Today knowing more than one language is very important. Whether for work or studies, knowing several languages has become a crucial element for the full development of the human being in modern life. Now, since you have to start with a topic, why not do it with the fauna? If you are interested in learning, don't miss this list below from our site about +20 animals with N in English and SpanishMemorizing them can be a great game for kids!
Animals with N in English
In English there are many animals whose names start with the letter N, which one do you recognize? Do you know what they are called in Spanish? Dare to discover it! Below are examples of animals with the letter N in English.
Neapolitan mastiff
The first animal with the letter n corresponds to the name of the Neapolitan mastiff, a dog breed originating in Italy. His body is solid and strong, and his personality is dominant and loyal. Formerly it was considered a war and working dog, although today it is more appreciated as a companion animal due to its family nature.
Neotropic cormorant
The Black or Neotropical Cormorant is a seabird in the United States, South America, and Central America. Although it nests in trees, it spends much of its time in shallow lakes, where it feeds on small insects and frogs.
This is the geese or Hawaii goose. It is an endemic species of the island that survives today, above all, because it has been preserved and reproduced in zoos. With short wings, it does not migrate, so it has adapted to the Hawaiian volcanic soil.
You may be interested in the following post with the Difference between goose, goose, swan and duck on our site.
This animal by the N corresponds to the enigmatic newt, a species of the salamander family whose most significant difference is that newts They live in semi-aquatic environments. They can be found almost everywhere in the world, although several of their species are extinct or in danger of extinction due to the deterioration of their habitat.
Called in Spanish atajacaminos, this animal with N a small bird that is distributed throughout almost the entire American continent, from north to south. It feeds on insects and makes great migrations. There are more than 10 subspecies of the roadkill.
What does this name sound like to you? Well, it is the common nightingale, a small bird species that lives in the forests of Asia and Europe. One of its most relevant characteristics is its melodious song, which has earned it a place in the world of literature as a source of inspiration for various poets and writers.
Nubien bee eater
The crimson bee-eater is a small African bird. It inhabits low altitude sites, where it prefers to nest in areas with bushes and wetlands. It feeds on insects and bees, which gives it its name in English: bee eater.
Curiously, this animal with N in English receives the same name in this language as in Spanish. It corresponds to a rare species of marsupial, which can only be found in some regions of Australia. It is a solitary species that feeds on termites; it is currently in danger of extinction.
Enter our article on How to protect animals in danger of extinction? and contribute your grain of sand to prevent them from disappearing.
Nuthatch red breasted
This animal with N is the Canadian nuthatch in Spanish, a bird native to North America. The pitch of their song is compared to that of a tin instrument. Currently this animal by the N is a protected species, although it is at minimal risk of extinction.
Its name in Spanish varies by a single letter: niala It is an antelope native to Africa. These animals with the letter N have horns or antlers almost a meter long, in the case of males, in addition to a long mane or mane, so we are facing an example of sexual dimorphism.

Animals with N in Spanish
Now it is the turn of the animals whose names begin with the letter N in Spanish. And you, how many of them do you know? Keep reading and discover examples of animals with the letter N in Spanish:
It is a cetacean whose most distinctive feature is a crest or hornthat protrudes from its head, and that can measure up to a meter in length. It inhabits the cold waters of the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans, where it feeds on fish and other marine animals such as crustaceans.
Don't miss this other article on our site about Cetaceans: meaning, types and characteristics.
Also called muergo, it is a mollusc that can be found in the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. It feeds on plankton and lives buried in the sand, in holes that it digs on its own.
The truth is that this animal with N in Spanish encompasses at least 5 species of molluscs, of which 2 are already extinct. These animals for the N in Spanish can be found in the Pacific Ocean and in the Indigo. You may be interested in taking a look at the following post about the Types of molluscs: characteristics and examples that exist.
Also called velvet, it is a snake native to Central and South America. It can reach almost two meters and lives in forests and humid jungles. It should be noted that this animal with the letter N has a venomous bite, although it has low mortality.
It is a crustacean very similar to a crab. It feeds on algae and fish that the tide drags to the rocks where it lives; their habits are nocturnal. Don't miss the crustacean molting cycle in this post that we recommend.
This animal for N is also known as water dog. It is a amphibian whose size varies according to the type of water in which it grows: in warm climates it increases in size, while it decreases in cold waters.
This is a species of duck found in Europe, Asia and Greenland. The male is almost completely black, while the females have a brown coloration in their plumage. It is mostly aquatic.
How to take care of a duck? Discover the answer.
It is a antelope originally from India, but since the last century it can also be found in certain regions of the United States. It is a calm animal, one of a kind, capable of running nearly thirty miles per hour when threatened.
This is a large bat, originally from Europe. Little is known about it, but it inhabits forests of ancient trees, where it makes its shelters in hollow logs. It feeds on insects and small birds.
We tell you about the Types of bats and their characteristics in the next article on our site.
This name includes 13 different species of otter, spread over South America, Africa and Asia. They are animals that thrive both on land and in water, very attractive to the eye. They feed on fish and other small animals that they find in the river beds.
Learn about the types of otters that exist, here.

Names of animals with N extinct
We have already seen more than one animal that starts with N today, but what about those that are extinct? The truth is that millions of years ago some species of animals with the letter N lived on the face of the Earth, which we are now going to name you.
Here are some examples of animal names with extinct N:
- Nanosaurus
- Nanotyrannus
- Nanshiungosaurus
- Neosodon
- Neosaurus
- Nemegtosaurus
- Neuquensaurus
- Ngexisaurus
- Nipponosaurus
- Notoceratops
- Nodosaurus
- Noasaurus
- Nouerosaurus
- Nyasasaurus
- Nukupuu
- Nuthetes
Other animal names in Spanish and English
In addition to these names of animals that begin with N in Spanish and English, you may be interested:
- Animals that start with L - In Spanish and English.
- Animals that start with E - In Spanish and English.
- Animal names with J in Spanish and English.
- Animals starting with I.