American Akita care

American Akita care
American Akita care
American Akita care
American Akita care

The American Akita comes from the Matagi Akitas dogs, originally from Japan and of which we find the oldest references close to the year 1603. The Matagi Akitas were used for bear hunting and were later used as war dogs.

Centuries later they were crossed with tosa inu dogs and mastiffs, giving rise to various types of akita dogs that were then classified according to the use they were given. The American Akita follows a bloodline originating in the United States and Comes from the crossbreeding of Akita dogs with German Shepherds

If you are passionate about this breed of dog and you are considering fostering a dog with these characteristics, in this article on our site we will talk about the care of the American Akita.

Puppy socialization

Any puppy must be socialized so that in his adult stage he can have a stable and balanced behavior, however, this need takes on a greater importancewhen we talk about the American Akita. Why? Very simply, it is a strong, robust dog, resistant to pain and very territorial.

Socialization is especially important to be able to balance these characteristics in an adult dog, let's see below the most important aspects to take into account when we want to socialize an American Akita puppy:

  • You must have a strong toy that is suitable for dogs, because he loves to chewand you must channel this energy with the right accessories. Find out how to teach your puppy to bite.
  • From a young age you should begin to make contact with the entire human family, including, of course, the youngest members of the household.
  • The earlier you start to get used to the presence of other dogs and animals, the better. We must bear in mind that the American Akita is very territorial, especially with male dogs, therefore, it must enjoy the company of other animals from the first stages of its life, to later have a balanced character. Sterilization is highly recommended.
American Akita care - Puppy socialization
American Akita care - Puppy socialization

Exercise, discipline and affection

The American Akita needs a self-confident owner who knows how to properly apply his authority, with character and the ability to provide a optimal training and training, which obviously should always be based on positive reinforcement. Practicing training on a daily basis will be basic and fundamental.

Controlled physical exercise in the company of its owner will provide the American Akita with an excellent resource to manage its stress and balance its character, in addition, exercise also acts as a disciplinary method that brings multiple benefits to our pet.

Finally we must mention that the Akita (both the American and the Japanese) is a dog that is characterized by having a total devotion and loy alty towards its human family, this means that along with proper training, we must provide enough affection, attention, games and company, only then will we have a completely happy and he althy dog.

American Akita Coat Care

The American Akita has a double coat that effectively insulates it from the cold; Periodic brushing will be of great importance so as not to have to increase baths (which we will always do with a specific shampoo for dogs) and to maintain the functionality of the coat in perfect condition.

To do this, it will suffice to carry out a weekly brushing which should be daily in spring and autumn, because during these seasons a shedding in the coat.

During the moulting season, daily brushing will also help us monitor the process, since some specimens are prone to eczema in this period, but it should not be given greater importance if we control the moult to ensure that it is carried out without any problem.

American Akita care - American Akita coat care
American Akita care - American Akita coat care

Other care for the American Akita

The American Akita has a life expectancy of about 10 years, however, With proper care it can live up to 12 years, if it is your desire to enjoy a long-lived dog, you should also take into account these tips that will help you provide your Akita with the best care:

  • We must avoid the accumulation of tartar on the teeth and gums, to do so we must periodically carry out oral hygiene with specific toothpaste and brush for dogs. It is convenient to get him used to this routine from an early age.
  • You need to feed through a specific food for large dogs, which mainly helps you avoid joint diseases and nourishes such important structures like cartilage. The right feed will also help keep their coat in optimal condition.
  • Obviously, it needs the generic care that we would apply to any other dog, such as following the vaccination program and undergoing regular veterinary check-ups.
