AMERICAN AKITA - Characteristics, character and care (with PHOTOS)

AMERICAN AKITA - Characteristics, character and care (with PHOTOS)
AMERICAN AKITA - Characteristics, character and care (with PHOTOS)
American Akita
American Akita

The American Akita is a variant of the Akita Inu originating from the northern and mountainous regions of Japan. The American strain is known simply as Akita. This variant of the breed shows all kinds of colors unlike the Japanese Akita. It is a very cold-resistant breed.

If you are thinking of adopting an American Akita, you have come to the right place. In this tab of our site we are going to give you a general review of the character, characteristics, education and care of the American Akita. Keep reading!

Origin of the American Akita

The origin of the American Akita dates back to 1603, when the first American Akitas (then Matagi Akitas) were used. such as fighting dogs, as well as being trained to hunt bear, wild boar and deer in Japan. Two centuries later, beginning in 1868, American Akitas were interbred with German Shepherds, Tosa Inus, and English Mastiffs, giving rise to the modern American Akita.

Over time, the American Akita was bred as a working and sporting dog, though it was eventually isolated to work alone or in pairs. Today, the American Akita is considered a PPP breed in various countries such as Spain. For this reason, we must have the license, civil liability insurance and always use the muzzle and leash in public spaces.

Characteristics of the American Akita

If you want to adopt an American Akita you should know that the main difference is that it is thicker and more imposing than the Akita Inu, it is even somewhat over height and weight. It has a triangular shaped head with triangular ears also splitz type. The truffle of the nose is completely black. The eyes are black and small As a Pomeranian breed, the American Akita has a double-layered coat, which protects it very well from the cold and gives it a majestic appearance adding to the style a tail that is linked to the back. Discover on our site how to care for the coat of an American Akita.

The males, as in almost all breeds, are usually somewhat larger than the females (up to 10 centimeters taller) but in summary they range between 61 and 71 centimeters. The weight of the American Akita is between 32 and 59 kilograms.

American Akita Colors

There are variety of colors of the American Akita dog, including:

  • Pinto.
  • White.
  • Black.
  • Gray.

American Akita Character

The American Akita is a territorial dog that tends to patrol the home or property. He tends to have an independent characterand a very reserved attitude with strangers. Some people find similarities with the behavior of cats.

They are somewhat dominant in their relationship with other dogs and tremendously faithful to their family, which they will never harm and will protect above all else. For this reason we recommend socializing our American Akita as a puppy, because in the face of a violent attack or an attitude that may be interpreted as evil, our dog may show a bad reaction.

All this will depend on the education we offer, among other things. At home he is a dog docile, distant and calmIn addition, he has an affinity and patience in contact with children. He is a dog brave, protective, bold and intelligentHe is spontaneous and requires an experienced handler who knows how to guide him in training and basic commands

American Akita He alth

This is a very weather resistant breed but they do suffer from some genetic diseases and are sensitive to certain medications. The most common diseases that we have to take into account are hip dysplasia and knee dysplasiaIt can also suffer hypothyroidism and retinal atrophy in older specimens.

As happens with other dogs, the he alth of the American Akita can be enhanced thanks to the food we offer him, the care he receives on a daily basis and proper follow-up of the dog's vaccination plan.

American Akita care

They are very clean dogs and groom themselves regularly after eating, playing, etc. Even so, it is important that we take care of its prominent coat, brushing it daily and especially during the moulting season so that it is perfect. We will bathe him every month and a half or two months We will also take care of his nails and trim them when necessary.

The American Akita is a very active dog, so we should take him out for a walk at least 2 or 3 times a day, complementing the walk with exercise for adult dogs.

They love to play and chew since they are young and discover what they can do. Provide him with one or more teethers as well as toys to keep him entertained when you're not around.

American Akita Behavior

In general, many people say that the American Akita is a very appropriate dog for families with children It's true that although they are PPP dogs or very independent, in general, they are dogs very integrated into the family nucleus that will let their ears be pulled and will not hesitate to protect the smallest and most vulnerable of the house from strangers.

Regarding behavior with other dogs, the Akita is usually somewhat intolerant of dogs of the same sex if he is not properly socialized. They can be dominant or aggressive otherwise. To have a he althy and happy American Akita dog, we encourage you to read this other article on educating an American Akita.

American Akita Training

The American Akita is a very intelligent dog that will learn all kinds of commands. If we try to educate her or teach her tricks without being her caretaker, she probably won't listen to us. It also has the aptitude to be a good hunting dog, since up until the middle of the 20th century it continued to carry out this type of task, we do not recommend using it for this because it can trigger attitudes negative ones that are complicated to deal with.

Currently it is used as a companion dog and even a rescue dog. Because of his intelligence, he also develops therapy exercises, developing functions such as reducing the feeling of loneliness, stimulating the ability to concentrate, improving memory, wanting to exercise, etc. It is also a suitable dog for activities such as Agility or Schutzhund. Find out how to get started in Agility with him.

If you are thinking of adopting an American Akita, we encourage you to ask at protectors and associations of animals in case they have a copy of this beautiful breed. In some regions, there are also organizations that take care of recovering and putting American Akitas up for adoption.

American Akita Photos
