35 animals that start with L that you should know - In Spanish and English

35 animals that start with L that you should know - In Spanish and English
35 animals that start with L that you should know - In Spanish and English
Animals that begin with L - In Spanish and English
Animals that begin with L - In Spanish and English

Today Learning another language is crucial for life. Not only does it allow you to have greater skills when applying for a job, but it also helps you access all kinds of content available on the Internet. English is one of the languages with the largest number of speakers worldwide, so learning it will bring you many benefits. If you are beginning the study of this language or you are interested in your child doing so, from our site we recommend this list of 35 animals that begin with L in Spanish and in English

Animal names with L in Spanish

Here are some examples of animals that start with L in Spanish. How many of them do you know?


Parrots are a wide family of birds that are present in Africa, America, Asia and Oceania. They are characterized by their colorful plumage, which varies according to the species, but can be presented in shades as varied as bright green, red, blue and yellow. Another of the most distinguished characteristics of these animals that begin with the letter L is their beak or "nose", which usually has a curved shape.

It should be noted that some species are in danger of extinction due to the destruction of their habitat and illegal trafficking. As a curious fact, we can say that the gray parrot is one of the most intelligent. In addition, even though they do not have vocal cords, they are capable of imitating sounds, even the human voice.

In English is called parrot.

Why do parrots talk? We leave you the following article on our site so you can find out the answer.


Under the common name of firefly is included a family of insects of several species, whose most outstanding characteristic is bioluminescence, or the ability to emit light through its abdomen during the mating ritual.

Fireflies have a worldwide distribution and there are up to 1,900 different species. Like most insects, these animals that begin with the letter L have articulated antennae, but it should be noted that there is a marked sexual dimorphism between females and males, since that they look more similar to a larva.

In English they call her firefly.

Discover another 7 animals that glow in the dark in this post that we recommend.


Of animals that start with the letter L and are curious, we can highlight the lemur, which has gained prominence thanks to the film by Madagascar. The lemur is a primate endemic to the island of Madagascar It is characterized by having a curved tail with ringed fur, eyes capable of glowing in the dark and emit strident vocalizations that they use to communicate with each other.

On the other hand, they are nocturnal animals that exhibit very varied behaviors,as well as their diet. Some lemurs are omnivores, while others are herbivores or frugivores, such as Coquerel's giant mouse lemur.

In English they are called lemur.

Is the lemur in danger of extinction? Find out the answer below.


The dragonfly is an insect characterized by having wings that cannot fold, a thin body and two round eyes. Despite this peculiarity in their wings, dragonflies are one of the fastest insects that exist.

A great curiosity about these insects that start with the letter L is that they have excellent eyesight, since they have about 30,000 facets that allow them to see almost 360º On the other hand, it feeds on other insects and prefers to live in areas close to fresh water, since the nymphs are aquatic nymphs.

In English are called dragon-fly.

Like the dragonfly, we leave you this article with other Flying Insects: names, characteristics and photos.


With the name of lizard are called several species of small lizards that have become daily companions of life in homes. There are many species, but in general they are characterized by a somewhat rough skin that presents earth colors, between brown and greenish.

They feed on other insects, so many people allow them to live in their homes to kill spiders, mosquitoes and cockroaches. A curiosity about lizards is that when they are in the breeding season, the males compete with each other to conquer the female. Copulation between the winning male and the female can last up to 1 hour

In English they are called lizard, so this it is one of the few animals that start with L in both languages.

Check out these articles on Types of Lizards and Characteristics of Lizards for more information.


The wolf is a carnivorous mammal whose antiquity on Earth dates back almost 1 million years. It is a territorial animal and usually lives in herds. Currently, it is distributed in some areas of Europe, Asia, North America and Australia.

Some subspecies are in danger of extinction, since due to the presence of man these animals that begin with the letter L have reduced the areas they occupied. On the other hand, it should be noted that wolves are animals that do not skimp when it comes to hunting, since they can do it both day and night.

In English they say wolf.

To know other Characteristics of the wolf, do not hesitate to consult the following article on our site.


The lamprey is a fish similar to the eel, since it has an elongated and flexible body without scales. It feeds on blood, which it obtains by adhering the body of sharks, fish and marine mammals with the suction cups of its mouth.

The most outstanding characteristic of these animals with the letter L is that they are fish without a jaw, so their appearance is surprising and terrifying at the same time. They are ovoviviparous animals that can live in both marine and fresh waters.

In English is called lamprey, being another of the animals that start with L in Spanish and English.

We tell you more about Agnatos or jawless fish: characteristics and examples, here.


The hare is a mammal of the rabbit family that is distributed in Europe, Asia and America. It is characterized by its ability to run at high speeds, reaching some species between 50 to 60 kilometers per hour. They are herbivorous animals and usually live in pairs.

Although there are some animals that have the name of hare, composed of another, they are not considered hares as such, an example of this are the hispid hares. As a curiosity, a hare that is less than two years old is called a lebrato Another of the most outstanding characteristics of these small animals with the letter L is that they areextremely fast , as they can reach 56 km/h.

In English received on behalf of hare.


Under the name of owl are enclosed several species of birds, similar to the owl, which have nocturnal habits and feed on more little ones. They are characterized by plumage that combines chestnut, gold, gray and white colors in elegant patterns that give them an attractive appearance.

Another of the most peculiar characteristics of owls is that they have a screeching sound that they use as a call between them. Also, they are very territorial and solitary, they don't like to be taken in their place. If other animals do, they will fight to take it away and keep it for themselves.

In English they say owl, which is the same word used for owl.

Discover the differences between an owl and an owl in the next post on our site.


Also called bass or snook, it is a fish that can be found in the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, although its distribution ranges from the African coast to Norway. It can measure up to 1 meter in length and its color varies between platinum gray with greenish areas. As a curiosity about these animals with the letter L, it should be noted that the females are capable of laying 250,000 eggs for every kilo of weight they make.

In English is called european seabass.

Animals that start with L - In Spanish and English - Names of animals with L in Spanish
Animals that start with L - In Spanish and English - Names of animals with L in Spanish

Animal names with L in English

Now it's the turn of the animals that start with the letter L in Englishs. Do any of them sound familiar to you? Do you know their names in Spanish?


Under the name lion we find the imposing león, a carnivorous mammal that lives in Asia, Africa and the Iberian Peninsula. It is characterized by its large size and the large mane that covers the head of the males. It is in danger of extinction due to the destruction of its habitat and indiscriminate hunting.


Lizard is the word used in English to designate not only lizards, which we have already talked about, but also different species of lizards Lizards are a varied family, as they include animals as different from each other as the iguana or the Komodo dragon.

Is the Komodo dragon dangerous to humans? Feel free to find out the answer below.


Ladybird is another of the animals that begin with L in English and is used to designate the mariquita, also called vaquita de San Antonio, catita and coquito. There are about 4,500 species of this insect and they are distributed throughout the world. Although its most common body color is red with black spots, it can also be found in different shades of orange, yellow, and even white.


Under the name of lamb is designated the lamb, the offspring of the sheep when it is less than 1 year old. It is one of the animals whose records of domestication are oldest. They weigh between 5 and 25 kilos and feed on milk until they begin to taste foliage and assorted cereals.


The name lark is given to the larks, a family of birds that includes several species. They are characterized by measuring a maximum of 24 centimeters and a brown plumage with attractive designs. They are diurnal animals and feed on seeds and insects.


The lynx is the lynx, a genus of carnivorous mammals of which there are 4 different species. They live in Africa, North America, Asia and some areas of Europe. They have different shades of fur that vary between brown, yellow and gray, although some are even mottled.


Under the name lobster is the lobster, a crustacean that prefers cold waters with rocky areas to live. It measures up to 60 centimeters and weighs 4 kilos. It feeds on fish such as cod and other smaller crustaceans, and is another of the animals that begin with L in English and Spanish.


La llama refers to the mammal that bears the same name in Spanish. It is distributed in the Andean region of Peru, Argentina, Chile and Bolivia. It has been domesticated since pre-Columbian times and is characterized by its long neck and fluffy fur.

We leave you this other article so you can discover the differences between alpaca and llama.


The leech name corresponds to the leech, a class of annelids that inhabit aquatic environments, mainly freshwater. They can live up to 30 years, have a very flexible body and the species feed on everything from insects, crustaceans and worms to blood.


Leopard's name corresponds to leopard, a carnivorous mammal that is currently distributed in Africa and Europe. It weighs between 60 and 90 kilos and is characterized by its yellow fur with black spots.

Animals that begin with L - In Spanish and English - Names of animals with L in English
Animals that begin with L - In Spanish and English - Names of animals with L in English

Other animals that start with the letter L

Now that we have seen some animals that begin with L in Spanish and in English, we are going to continue with another list of names of more animals with the L:

  • Laucha
  • Shrimp
  • Sea lion
  • Large Bass

This is the last of the examples of animals that start with L that we show but, if you want to continue discovering, we encourage you to visit this other article: "Animals that start with N".

Extinct animals that begin with the letter L

After seeing examples of animals with L, we are going to see some others that, unfortunately, are extinct:

  • Zanzibar Leopard
  • Formosan Clouded Leopard
  • Atlas Lion
  • Japanese sea lion
  • Loricosaurus
  • Lukousaurus
  • Lexovisaurus
  • Leaellynosaura
  • Labrosaurus
  • Laelaps
