There are many myths that surround the world of dogs: they see in black and white, a human year is equivalent to seven dog years, they eat grass to purge themselves… How many things like that have we heard about dogs? and we believe they are true? What is true in all this?
In this article on our site we want to disprove some of the most famous inventions that we have been hearing for years, don't miss these 10 myths and truths about dogs.
1. One human year equals seven dog years
Fake. It is true that dogs age faster than humans, but it is impossible to calculate the exact equivalence in years of each one. This type of prediction is indicative and very subjective.
Everything depends on the development of the furry dog, not all have the same life expectancy, small dogs can live longer than large ones. What is certain is that, taking into account the average life expectancy of dogs, from the age of 2 they are considered adults and from the age of 9, elderly.

two. Dogs only see in black and white
False In fact, dogs do see the world in colors. It is true that they do not perceive them in the same way that we do, but they can distinguish colors such as blue and yellow and have more difficulty with warm colors, such as red and pink. In fact, dogs are able to discriminate between different colors and it is scientifically proven.

3. If my dog has a dry nose it means he is sick
False How many times have you been scared because your furry's nose was dry and you thought he had a fever? Although most of the time dogs have a wet nose, it can become dry in the heat or because they just woke up from a nap, just like you do when you sleep with an open mouth. You should only worry if it presents other more strange symptoms such as blood, mucus, sores, lumps, etc.

4. Dogs eat grass to purge themselves
A half-truth There are several theories about it, but not all dogs vomit after eating grass, so this Doesn't seem to be the main reason. They may eat it because they get fiber or just because they like it

5. Before spaying a dog, it is good to have a litter
False Being a mother does not improve their he alth and they do not feel more fulfilled, so it is totally unnecessary for them to become pregnant. In fact, it is better to sterilize them as soon as possible to avoid he alth problems such as cysts, tumors or psychological pregnancies.

6. PPP dogs are very aggressive
It's totally false PPP dogs are considered dangerous due to their strength and musculature, as well as the percentage of damage recorded in centers hospitable. However, we must bear in mind that this figure is not very indicative, taking into account that the injuries of small dogs do not usually end up in clinical centers and thus completing the statistics.
Unfortunately, many of them are raised to fight, so they become aggressive and develop psychological problems, hence their bad reputation. But the truth is that if you train them well they will not be more dangerous than any other dog Proof of this is the reference made by the Kennel Club about the pit bull American terrier, which he describes as a friendly dog, even with strangers.

7. Ppp dogs lock jaw when biting
False This myth is caused again by the strength they havethis kind of dogs. Due to their powerful musculature, when they bite they can appear to have a locked jaw, but they can reopen their mouths like any other dog, they just don't want to.

8. They lick their wounds to heal themselves
A half truth How many times have you heard that dogs can heal a wound by licking it? The truth is that sucking a little can help to clean the wound, but doing too much impedes healing, otherwise why did you think they put an Elizabethan collar on them when they operate or hurt themselves?
If you notice your dog compulsively licking a wound, you may have an acral granuloma, something that should be treated immediately.

9. Dogs love to be hugged
False Dogs actually hate being hugged. What for you is a gesture of affection, for them is an intrusion into their personal spaceIt also makes them feel held back and blocked, with no way to escape, which makes them feel stressed and uncomfortable.

10. Dogs' mouths are cleaner than human's because they are dewormed
False This is the last point of the myths and truths about dogs that we are going to teach you. Just because you have your dog perfectly dewormed does not mean that his mouth is clean. In fact, when he walks down the street he probably licks things that you would never lick, so the cleanliness of a dog's mouth is no better than that of a human