CANINE CORONAVIRUS - Symptoms, Treatment and Contagion

CANINE CORONAVIRUS - Symptoms, Treatment and Contagion
CANINE CORONAVIRUS - Symptoms, Treatment and Contagion
Canine coronavirus - Symptoms, treatment and contagion
Canine coronavirus - Symptoms, treatment and contagion

When we make the important decision to welcome a dog into our home, we are accepting the responsibility of covering all its physical, mental and social needs, something that we will undoubtedly gladly do, since the emotional bond that is created between a pet and its owner is very special and strong.

Dogs require periodic he alth checks, as well as following the recommended vaccination schedule, however, even meeting these basic premises is It is very possible that our dog gets sick, so it is very important to be aware of all those signs that warn us about a possible pathology. On this occasion, on our site we talk about the symptoms and treatment of canine coronavirus, an infectious disease that, although it evolves favourably, also requires veterinary attention as soon as possible possible.

What is canine coronavirus?

Canine coronavirus is a pathogen of a viral nature that causes an infectious disease in dogs regardless of age, breed or other factors, although it is true that puppies are more susceptible to contracting this infection. It belongs to the Coronaviridae family and the most frequent species in dogs is the Aplhacoronavirus 1, which is part of the genus Alphacoronavirus.

This is a disease with an acute course. To better understand this concept, we can compare it to the cold that humans usually suffer from, since the coronavirus is a viral disease, with no cure, that only has to be passed and that is self-limited, that is, with aacute course and no possibility of chronification

Canine coronavirus incubation period

The symptoms of the disease begin to manifest after the incubation period, which usually lasts between 24 and 36 hours It is about a disease as contagious as it is prevalent, although if it is treated in time it does not usually present any complications or subsequent sequelae.

Does COVID-19 affect dogs?

The coronavirus that affects dogs is different from the feline coronavirus and, also, different from the COVID-19 disease, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. Since this newly discovered strain is still being studied, it cannot be confirmed or denied that it affects dogs. The WHO tells us that there is still no evidence to indicate that this coronavirus is contagious to dogs, however, it is always advisable to take certain hygiene measures and go to the veterinarian in case of any symptoms.

What hygiene measures are recommended? Wash your hands frequently, also before and after touching animals, and follow the advice of the authorities of each country.

Canine coronavirus symptoms

The symptoms of coronavirus in dogs often coincide with those of coronavirus in humans, however, not all signs are the same. The most common in dogs are the following:

  • Temperature above 40 ºC
  • Loss of appetite and weight
  • Tremors
  • Lethargy
  • Vomiting
  • Dehydration
  • Abdominal pain
  • Sudden, foul-smelling diarrhoea, with blood and mucus

Fever is the most representative symptom of canine coronavirus, as well as fluid loss through vomiting or diarrhea. As we can see, all the clinical signs described could coincide with other pathologies, so it is important to go to the vet as soon as possible to obtain an accurate diagnosis.

On the other hand, it is possible that the dog is infected and does not show all the symptoms mentioned, a fact that further enhances the importance of going to the clinic. The success of the treatment of coronavirus in dogs will depend, to a large extent, on the speed with which it is acted.

Canine coronavirus - Symptoms, treatment and contagion - Canine coronavirus symptoms
Canine coronavirus - Symptoms, treatment and contagion - Canine coronavirus symptoms

How is the coronavirus spread in dogs?

Canine coronavirus is excreted through faeces, so the route of contagion by which this viral load passes from one dog to another is through the faecal-oral contact, being an important risk group all those dogs that present a behavioral alteration called coprophagia, which consists of ingesting feces.

Once the canine coronavirus has entered the body and the incubation period has been completed, it attacks the microvilli of the intestine (cells essential for the absorption of nutrients) and causes the loss of their functionality, which suddenly causes diarrhea and inflammation of the digestive system.

Canine coronavirus - Symptoms, treatment and contagion - How is coronavirus spread in dogs?
Canine coronavirus - Symptoms, treatment and contagion - How is coronavirus spread in dogs?

Does the canine coronavirus spread to humans?

The coronavirus that only affects dogs, that is, the Aplhacoronavirus 1, is not contagious to humans As we said, this is a virus that can only be transmitted between dogs, so if you're wondering if canine coronavirus spreads to cats, the answer is no.

Now then, if there were a case of COVID-19 infection in dogs, what yes it is a zoonotic disease, yes it could spread to humans. However, as we have indicated previously, it is still being studied whether dogs can be infected or not and, therefore, the WHO maintains that there is no scientific evidence to show that domestic animals, such as dogs and cats, can contract this disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 or transmit it.

How to cure canine coronavirus? - Treatment

The treatment of canine coronavirus is palliative, since there is no cure except to wait for the disease to finish running its natural course. Treatment basically focuses on relieving symptoms and preventing possible complications.

Having said the above, when in doubt about how to treat the canine coronavirus, we see that the answer is through symptomatic treatment methods, alone or in combination, depending on each specific case. In general, treatments for canine coronavirus include:

  • Fluids: in case of severe dehydration, they are used to replenish the animal's body fluids lost through vomiting or diarrhea.
  • Appetite stimulants: allow the dog to continue eating, thus avoiding a state of starvation.
  • Antivirals: they act by decreasing the viral load.
  • Antibiotics: intended to control secondary infections that could have been caused by the action of the virus.
  • Prokinetics: Prokinetics are those drugs intended to improve the processes of the digestive tract, we can include mucosal protectors in this group gastric, antidiarrheals and antiemetics, designed to prevent vomiting.

The veterinarian is the only person qualified to recommend a pharmacological treatment to our pet and this must be used following the specific instructions given to us in the clinic.

Canine coronavirus vaccine

Currently, does not exist a vaccine against canine coronavirus that acts as a cure. What does exist is a preventive vaccine made with modified live virus that allows giving the animal enough immunity to protect you against this disease. However, the fact of being vaccinated against the canine coronavirus does not mean that the animal has total immunity, that is, it can still be infected but, with great probability, the clinical signs will be milder and the recovery process shorter.

So, is the coronavirus curable?

That there is no cure for canine coronavirus does not mean that the animal cannot be cured. In fact, the mortality rate of the canine coronavirus is very low and usually includes those dogs that are immunosuppressed, older or puppies. That said, the coronavirus in dogs is curable

Care for a dog with coronavirus

Apart from the treatment against canine coronavirus stipulated by the veterinarian, it is important to take into account certain measures in order to prevent the virus from spreading to other dogs and to promote an adequate recovery of the sick dog. These measures are as follows:

  • Keep the sick dog isolated As we say, establishing a "quarantine" period until the animal completely eliminates the virus is essential to avoid further infections. Likewise, since the virus is transmitted through faeces, it is essential to collect them correctly and, if possible, disinfect the area.
  • Give foods rich in prebiotics and probiotics Both prebiotics and probiotics help restore the dog's intestinal flora and strengthen the immune system, for this reason it is important to offer them during a recovery process like this, in which the virus has no other cure than to promote the immune system so that it can fight it.
  • Establish a suitable diet A correct diet can also help strengthen the immune system of the dog with coronavirus, in addition to avoiding possible malnutrition. Also, making sure you drink water is very important to treat dehydration.
  • Avoid stress. Stressful situations can greatly harm the clinical picture, therefore, when it comes to fighting the canine coronavirus, it must be taken into account that the animal must remain as calm and calm as possible.
Canine coronavirus - Symptoms, treatment and contagion - Caring for a dog with coronavirus
Canine coronavirus - Symptoms, treatment and contagion - Caring for a dog with coronavirus

How long does canine coronavirus last?

The duration of the canine coronavirus in the dog's body is variable. The recovery time will depend entirely on each case, on the animal's immune system, on whether it presents secondary infections or, on the other hand, improves without difficulties, etc. Of course, throughout this process it is essential to keep the dog isolated from other dogs to avoid a possible spread of the virus. Despite noticing the animal much better, it is preferable to avoid this contact until we are completely sure that the virus has been eliminated.

Canine coronavirus prevention

After seeing that there is no cure for the canine coronavirus and that its treatment is symptomatic, the most appropriate thing in all cases is to try to prevent its spread. Preventing the canine coronavirus requires only simple but completely necessary actions to maintain the he alth status of our pet:

  • Continue with the established vaccination schedule.
  • Maintain optimal hygiene conditions in our dog's accessories, such as toys or blankets.
  • Treat coprophagia with the help of a dog trainer or ethologist, if any.
  • Avoid contact with sick dogs, although this point is the most complicated because it is not always possible to know that they are infected.
  • Offer quality feed to ensure that the animal has a strong immune system.

We must also remember that practicing the physical exercise that the dog needs will help keep the immune system in good condition.

COVID-19 and dogs - Hygiene measures

Although there is still no evidence that dogs can suffer from this disease and/or transmit it, the WHO, the different official veterinary colleges and the Directorate General for Animal Rights suggest carrying out a series of hygiene measures as prevention. These measures are designed both for general contact with other people and for handling animals, whether or not they are sick. They are as follows:
