. They also often have half-closed eyes. Sick cats also often rest this way. If your cat uses this position very frequently, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian to find out possible he alth problems, such as indigestion or other pains that cause this position when sleeping.

Cuddling with head supported
It's the cat's most ambiguous sleeping posture It allows you to either sleep comfortably or run away quickly. The cat may not be able to assess whether the situation and environment are safe and prefers not to give herself completely Her head is propped up and her paws are often bent, indicating a little more confidence and stay in control while you can relax and recharge for your next adventures.

When he sleeps on his side, the cat's body language tells us that he is happy and carefree The lateral position allows for restful sleep and It is the most popular sleeping position in cats. They love to recharge energy in this way and with their legs stretched out. Once the cat has rested in this way, he is back in top form and ready to do new things.

Cats love boxes and crawl into tiny corners to sleep. It is a mania? Due to their ancestral instinct, they love to sleep covered or covered, inside a box or inside the closet, since this gives them security They need to feel the darkness and the boxes they are a perfect refuge to see without being seen.

The hug position
In the cuddle position, the cat sleeps sweetly with its partner. Animals generally only do this with people they really like, are comfortable with, and who they see as familyThey are completely relaxed and happy in this pose. By the way, cats not only cuddle with other cats, but also with other animals, such as family dogs.

Young Kitten Sleeping Postures
In young kittens, all kinds of sleeping postures can still be observed. Kittens usually sleep totally relaxed At one moment they are suckling and the next they have fallen asleep in the most comfortable position you can find, usually with all four legs stretched out in all directions.
Slightly older kitties, on the other hand, often just fall asleep where they are at the moment in the funniest and weirdest posesthat you have seen. Completely exhausted and tired, they fall asleep, sitting, leaning on a piece of furniture, face up, with their heads hanging off the sofa and their legs raised. It can't be comfortable, right? Well, since they don't feel any fear or insecurity, they love to sleep so carefree.

Other sleeping positions for cats
As we have seen before, the cat's sleeping positions depend a lot on its well-being and safety. But despite the postures explained, there are others that depend on each cat and their mood. Does your cat sleep with you? If your cat sleeps with you, he is showing you his affection and affection. It may be that he stands alone at the foot of the bed or that he rests his head on your pillow. In any case, it is a sign of his love and respect for you, because by your side he feels good and protected.