Discus fish care

Discus fish care
Discus fish care
Discus Care
Discus Care

Discus fish are one of the most valued species by aquarium lovers. The discus fish - Symphysodon - is a cichlid that comes from the Amazon River. It is a species that, due to its temperament and constitution, requires that the aquariums where it will reside be very well adapted to its physical needs. The temperature, the pH, the hardness of the water plus the vegetables and decorations of the habitat, must have specific and adjusted specifications so that the discus fish do not suffer from diseases.

If you continue reading this article on our site, you will discover all our indications about the main discus fish care.

The aquarium

The aquarium required to enjoy discus fish must have a minimum capacity of 300 liters The constant temperature of the water must be 28º, below 26º the discus gets sick. Its pH will be 6, and the hardness index, that is, Gh, must be 5, which corresponds to soft water.

Aquarium decoration

The discus fish is native to the Amazon River. Its habitat is slow waters, somewhat cloudy and with a stagnant current. Piranhas proliferate in this type of water and discus fish require dense underwater vegetation to protect themselves from the voracious piranhas. For this reason, the aquarium must have appropriate plants.

On the surface there will be floating plants of the Salvinia or Pistia type, whose function will be to dim the fluorescent light that excessively bothers the discus fish. Basically, the recommended plants will be Ambulias, Anubias, and Echinodorus. The sand will be adorned with "chinas", that is, small stones with rounded edges due to the abrasion of the river current. Some logs without sharp parts will complete the decoration.

There must be enough free space in the aquarium for the discus fish to swim freely.

Discus fish care - Aquarium decoration
Discus fish care - Aquarium decoration

Complementary Fish

Discus fish, as is the case with the vast majority of cichlids, are aggressive fish towards their own species and towards others. However, while they are small they can coexist with other smaller fish so that the aquarium does not look so empty.

The red nose, neon, cardinal and ghost tetras will be small shoal fish that will be able to live with the discus for a while. As ground fish, plecos and corydoras are ideal for this type of aquarium.

Discus Fish Care - Complementary Fish
Discus Fish Care - Complementary Fish

The Dominant Discus

Discus fish are aggressive fish towards each other There is always one that will become the dominant fish that will have its own territory and will be the first to eat A 300 liter aquarium can house three specimens of discus fish. But this small number has a danger: if the dominant male is joined by an also dominant female, the third specimen will have a "hard time", and may even die from the stress caused by the fierce couple. For this reason it is advisable to increase the aquarium inhabitants by one or two more discus fish. In this way, the pressure and stress will be diluted a little. If this is done, keep in mind that each new discus fish will require an additional 100 litres.

Discus Fish Care - The Dominant Discus Fish
Discus Fish Care - The Dominant Discus Fish

Discus Feeding

Without a doubt, one of the fundamental pillars of discus fish care is feeding. In aquarium shops they sell specific food for discus fish, both live (tubifex), and in scales. Your veterinarian should advise you on the most suitable types of food for your discus fish.

It is convenient to feed them twice a day,varying the food so that their diet is balanced. Once a week it is recommended that you fast.

Aquarium Maintenance

To offer our discus fish the best care, we must take into account the following indications:

  • Every day the temperature, acidity and hardness of the aquarium water will be checked, immediately correcting any deviations observed.
  • Weekly 10% of the water will be partially changed to control the level of nitrates and keep them low.
