Home remedies for roundworms in dogs
Home remedies for roundworms in dogs

One of the most basic things that we must always keep in mind when caring for our dog is internal deworming not only why we must take care his he alth, but also because those of us who live with him can get infected. If we keep it free of parasites we can enjoy a he althy and happy dog, but it is also normal that sometimes they end up contracting one and for this reason it is vital to detect it in time and act as soon as possible. If you think your dog may have intestinal parasites, keep reading this article on our site and discover some home remedies for worms in dogs

Worms in dogs

Although the most common is the intestinal worm, there are several types of worms in dogs, which can affect various areas of the body of our animal, such as the following:

  • Lungworms in dogs.
  • Heartworms in dogs.
  • Eye worms in dogs.
  • Intestinal worms in dogs.

Not all worms can be seen, especially if they are in such hard-to-reach places like the lung or heart. Therefore, in this other article on our site, we explain the Types of worms in dogs - Symptoms and treatment. If you suspect that your dog has worms, don't hesitate to go to the vet.

Intestinal worms in dogs

There are several types of intestinal parasites in dogs, commonly known as roundworms. The ones we can most frequently find on our furry companions are Dipylidum caninum, also known as the dog tapeworm, Toxocara canis and Toxocara vulpis, Ancylostoma caninum, and Echinococcus granulosus. Normally, the dogs that are most likely to contract them are puppies and those that live in the countryside, but even as adults or living in a city, our faithful friends can catch these unwelcome guests.

Symptoms of intestinal worms in dogs

To know if your dog has worms or worms, you must look for a series of symptoms and behaviors:

  • Worms, eggs, larvae, or bits in stool.
  • Prominent and swollen abdomen all the time.
  • Significant weight loss.
  • Vomiting and diarrhoea.
  • Pain in the abdominal area when touched.
  • Blood in the stool.
  • Fever.
  • Loss of hair quality.
  • Itching in the anal area and, consequently, constantly trying to bite and drag that area along the floor.

If you observe any of these symptoms in your dog, in addition to offering him some treatment or home remedy, you should take him to the vet for a check-up and thus make sure that nothing more serious happens or, depending on the case, see to what extent the intestinal parasites have affected the dog's he alth.

Home remedies for roundworms in dogs - Intestinal worms in dogs
Home remedies for roundworms in dogs - Intestinal worms in dogs

Home remedies for worms in dogs

There are many natural remedies that we can do at home to help our dog prevent and eliminate parasites from his digestive system. Pay attention to the following home remedies for worms in dogs and you will see how these will disappear soon:


Garlic is a natural element with great antibiotic and antiparasitic power but, as is known, in large quantities it is toxic to dogs as it can cause severe anemia and, therefore, you must be careful with it. the dose you administer when you use garlic to deworm dogs. To avoid harming your dog with garlic but to help eliminate worms, you should use a single clove of garlic and add it crushed to your dog's food.

Oregon Grape

Grapes are a prohibited fruit for dogs but, again as in the case of garlic, depending on the dose we give our dog, we will help him against parasites or cause a he alth problem. For this reason, it is recommended that you only give a maximum of 12 drops for every 9 kg of weight of Oregon grape that you can easily find in herbalists. It is important to note that this home remedy should be avoided in dogs with liver problems and in pregnant female dogs.

Pumpkin seeds

These raw seeds are a very effective natural anthelmintic. You must grind the raw pumpkin seeds and add a small spoonful to your dog's meals for every 5 kg of your dog's weight, if it weighs less you should add less than a small spoonful. Regarding giving pumpkin seeds to your dog, you should not worry, since they are precisely one of the good foods for the dog's hair.

Betel or areca palm seeds

The seeds of this plant, in addition to being a strong antiparasitic, will help the dog to reduce the symptoms caused by the stomach problem, such as vomiting and diarrhea. For them to be effective, you must give the dog 2 grams of seeds in their meals, 3 times a day for a week. It is better to administer them spaced over 3 meals and not all at once in a single meal, as this will ensure that the dog does not feel bad and that they are as effective as possible.

Sweet wormwood or mugwort

Mugwort or sweet wormwood is a plant that works very well to eradicate all types of intestinal worms in dogs, but it can be very irritating to their body, so it is preferable that we administer it according to the advice of a veterinarian. In any case, the dose that is usually given, depending on whether the dog is smaller or larger, is between 10 and 15 drops of the extract of this plant 3 times a day, that is, every 8 hours.


Pineapple contains enzymes that fight intestinal worms quickly and definitively. It is good that you give your dog a little pineapple when you want to eliminate a worm infestation but, as in most cases, try not to give it too much as it can make it sick and cause other he alth problems. A few pieces of pineapple a day will be more than enough, or you can add the juice of this fruit to your meals.


Gentian or Gentiana lutea, also known as Saint Ladislaus herb, thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, is fantastic for strengthening the digestive system and purifying the blood, for this reason, it is a good option for deworm our dog internally. The part of the plant that is best used for this purpose is the root, which you can find in powder at herbalists. Boil water and add a tablespoon of gentian root powder, with 5 minutes of cooking it will be enough. We must offer this infusion to our furry 2 times a day for 7 days.

Black Walnut

Black walnut extract is very powerful due to the tannins it contains, a very bitter and irritating substance, so it will not only effectively eradicate intestinal parasites from our furry companion, but if given a high dose to the dog can cause he alth problems such as diarrhoea, vomiting and gastritis. Therefore, it is advisable to use this option in serious cases of parasitic infestation and always under the advice of a veterinarian, administering to our dog the dose that the specialist indicates in each case.

All these treatments must be administered to the dog on the days necessary until he does not show symptoms of worm infestation But we must be careful and at the slightest sign of alert or discomfort in our dog, we have to go to the vet immediately. You can combine some of these natural products and give them to your dog in his meals to achieve a greater effect, but you must try not to overdo it.

Home remedies for worms in dogs - Home remedies for worms in dogs
Home remedies for worms in dogs - Home remedies for worms in dogs

Internal antiparasitic for dogs

These natural remedies serve to rid our furry companion of internal parasitic infestations, but if we give him these preparations once a month or every two months, we will help prevent worms. In any case, if we decide to use them preventively, it is preferable to use them as support for veterinary treatment indicated as an antiparasitic.

Dog deworming, both internal and external, should start from puppies and the first time we give them the anthelmintic treatment will have to be in their first week of life and in the exact doses indicated by our trusted veterinarian.

After the first dose, the dose must be repeated every 2 weeks until the child is 3 months old and, from then on and for the rest of his life, he must be give the treatment every 3 months and ensure that the dog is always free of worms and other parasites before the vaccinations so that these are really effective and so that there are no other he alth problems resulting from this condition.

Remember that you can always use these home remedies for worms in dogs to keep intestinal worms at bay or to support veterinary treatment every 3 months.
