Cat AMERICAN WIREHAIR - Characteristics, Care, Photos

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Cat AMERICAN WIREHAIR - Characteristics, Care, Photos
Cat AMERICAN WIREHAIR - Characteristics, Care, Photos
cat american wirehair
cat american wirehair

The American wirehair cat is one of the newest and at the same time most special breeds of our days. It is also called the American Wirehaired Cat and has an appearance as adorable as it is particular. These precious felines seem to have come to stay, as their affable and loyal character has conquered all those who have been able to live with one of them. Long-lived and very suitable for families with children, these cats have a lot to tell, will you stay to meet them?

Keep reading and discover all about the american wirehair cat, its main characteristics, its basic care, its character and possible he alth problems.

Origin of the American wirehair cat

The American wirehair emerged relatively recently, since it was in the 1960s Back in 1966, when in a family American resident in New York her cat had a very special litter, since one of her kittens had a different coat than the rest. This hair was curly and very very coarse.

This first rough-haired or wire-haired cat was sold to a breeder who decided to develop the breed, since she had won her heart that kitten with her peculiarities. To avoid birth defects and inbreeding problems, American Wirehaired cats were crossed with American Shorthairs. In this way, the number of American Wirehair specimens grew, the breed being recognized in 1978 by entities such as the Cat Fancy Association.

Characteristics of the American wirehair cat

American wirehairs are medium-sized cats, weighing between 6 and 8 kilograms for males and 4.3 to 5.5 for females. They are very long-lived cats, as they can even live for more than 20 years, with 20 being the average life expectancy of American wirehair cats.

The body of these felines has a highly developed musculature, with strong and resistant limbs. Its tail, like its legs, is of medium length. The head is round in shape, ending in a short snout with a somewhat prominent chin. The eyes are quite large, separated from each other, also round and very bright, the colors are varied depending on the animal's coat. The ears are medium in size, ending in round tips and narrow at the base.

As for the hair of the american wirehair, we have to say that this is very special, as it tends to attract attention due to its roughness. It is wired and curly all over the body, the intensity of the curl varying according to the area. His mustaches are also made of hard hair and something very peculiar is that, like the rest of his coat, they are curly.

American wirehair cat colors

The colors of the hair of the American wirehair cat are very varied, with no restrictions in terms of shades and patterns. Thus, all colors and patterns are accepted in this cat breed.

American wirehair cat character

American Wirehair kittens are known to be extremely affectionate cats. So much so, that sometimes their pleas for pampering and attention can become pure impositions, being quite imperative when they seek the affection of their humans.

Despite being so attentive and affectionate with those he meets, the American Wirehair is quite reserved, very reluctant to allow himself to be petted or touched by strangers, because it takes time to gain confidence with strangers. If you have just adopted an American Wirehair and this happens to you, do not hesitate to consult the following article: "How to gain a cat's trust".

These kittens are extremely alert and intelligent, they love games, especially those that enhance the development of their intellect and skills. For this reason, we can prepare hunting or search games for our wirehair, as well as different feline puzzles, since they will enjoy them very much, especially if we also participate in the game.

American wirehair cat care

As for the care that an American Wirehair needs, its coat does not require much attention, as its hardness gives it the characteristic of not getting tangled and with weekly brushingto remove the dirt that may have accumulated will be more than enough. About the bathrooms, it is recommended to limit them to those occasions in which they are totally and strictly necessary. If you need to bathe it, we must use a suitable shampoo for use in cats, also taking into account the type of fur for which the product is made.

Wirehairs are extremely active and energetic, so one of their basic needs, along with proper nutrition and sufficient hydration, is to perform physical activity at diary To do this, it is advisable that he has enough space to move around, as well as toys and hobbies that allow him to be entertained, either to play with us or when he is alone.

American wirehair cat he alth

American wirehairs stand out for having really good he alth, we must also take into account that it is a very recent breed, so diseases to which they are more prone may be discovered later or prone to them than other races. So far, what has been seen is that they have somewhat delicate skin, suffering from different skin conditions, such as dermatitis, so we have to provide them with food adequate, rich in vitamins and minerals that keep your skin and your he alth in general in good condition.

It is also very important to take your American Wirehair cat to the vet regularly. It is recommended that the first visit be made when they are just one puppy. In this way, they will be able to carry out all the diagnostic tests and take preventive measures such as vaccinations and deworming, which will keep a large number of diseases at bay.

In addition, as in all other feline breeds, it will be vital to keep their fur, eyes, mouth, nails and ears clean and in good condition, going to the veterinarian as soon as the slightest anomaly is detected, since so we can solve it as soon as possible and avoid complications of various kinds.
