12 animals of Patagonia that you should know

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12 animals of Patagonia that you should know
12 animals of Patagonia that you should know
12 Animals of Patagonia
12 Animals of Patagonia

Patagonia is a geographical region located in the extreme south of South America, between Argentina and Chile. However, the term "Patagonian" goes beyond defining a space between these two countries. It is also about a cultural and historical identification of the citizens who live in this southern territory, which is deeply marked by the mixture of the ancestral heritage of native peoples, with the traditional gaucho or Creole culture, and the influence of European immigrants, such as German, English, Welsh, Spanish and many other nationals.

In addition to this cultural diversity, Patagonia also dazzles with its immense natural beauty that is crowned by a privileged biodiversity From the Atlantic oceans and Pacific to the Cordillera de los Andes: there are many species that inhabit the Patagonian ecosystems. And in this new article on our site, we want to introduce you to 12 animals of Patagonia that attract tourists and researchers from all over the world due to their very particular characteristics.

Animals of the Chilean and Argentine Patagonia

Generally, Patagonia is "divided" into two large zones or regions: the coastal or coastal zone, which is bathed by the Atlantic Ocean on the Argentine side and the Pacific Ocean on the Chilean side, and the continental or Andean-Patagonian region which includes the most central regions, with climates predominantly desert, up to the Andes Mountains, with a great predominance of humid forests and glaciers.

In addition to the differences in the landscape, it is also possible to notice that the biodiversity tends to be different in these regions. In the coastal region, we observe a clear predominance of fish, birds and aquatic mammals, while in the continental zone land mammals and species adapted to freshwater bodies, mainly lakes and lagoons, stand out.

As in both regions, we find several locations with similar microclimates and environmental conditions in both Chilean and Argentine Patagonia, it is possible to find many species that inhabit both countries. For this reason, we want to start by introducing you to the animals of the Chilean and Argentine Patagonia that could be considered of "shared origin"

1. Guanaco

The guanaco (Lama guanicoe) is one of the most representative animals of Patagonia, being popularly known as "Patagonian llama". It is a herbivorous mammal native to South America that belongs to the family of camelids, like llamas, vicuñas and alpacas. Although its population is widespread throughout the Andes Mountains, the highest concentration is found in the Patagonian region.

In fact, it is estimated that almost 95% of the world's population of guanacos is found in Argentina, where they are inhabited from the Puna in the far north of the country, to Tierra del Fuego, its southernmost province. In Chilean Patagonia, the guanaco population has experienced an alarming reduction of up to 75% in recent decades, mostly due to hunting. Currently, it is among the protected species of the country and in Chilean Patagonia, guanacos can be seen mainly in the Torres del Paine National Park, located in the Magallanes division.

12 animals of Patagonia - 1. Guanaco
12 animals of Patagonia - 1. Guanaco

two. Magellanic Penguin

Penguins are one of the most famous flightless birds and in the Patagonian region, it is possible to observe various species of penguins, mainly during migratory seasons. However, one of the most emblematic animals of Argentine and Chilean Patagonia is, without a doubt, the Magellanic penguin (Spheniscus magellanicus), also called Patagonian penguin

Each year, Magellanic penguins travel to the coast of the Patagonian region to nest with their partners, being generally monogamous. In Chile, we find one of the largest colonies in the world in the Natural Monument "Los Pingüinos", located in the Isla Magdalena National Park. It is estimated that more than 70,000 pairs of this species nest in this reserve located in the Strait of Magellan.

Already in Argentine Patagonia, Magellanic penguins usually build their nests on the coasts of the provinces of Chubut and Santa Cruz, and It is possible to observe very numerous colonies in the Valdés Peninsula, Punta Tombo and Puerto Deseado. Puntas Tombo stands out for being the largest and most studied continental penguin roost site in the world.

12 animals of Patagonia - 2. Magellanic Penguin
12 animals of Patagonia - 2. Magellanic Penguin

3. Dolphins

In Chile and Argentina, the various species of dolphins that live mainly in the cold Patagonian waters are often called "toninas" But the most common dolphins in Argentine and Chilean Patagonia are the southern dolphins and the dusky dolphins.

Dusky dolphins, also known as Fitzroy's dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obscurus), are smaller than other species of odontocete cetaceans. However, there is a great variety of sizes among the individuals of this species. In Chile, the largest individuals of Patagonia are often sighted, which can reach 2 meters in total length. Already in Argentine Patagonia, there are the smallest Fitzroy's dolphins, whose body measures about 1.7 meters long.

Although there are no precise data on its population throughout the world, in the 1990s intense sighting work was carried out in the Patagonian region, from which it has been possible to estimate that around than 7,000 specimens inhabited the southernmost waters of the American continent.

The southern dolphins (Lagenorhynchus australis), also called Antarctic dolphins, live are an endemic species of southern Patagonia, inhabiting mainly in the icy waters between Tierra del Fuego and Antarctica In general, they measure about 2 meters in length and are similar to dusky dolphins, but their faces it is dark gray in color, while that of dusky dolphins is mostly white.

12 animals of Patagonia - 3. Toninas
12 animals of Patagonia - 3. Toninas

4. Patagonian Skunk

The Patagonia skunk (Conepatus humboldtii), popularly known as Patagonia chingue, is a small mammal of the mephitidae family that lives mainly in the southern part of the Patagonian region.

These little skunks are opportunistic carnivores that maintain night habits Their diet is based on the consumption of eggs of birds and small mammals that it can easily hunt thanks to its powerful sense of smell. It can also catch insects and worms to supplement its nutrition, especially during the winter when food is scarcer.

12 animals of Patagonia - 4. Skunk of Patagonia
12 animals of Patagonia - 4. Skunk of Patagonia

5. Darwin's Rhea

The ñandúes (Rhea) are flightless birds, similar in appearance to ostriches, but smaller in size and endemic to America from the south. Currently, two species of rheas are recognized:

  • Common Rheas or American (Rhea americana), which inhabit from central Brazil to northern Argentina and eastern Paraguay.
  • Darwin's rheas or petisos (Rhea pennata), whose population is concentrated mainly in the steppes of Chilean and Argentine Patagonia.

Small rheas are relatively small, with a height of approximately 90 cm. They stand out for their speed when running, being able to reach speeds of up to 60km/h In the Patagonian region they have many names, such as short-tailed rheas, choice, Patagonian rheas, suri and Andean rheas. Unfortunately, their population has been radically reduced in recent decades and, today, the short-toed rheas are one of the animals in Patagonia at risk of extinction, mainly due to hunting.

12 animals of Patagonia - 5. Darwin's Rhea
12 animals of Patagonia - 5. Darwin's Rhea

6. Cougar

The puma (Puma concolor), well known as the "lions of America", are one of the great predators of the American continent. Currently, six subspecies of this big cat are recognized and five of them live in South America. The only subspecies that inhabits North America is Puma concolor couguar, whose population extends from Canada to Northern Nicaragua.

Among the animals of Patagonia, we find the Austral South American puma (Puma concolor puma or Puma concolor patagonica), which stands out for being the South American subspecies that best adapts to cold climates. In Chile, its population lives from the central region to the Strait of Magellan, with a special concentration in the Torres del Paine National Park In Argentina, they extend from the Center-West to South Patagonia. In both countries, their population has been alarmingly reduced thanks to hunting, and they are considered threatened or endangered species, depending on the region.

12 animals of Patagonia - 6. Puma
12 animals of Patagonia - 6. Puma

Animals of Argentine Patagonia

Now, let's talk a little more about the animals of Patagonia that are mainly found in Argentine territory Of course, this does not mean that They cannot also be seen in Chilean Patagonia, but are more frequently associated with the ecosystems and culture of Argentina. Let's see below some curiosities about these species of Argentine Patagonia.

7. Patagonian Mara

The mara (Dolichotis patagonum), also known as Patagonian hare, is a large rodent species that is considered endemic to Argentina, although it can also be found in the extreme south of Chile. Despite its popular name, the mara does not belong to the order of hares and rabbits (Lagomorpha), but is classified within the order Rodentia, in which rats, squirrels, capybaras, etc. are also found.

Maras stand out for being the largest rodents in the world, whose body weight can vary from 8 to 15 kg. In addition, they also stand out for their monogamous behavior and faithfulness to their partner, since most rodents usually mate with different individuals during the reproductive seasons.

12 animals of Patagonia - 7. Mara patagonica
12 animals of Patagonia - 7. Mara patagonica

8. Southern right whale

The Southern Right Whale (Eubalaena australis) annually arrives at the Peninsula de Valdésin mid-winter to mate with the arrival of spring. And along with them, thousands of tourists and researchers come to this extremely important nature reserve located on the coast of the Argentine province of Chubut, eager to spot them in person from the mainland or by boat.

12 animals of Patagonia - 8. Southern right whale
12 animals of Patagonia - 8. Southern right whale

9. Sea lions

The geography of the Atlantic coast of Argentine Patagonia seems to be perfect for the lifestyle of the South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). These large aquatic mammals take advantage of the rock formations and beaches under the cliffs that are so emblematic of the Patagonian coast to rest while sunbathing, with the great advantage of being able to quickly dive into the water to swim, hunt orescape from their main natural predator, killer whales

Although they can be found along almost the entire Argentine Atlantic coast and in some localities bathed by the Pacific Ocean in Chile and Peru, the most numerous and studied colonies are found in the coastal regions of the Argentine provinces of Chubut, mainly in the Peninsula de Valdes

12 animals of Patagonia - 9. Sea lions
12 animals of Patagonia - 9. Sea lions

Animals of Chilean Patagonia

Now, the time has come to talk about the Patagonian species that predominate in Chilean territory Again, we emphasize that this does not mean that may not also live on the Argentine side of the region, but are more associated with the culture and ecosystems of Chile. Let's discover then, some curiosities about the animals of the Chilean Patagonia:

10. Darwin's Fox

The Darwin's fox (Lycalopex fulvipes) is a species of canid considered endemic to southern Chile, where it is also well known as chilote fox This is a small type of fox, with a height at the withers of approximately 25 cm and an average body weight between 2.5 and 4 kg. Its fur is usually dark gray or black, with some reddish spots on the legs and ears, and may eventually be confused with the gray or shrill fox.

Unfortunately, it is considered one of the most endangered animals, on the IUCN Red List and by Greenpeace. Currently, its population is practically limited to the Isla de Chiloé and the Cordillera de Nahuelbuta, but they can also be found more widely in some National Parks in Chilean Patagonia.

12 animals of Patagonia - 10. Darwin's fox
12 animals of Patagonia - 10. Darwin's fox

eleven. Huemul

The huemul (Hippocamelus bisulcus) is such an emblematic animal in Chilewhich is considered one of its national symbols and is part of the national coat of arms of this country. This species of deer is native to the Andean regions of the Southern Cone of South America , living mainly in the forests of Chilean and Argentine Patagonia. It is also a very important animal in Argentina, having been declared a national monument in the 1990s.

Currently, the huemul is one of the animals in Patagonia at risk of extinction, thanks to the fact that it has been hunted indiscriminately for more than a century. It is estimated that there are less than 2,000 huemules in the Patagonian region and that their population has been reduced by half in the last 500 years. In Chile, its hunting, possession, capture and commercialization are prohibited by Law 19,473, being one of the most protected species in the country.

12 animals of Patagonia - 11. Huemul
12 animals of Patagonia - 11. Huemul

12. Pudu

The pudúes (Pudu) make up a genus of small cervids that are native to the Andean regions of South America. Currently, two species of pudú are recognized:

  • Northern Pudú (Pudu mephistophiles), which lives mainly in the North of South America, between Peru, Venezuela, Ecuador and Colombia.
  • Southern Pudú (Pudu puda), which lives only in the Andean forests of central-southern Chile and western Argentina.

Although it is not one of the most famous animals of Patagonia, the pudú stands out for being the smallest deer known today. Apparently, its population is only abundant in the Chiloé archipelago, which is part of the lake region in Chilean Patagonia. But pudús can also be found in Chile throughout the Araucanía and Aysen Regions In Argentina, the largest number of individuals is found inLanin National Park , in the province of Neuquén.

12 animals of Patagonia - 12. Pudú
12 animals of Patagonia - 12. Pudú

Animals of Patagonia in extinction

You should know that some of the animals that we have mentioned in this list are in danger of extinction according to the IUCN Red List, they are the following:

  • Guanaco
  • Magellanic Penguin
  • Fitzroy's Dolphins
  • Southern Dolphins
  • Patagonia Skunk
  • Common Rheas
  • Darwin's Rheas
  • Cougar
  • Patagonian Mara
  • Southern Right Whale
  • Sea Wolves
  • Darwin's Fox
  • Huemul
  • Northern Pudú
  • Southern Pudú

As you can see, all the animals mentioned are in danger of extinction, hence the importance of preserving the habitat of these species and his life style.
