Home remedies for bad breath in dogs

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Home remedies for bad breath in dogs
Home remedies for bad breath in dogs
Home remedies for bad breath in dogs
Home remedies for bad breath in dogs

Surely as a caregiver you have already noticed that the dog's breath is sometimes not entirely pleasant. However, there are people who do not mind that their dog's mouth has a strong odor, they continue with the same affections or kisses as always. But halitosis or bad breath can be the result of the accumulation of bacteria in our dog's mouth, which is the beginning of the digestive tract, so it can be dangerous for him.

In this article on our site we want to recommend some home remedies for bad breath in dogs, so that not everything is excessive spending in dental cleaning or products that may end up damaging the he alth of our animal.

Mineral water

If we are careful not to drink tap water ourselves, why do we offer it to our pets? A home remedy for bad breath in dogs is bottled mineral water, as dogs should drink plenty of water to keep their bodies functioning properly and prevent toxic waste in their mouths.

How we are responsible for maintaining their he alth in the correct conditions, this will be an aspect that we must take care of, offer them quality water and in the correct quantities, so that all your systems work properly.

Home remedies for bad breath in dogs - Mineral water
Home remedies for bad breath in dogs - Mineral water

Good nutrition

Although it is true that some quality dry food helps to clean the dog's teeth and prevent bad breath in dogs, it It is true that many others worsen oral hygiene, causing the accumulation of tartar on their teeth. Our choice is very much reflected in our dog's mouth.

Sometimes, changing the diet, stopping the feed and opting for a homemade diet or a raw diet (BARF) we will achieve great changes. We must be aware that this change will be very he althy for him, but that it must be guided by a specialist so as not to create nutritional deficiencies in the dog.

With a natural diet that is as he althy as possible, avoiding processed foods for humans and choosing good ingredients, we will be able to improve our dog's breath. In addition, the inclusion of raw bones in the diet is an excellent source of calcium and a great help to combat halitosis in dogs, since it drags food debris that remains between the teeth and, by gnawing them, it will act as a sandpaper for your dogs. grinders. They will also make you very happy.

Below we explain other home remedies for bad breath in dogs:


The effects of parsley against bad breath in dogs are really incredible and within the reach of any caregiver. We can cut a few pieces and mix them with our dog's usual food If the flavor is very strong or not very "disguisable" with commercial feed, we have other options. We can boil a handful of parsley in hot water, creating an infusion, and with it we can make an aerosol to spray our dog's mouth after brushing or, directly, offer this infusion to drink.

Apple vinager

It has a strong neutralizing effect against bad odors, so we can include a few drops of this vinegar in our dog's food or drink every day. We must start with small amounts so that he gets used to it and does not reject it. The smaller the dog is when we start, the more used to the taste it will be.

Vegan Awards

We don't necessarily have to be good cooks or buy biscuits for our animal's halitosis. We can offer you a carrot as a toy to help prevent plaque from forming on your teeth. In addition, it is very he althy for your diet.

It will be something similar to what happens with raw bones, but we can offer it whenever our dog is hungry, since it hardly gains weight and is full of vitamins. The bigger and harder they are, the better. We can also use pear, apple or celery, and there are a large number of fruits and vegetables recommended for dogs.

Home remedies for bad breath in dogs - Good nutrition
Home remedies for bad breath in dogs - Good nutrition

Home Dental Hygiene

Dog dental hygiene is essential to avoid bad breath, since commercial feed generates a calculus buildup on teeth, so it is an obligation for us to brush his teeth. The ideal would be to follow a hygiene routine every day but, if this is not possible, as often as possible. It is important to get used to it from a young age so that it is not an unpleasant situation for him.

We can use a toothbrush for humans, but also our own fingers to brush their teeth. In addition, mixing 1/2 tablespoon of baking soda and 1 tablespoon of water we will have a very effective and powerful homemade toothpaste to which we can add parsley. Do not forget that there are many other recipes to make homemade toothpaste for dogs, this is just one option.

Also, don't forget to keep his feeder clean It can help a lot, as it is a source of rot when food is left in it. Between food and food, we must wash its bowl with innocuous products so that the food does not have traces of soaps or old foods, mixed with our dog's saliva. In this way we will help avoid bad breath in dogs.
