How can I prevent my house from smelling like a dog? - 5 very effective tricks

How can I prevent my house from smelling like a dog? - 5 very effective tricks
How can I prevent my house from smelling like a dog? - 5 very effective tricks
How to prevent my house from smelling like a dog?
How to prevent my house from smelling like a dog?

If you share your day-to-day life with a dog, you'll know that sometimes these animals can give off a bad smell, especially after getting wet. We know that it can be quite annoying, especially for those guardians who strive to offer adequate hygiene to their pets. In addition, many times we get used to it and stop noticing that our house smells like a dog.

However, you should know that there are some tricks to prevent your house from smelling like a dog that we will mention below. Do you want to know how to prevent your house from smelling like a dog? On our site we offer you useful tips to improve this problem quickly and effectively.

Is it normal for my dog to smell bad?

Before explaining how to prevent your house from smelling like a dog, it will be essential to make some prior considerations about bad smells in dogs. We must know that all dogs emit a certain odor, even those considered "hypoallergenic" which can also be more or less intense It will depend on the specific individual and our tolerance toward the smell.

It is totally normal for a dog to smell bad on occasion, however, if your dog's scent worsens, smelling stronger than normal, it is best to go to the veterinary for a general check-up. The presence of parasites and even various diseases can cause a bad smell in our dogs.

It is also important to consider the physiognomy of our dog, since sometimes it influences the intensity of the smell that they give off. The higher the fat levels on your skin, the stronger the dog's odor. This is an important aspect to consider when maintaining a hygienic routine.

How to prevent my house from smelling like a dog? - Is it normal for my dog to smell bad?
How to prevent my house from smelling like a dog? - Is it normal for my dog to smell bad?

Tips to prevent your house from smelling like a dog

Now that you know when it's time to worry about your dog's bad smell, we're going to explain how to prevent your house from smelling like a dog with 5 very easy tricks and effective:

1. Dog hygiene routine

Unlike cats, which clean themselves very often, dogs require regular hygiene care. To begin with, you should brush your dog regularly, between 2 and 5 times a week, depending on the type of fur and the accumulation of dirt and dust.

Brushing not only serves to remove dirt, but is also a wonderful way to air your coat, essential in summer and winter, as it helps them maintain an adequate body temperature. Likewise, through the brushing routine we will promptly detect the presence of wounds, lumps or parasites in the dermis. Let's not forget that brushes should be washed regularly.

On the other hand, it is also highly advisable to bathe the dog every one or three months But be careful: abuse the bath or do without it It is not advisable, as we can damage the layer of fat that protects them naturally or, on the contrary, accumulate it in excess.

A very effective home remedy to control odor is to mix a little apple cider vinegar with shampoo, which must be specifically for dogs. This trick will help us keep the good smell longer. The proper ratio is equal parts. After the bath it will be essential to dry the dog well and not let it dry in the open air.

How to prevent my house from smelling like a dog? - 1. The hygiene routine of the dog
How to prevent my house from smelling like a dog? - 1. The hygiene routine of the dog

two. Air fresheners and air purifiers

When it comes to eliminating bad odours, we can also buy certain products on the market, such as air fresheners and purifiers These are very effective to prevent the house from smelling like a dog, however, the intense smell of some air fresheners can bother our dog. We must choose the softest.

A fairly effective remedy when it comes to eliminating dog odor from our home is to use a odor absorber Although there are several options on the market, baking soda is a very economical option for absorbing odors. It will be enough to apply a little on the cushions and the bed, that is, in the places where the dog is usually, and leave it to act all night.

The next day you should vacuum it up and pick it up, since the dog should not ingest it, as in large quantities it could cause various gastrointestinal problems.

3. Cleaning the home

Likewise, it will also be necessary to pay attention to the cleanliness of the areas where our dog spends most of his time. It is important to keep your bed, blankets and feeding area very clean. Increase the washing of your utensils, preferably with a detergent with a pleasant fragrance.

If your dog is used to climbing on your sofa or bed, you should also consider cleaning them. Change the sheet more frequently and pass a disinfectant cloth in these places. Likewise, if you want him to stop climbing on the sofa, on our site we explain how to prevent a dog from climbing on the sofa.

To finish we will mention apple cider vinegar again, which in addition to being very effective in eliminating bad odors in the dog itself is also useful in eliminating household odours. Add a splash of vinegar to the washer or cleaning bucket before you start cleaning.

Don't forget that the use of enzymatic products is much more recommended than any other cleaner, while bleach and ammonia should be completely avoided.

How to prevent my house from smelling like a dog? - 3. Household cleaning
How to prevent my house from smelling like a dog? - 3. Household cleaning

4. Ventilation

While this should be obvious, not everyone airs out their home on a daily basis. It is best to ventilate the house two or three times a day at least. In order not to forget, we can take advantage of the walking routine to leave the windows wide open and ensure that the air cools all the rooms, especially those that are most used by our dog.

5. Perfumes for dogs

Perfumes for dogs have become enormously popular in recent years, in addition, they tend to have a long-lasting on dogs with long hair or in those with internal fluff. On our site we explain how to make homemade perfume for dogs, but you can also buy it at any dog groomer or pet product store, either physical or online.

Under no circumstances should we use perfume for people, as it contains some ingredients that could be annoying and even irritating to the dog's skin and mucous membranes. We will always bet on those of natural origin that are specifically formulated for dogs
