3 relaxation exercises for dogs

3 relaxation exercises for dogs
3 relaxation exercises for dogs
3 relaxation exercises for dogs
3 relaxation exercises for dogs

There are many relaxation techniques that we can use to calm a dog. They can be used as an extra in behavior modification therapy, as a tool to improve certain situations or to make you enjoy a moment of calm with us.

In this article on our site we will explain 3 relaxation exercises for dogs that are easy to apply and that you can use on different occasions. Of course, remember that if you do not comply with the 5 freedoms of animal welfare, these relaxation tools will not be effective, or at least not as effective as expected.

1. Music therapy for dogs

Music therapy for dogs consists of using music (or elements thereof) to achieve therapeutic goals in the dog, in this case relaxation. It is indicated for treatment in a complementary way disorders such as separation anxiety, hyperattachment or excitability, although it is also useful for lowering stress levels. It also improves the quality of life of the patient and stimulates him mentally.

To work music therapy with your dog, follow this step by step:

  1. Discover what your dog's favorite music is! Although classical music for dogs is usually preferred at first, there are other genres that you may also like.
  2. Play the chosen music in its usual resting place, such as the bedroom or dining room, and wait for the dog to lie down naturally.
  3. Do not force him to lie down or stand in a specific place, you must not use obedience, he must do it himself.
  4. Once he is lying down, reinforce him with a very soft whisper or gentle caresses.
  5. Carry out daily sessions, lasting about 5 minutes, for example before going to sleep. However, it will also be interesting to use music in other circumstances, so that it generalizes and does not associate it with a specific time of day.
  6. You will know that the dog has associated music with relaxation when, just by putting it on, he lies down and begins to relax.

Once the dog is calm just by listening to music, you can start using this technique to make the hours he spends alone at home more bearable. It will also help improve your well-being and channel anxiety levels.

3 relaxation exercises for dogs - 1. Music therapy for dogs
3 relaxation exercises for dogs - 1. Music therapy for dogs

two. The blanket exercise

This is a very useful exercise to complement some therapies inside and outside the home, such as separation anxiety, resource protection, fear, nervousness, or excitability.

To work on the blanket exercise, follow this step by step:

  1. Get a blanket or fabric your dog has never seen before.
  2. Place the blanket in a large and familiar place, like the dining room of your house.
  3. Call your dog to come closer to the blanket with a soft come, but never force or force him, the dog should come closer of his own free will.
  4. Once the dog is on top of the blanket, pet him and start massaging him calmly all over his body. If he starts to play, ignore him for a few seconds, until he gets over it, and go back to caressing and massaging.
  5. Make short sessions, about 5 minutes, after that time we will remove the blanket and put it away.
  6. We will know that the dog has associated the blanket with relaxation when, just by removing it, the dog lies down on it and relaxes.

Once the dog has associated the blanket with calm, massage and relaxation, you can start using this tool in other places and circumstances: if you take him to a new place, on your visits to the vet, when traveling by car or when you want him to be calm in a place. The simple presence of the blanket, apart from providing well-being and relieving stress, helps the dog to manage nervousness on his own , something very positive and desirable.

3 relaxation exercises for dogs - 2. The blanket exercise
3 relaxation exercises for dogs - 2. The blanket exercise

3. Doga, yoga for dogs

Currently we find many different yoga techniques, such as acroyoga or yoga for dogs, better known as "doga". It consists of practicing this physical discipline with your dog and it is a different experience for each person who practices it.

It is suitable for people who enjoy doing yoga and have some ability, so they can incorporate their best friend into their daily activities. In addition to improving the dog's mood, the doga improves our bond with him and helps us work on nervousness and excitement.

You can find doga sessions in different places in your city, although you can also learn by watching YouTube videos, for example. You will only need to include your dog in the different postures that you usually practice.
