Your dog exhibits excessive and constant scratching, in addition, he is restless and when you decide to examine his fur you observe in it the presence of parasites that move slowly, with a flattened shape and a gray color. This is the clearest indication that your dog has contracted lice.
Initially you should know two things: those lice cannot be spread to people or to any other non-canine pet since they are exclusive to dogs, and secondly, you must also be clear that this condition must be treated as soon as possible to avoid complications. If you want to use a more natural treatment than the classic insecticides, in this article on our site we show you the best home remedies for lice in dogs
When should we use home remedies to treat lice in dogs?
Lice are external parasites that feed on the blood of their hosts and can also be carriers of some diseases. There are three types of lice that can affect a dog: Heterodoxus spiniger, Linognathus setosus and Trichodectes canis.
The home remedies will be a good alternative to treat lice in dogs as long as the infestation is not be serious, since in this case, although it is true that there are numerous natural substances that will reduce the population of parasites, it will be very difficult to eradicate it in its entirety.
How to assess if the infestation is serious?
The most appropriate method is go to the vet to find out exactly if we have enough time to apply natural remedies and be able to observe their effectiveness. Other ways to assess this is through a simple coat inspection, if there are numerous parasites, hairless areas of the body or wounds due to excessive scratching it is not a good idea to use home remedies.
In serious cases we must go to a specialist and follow a treatment for dog lice using commercial products, which will help us eliminate the plague completely and protect our dog in the future.

Home remedies for lice in dogs
Some of the home treatments for lice in dogs are the same ones that would be used to treat fleas with remedies (as is the case with conventional insecticides) since they present antiparasitic and antiseptic properties The most indicated to treat lice are the following:
- Tea tree essential oil: It is very suitable for its great antibacterial, antiparasitic and antiseptic capacity and will help our pet not suffer from topical infections due to excessive scratching. In this case, the most appropriate thing is to mix 5 drops of oil with the dog's usual shampoo, this application can be repeated once a week.
- Citronella-infused scrubs: Citronella is an excellent repellent plant due to all the components it contains. To make scrubs we will add a handful of fresh citronella to half a liter of boiling water, turn off the heat and let stand until it cools. Then we will strain and soak this solution in a cotton pad, applying it to the dog's fur, paying attention to the affected areas.
- Lavender essential oil: It is very suitable for its antiseptic capacity and can also be applied directly to the skin as long as there are no open wounds because of scratching. We will add 5 drops on a cotton disc and apply on the affected areas. If there are wounds, it is preferable to add these 5 drops to the dog's regular shampoo.
- Garlic: Although popular belief points to garlic as one of the most toxic foods for our dogs, the truth is that it is of one of the most suitable remedies to deworm our pets. In this case, it is recommended to add a clove of garlic to the food daily in large dogs and half a garlic in small dogs, crushed into small pieces so that it is not very noticeable. At this dose it is not a toxic component for your dog, you can check it in the veterinary study " Garlic: Friend or Foe? " of Dogs Naturally Magazine, April 2014.
- Wormwood: This medicinal plant contains essential oils that are effective against lice due to their insecticidal action. It will be necessary to make an infusion of wormwood, subsequently soaking this solution on a cotton pad and applying it daily to the affected areas.
It is not recommended that all these home remedies be used in parallel, in fact, the most appropriate thing would be to opt for garlic as a remedy for internal application and only a remedy for external application.

Considerations to take into account
Generally we believe that a natural remedy is necessarily an innocuous remedy and while it is true that the risk involved in using them is minimal, it is essential that you e consult your a veterinarian in these cases:
- Your dog is still in his puppy stage.
- Your dog is an elderly pet.
- There is some underlying disease.
- Your dog is taking any medication.
In the presence of these cases, the natural remedies could cause some problem, which, although it could be mild or serious, so it is advisable to prevent. In any case and as we have explained in the first section, it will be ideal to use a commercial product to treat the most serious cases.
Don't forget that prevention is essential to prevent your dog from suffering a flea infestation or any other infestation, that's why This is why it is convenient to prepare a deworming calendar for our dog.