The 10 commandments of the dog

Table of contents:

The 10 commandments of the dog
The 10 commandments of the dog
The 10 commandments of the dog
The 10 commandments of the dog

People have our famous 10 commandments of Christianity, which are neither more nor less than a set of basic principles that should be followed in order to live together in peace and have a full life according to the Christian religion.

So why don't we have the 10 commandments of a dog? A simple compilation of 10 rules that we must follow and know if we are going to have (or already have) a dog.

Keep reading this article from our site to find out all the steps you need to take to make your dog feel like the luckiest dog in the world by your side.

1. Do not be mad at me

It's totally understandable that sometimes the dog can make you mad, especially when he chews on the shoes you were going to wear, smashes your mother's favorite vase, or urinates on the couch.

You must still understand that the dog has a brain like that of a small child and is not always able to remember everything What do we want from him? After committing a misdeed, don't doubt that in less than 10 minutes he will have completely forgotten about it.

Instead of getting angry with him, practice positive reinforcement by rewarding him when he bites his bone, when he behaves calmly at home or when he urinates in the street

The 10 dog commandments - 1. Don't be mad at me
The 10 dog commandments - 1. Don't be mad at me

two. Give me attention and take care of me

The well-being and therefore the positive behavior of the dog is directly related to the love and affection that you can offer it, in this way, dogs that have a close relationship with their owners will be prone to being more sociable, affectionate and polite

The 10 commandments of the dog - 2. Give me attention and take care of me
The 10 commandments of the dog - 2. Give me attention and take care of me

3. You have many friends, but I only have you…

Have you noticed how the dog greets you when you get home? Never forget that your dog does not have a facebook account or a group of dogs to go to the park with from time to time, he only has you.

For this reason it is important that, as a responsible owner, you actively include him in your life and in your daily life so that he feels useful and socially accepted: take him on an excursion, find a campsite that accepts dogs, take him with you to the terrace of the bar to have a drink, etc.anything goes so your best friend doesn't feel alone.

When he is by your side he feels happy, Never leave him alone for an excessive period of time.

The 10 commandments of the dog - 3. You have many friends, but I only have you…
The 10 commandments of the dog - 3. You have many friends, but I only have you…

4. Talk to me, I don't understand what you say but I understand how you do it

Dogs are tremendously intuitive, they will understand what you say even if they don't exactly understand your words. For this reason, even if you know that he cannot exactly identify everything you say don't hesitate to use affectionate words with him Avoid shouting and excessive fighting, the dog will remember (although it may not seem like it) the bad times that you have put him through and you will only get to deteriorate your relationship.

The 10 commandments of the dog - 4. Talk to me, I don't understand what you say but I understand how you do it
The 10 commandments of the dog - 4. Talk to me, I don't understand what you say but I understand how you do it

5. Before you hit me, remember that I can also hurt you and I don't

Some dogs have really powerful jaws, but have you noticed that they never use them? Dogs rarely bite or attack, except for those with true psychological trauma, a separate case. For this reason we remind you that you should never hit your pet, that only aggravates the problem, generates discomfort and can lead to a very serious situation for your dog.

The 10 commandments of the dog - 5. Before hitting me, remember that I can also hurt you and I don't
The 10 commandments of the dog - 5. Before hitting me, remember that I can also hurt you and I don't

6. Before yelling at me for being lazy or disobedient, think about what could happen to me

Animals were not born to do pirouettes or obey all our orders as if it were a robot. You can't ask him to always do what you want, the dog has its own autonomy, feelings and rights.

If your dog doesn't obey you, you should honestly ask yourself if your relationship is adequate, if at this moment he is worried or attentive to something else or if you are really fulfilling his basic needs. Instead of blaming the dog for not obeying, ask yourself if you are doing something wrong.

The 10 commandments of the dog - 6. Before you tell me off for being lazy or disobedient, think about what could happen to me
The 10 commandments of the dog - 6. Before you tell me off for being lazy or disobedient, think about what could happen to me

7. Don't leave me on the street: I don't want to die in a kennel or run over by a car

Personally I have felt in my flesh the tragedy of abandonment: dogs that die old and alone in the kennel, dogs with serious injuries, scared and sad dogs… Would you abandon a child? Right not? The same thing happens with a dog, it is extremely cruel to abandon a defenseless being For this reason, if you are not sure you can take care of it or take care of it in any circumstance (including going on vacation, moving, paying the vet etc) do not adopt a dog.

The 10 dog commandments - 7. Don't leave me on the street: I don't want to die in a kennel or run over by a car
The 10 dog commandments - 7. Don't leave me on the street: I don't want to die in a kennel or run over by a car

8. Take care of me when I get older, I'll do it when you get older

All puppies are very funny and everyone likes them, but when dogs get older for some people they lose that charm and become more of an obligation than anything else. Don't be one of those people. A dog does nothing else in his life than try to give you everything he hasand live with you his short but exciting existence

The 10 dog commandments - 8. Take care of me when I get older, I'll do it when you get old
The 10 dog commandments - 8. Take care of me when I get older, I'll do it when you get old

9. Take me to the vet if I'm sick

Isn't it true that if you feel bad you would go to a doctor? You should do the same with your pet, take him to the vet when he's sickStop following home remedies, tricks and advice from those who have not seen your pet's illness firsthand.

The 10 dog commandments - 9. Take me to the vet if I'm sick
The 10 dog commandments - 9. Take me to the vet if I'm sick

10. I don't need much, with you and the basics I'm happy

Your dog doesn't need a gold collar, an XL kennel or premium food, but your dog should always have fresh, clean water, its daily meals, a comfortable place to rest within its reach and the love that you can give him. He doesn't need great luxuries, just that you care about him and his needs
