Myxomatosis in rabbits - Symptoms and prevention

Myxomatosis in rabbits - Symptoms and prevention
Myxomatosis in rabbits - Symptoms and prevention
Myxomatosis in Rabbits - Symptoms and Prevention
Myxomatosis in Rabbits - Symptoms and Prevention

Currently rabbits are considered exceptional pets, which is why more and more people decide to take in a rabbit as a pet, and in this case, as in any other, ends up creating an emotional bond as strong as it is special.

Rabbits, like any other animal, require multiple cares and need a complete state of well-being that is achieved when their physical, mental and social needs are met.

In this article we talk about the symptoms and prevention of myxomatosis in rabbits, a disease as serious as it is deadly, therefore that the information on it is of great importance.

What is myxomatosis

Myxomatosis is a infectious and viral disease, which is caused by leporipoxvirus and affects rabbits, causing death in an average of 13 days if the animal does not show any resistance to the pathology.

This is a disease that causes tumors in the connective tissues, which support the various structures of the body, causing swelling on the skin and mucous membranes seen mostly on the head and genitalia.

Myxomatosis can be transmitted directly through the bite of arthropods that feed on blood, especially fleas, although it can also be transmitted indirectly through contact with infected instruments or cages or by direct contact with a person who has handled an infected rabbit.

It is important to clarify that there is no effective treatment to eliminate the virus, so prevention is of vital importance

Myxomatosis in rabbits - Symptoms and prevention - What is myxomatosis
Myxomatosis in rabbits - Symptoms and prevention - What is myxomatosis

Symptoms of myxomatosis in rabbits

The symptoms of myxomatosis in rabbits will depend on the viral strain that has caused the infection and the susceptibility of the animal, in addition, we can distinguish different groups of symptoms according to the way in which the disease manifests itself:

Peracute form: The disease progresses rapidly, causing death 7 days after infection and 48 hours after the appearance of the first symptoms. It causes lethargy, swollen eyelids, loss of appetite, and fever

Acute form: Causes fluids under the skin, resulting in a state of inflammation in the head, face and ears, which can lead to internal otitis. In 24 hours it can cause blindness since the progression is very fast, rabbits die from hemorrhages and convulsions in a period of approximately 10 days

Chronic form: It is not a frequent form but it occurs if the rabbits manage to survive the acute form. It is characterized by thick eye discharge, skin nodules, and swelling at the base of the ears. It can also be accompanied by respiratory signs, such as difficulty breathing, most rabbits die within 2 weeks, although if they survive they are able to eliminate the virus in a period of 30 days later

If we suspect that our rabbit is suffering from myxomatosis, it is necessary to immediately go to the vet, furthermore, in some countries this disease is considered a mandatory declaration.

Myxomatosis in rabbits - Symptoms and prevention - Symptoms of myxomatosis in rabbits
Myxomatosis in rabbits - Symptoms and prevention - Symptoms of myxomatosis in rabbits

Care for rabbits with myxomatosis

If our rabbit has been diagnosed with myxomatosis, unfortunately we do not have any effective treatment to combat this disease, however, it will be necessary start a symptomatic treatmentto alleviate the suffering that the animal may experience.

The treatment of a rabbit with myxomatosis is done through the administration of fluids to prevent dehydration and starvation, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to control pain, and antibiotics to prevent complications and fight secondary infections caused by the illness. Remember that your veterinarian is the only person qualified to prescribe a treatment for your pet.

Myxomatosis in rabbits - Symptoms and prevention - Caring for rabbits with myxomatosis
Myxomatosis in rabbits - Symptoms and prevention - Caring for rabbits with myxomatosis

Prevention of myxomatosis in rabbits

As there is no treatment capable of combating this disease, it is of great importance to carry out a good prevention of myxomatosis in rabbits.

For this, vaccination is absolutely necessary, administering the first vaccine at 2 months of age and subsequently reinforcing this dose twice a year, since the immunity provided by this vaccine only lasts 6 months.
