Chile is a country in South America that has an impressive geographical variety, due to which you can find mountainous areas, volcanic islands and even a polar strip. This multiplicity of climates and areas brings with it a great diversity of species in both flora and fauna.
The exotic birds of Chile are not far behind in terms of this diversity, thanks to which it is possible to find from small birds of warm climates, even penguins. Keep reading this article on our site to find out which are the most characteristic species of this country.
1. Andean condor
The Vultur gryphus, also called the Andean condor, is considered the national bird of Chile, due to what appears on the coat of arms national. Identifying it is easy: its plumage is almost entirely black, with white wings and a red head It lives in rocky areas and feeds on carrion. His appearance is imposing and intimidating.

two. Chilean Flamingo
There are six species of flamingos in the world, and three of them are found in Chilean territory, including the Phoenicopterus chilensis. This bird can grow to almost a meter and a half, and its light pink plumage, with darker areas near the tail and knees, make it a bird very beautiful to look at. It is found in areas where shallow water accumulates, and feeds on seaweed and small crustaceans.

3. Chilean Partridge
The Nothoprocta perdicaria is a bird of about thirty centimeters that lives in the valleys of the Chilean central region. It is brown to gray in color, with small black and white wing feathers. It is a small and inconspicuous bird that feeds on insects and generally lives hidden among bushes.

4. Rayadito de Más Afuera
The peculiar name of the Aphrastura masafuerae is given by the island from which it originates, called Alejandro Selkirk Island or Isla de Más Afuera. It is a small bird, with a body between brown and gray and a fan-shaped tail, in black and orange colors like the wings. It is in danger of extinction due to changes in its natural habitat.

5. Turkish
Also called tululagua, the Pteroptochos megapodius is typical of high and rocky regions. It is characterized by its dark brown body, black belly with white and white neck It feeds on small insects and emits a song typical of its species.

6. Tero
Vanellus chilensis is known as tero or queltehue, among other names. It lives near ponds and even in gardens, and it is a small bird whose plumage mixes black with grey, white and light brown The beak It is red, helping its identification. It eats insects, lizards and other small animals, which it hunts with short runs.

7. Tricahue Parrot
The Cyanoliseus patagonus bloxami is a small species of parrot measuring less than fifty centimeters, characterized by dark green plumage except for the chest, which is gray, and the abdomen, reddish. It is a a noisy species that lives in areas populated by trees, and can even be found in cities. It is in danger of extinction.

8. Hummingbird of Juan Fernandez
Its scientific name is Sephanoides fernandensis, unfortunately this species is in danger of extinction. It is a hummingbird less than six inches long, with gray wings, golden head and orange body in males, and blue head with white body and colored spots in females. It inhabits only three islands of the Juan Fernández archipelago, where it feeds on nectar. In 2006 it was declared National Monument of Chile

Of the seventeen species of penguins that exist, ten of them live in Chile. The most characteristic of the area are the Humboldt penguin (Spheniscus humboldti) and the Magellanic penguin (Spheniscus magellanicus).
1. Humboldt penguin
It can reach about eighty centimeters in height and is characterized by the pink color that surrounds its eye and part of its beak. It feeds mainly on fish and is in danger of extinction, mainly due to the action of man and the drastic climatic changes of recent decades.
two. Magellanic Penguin
It reaches almost fifty centimeters in height and is distinguished by a robust, black and white body. It eats different types of fish and also crustaceans. In Chile it is mainly found in a natural monument called Los penguins.

10. Woolly Parrot
The choroy parrot or choroy parrot (Enicognathus leptorhynchus) is the last of the 10 exotic birds of Chile that we want to share on this list. Its coloration is dark green and it shows reddish spots on the abdomen, tail and face. Lives only in Chile.