If you have or have ever had a parakeet, you may have noticed his sociable attitude and that he loves spending time with you or with other birds. This cheerful character, together with the showiness of their plumage and their easy care, has made parakeets an increasingly common pet.
Although their song is not as musical as that of other birds, their ability to imitate sounds and their joy have earned these birds a place among the most desired pets. This joy makes us sometimes wonder if parakeets like music or other sounds, so in this article on our site we are going to give you the keys so you know the answer.
Parakeets and music
Parakeets are birds with an open and happy character, who love to constantly chirp and chirp and thus show their joy. In addition, they are very sociable, so they like to have company and to be paid attention to,in fact, when we cannot be with them for too long it is recommended that they have a couple so they don't feel alone.
Given their noisy and sociable nature, we have to state that parakeets like music They love to hear all kinds of noises and feel accompanied constantly, so if you play songs it's quite common for them to get happy and even dance, making funny movements with their heads.
You must bear in mind that this attitude will also depend on the type of parakeet you have. For example, English budgerigars are much quieter and more shy than budgerigars, for example, so they may not dance or be as active if you play music for them. That doesn't mean they don't enjoy it, it's just that they aren't as expressive.

The genes of happiness
There is a study from the University of Helsinki published in 2015 that showed that classical music modifies the brain chemical structure of people who listen to it. In other words, thanks to the music, the genes were activated that secrete the dopamine hormone, which generates happiness, and one of these genes is alpha synuclein, that humans share with songbirds. This can confirm that if listening to music makes us happy, this type of birds does too.
So it can be said that parakeets like music, it makes them happy and active, so don't hesitate to share your favorite songs with them, you can that they even learn to sing it.

Parakeets and happiness
Not only music, noisy and crowded environments make parakeets very happy due to their sociable nature. They like to listen to the TV or the radio and may even imitate sounds and words.
Remember that even if you play music or leave the television on, the parakeet is a very active animal that needs entertainment, so it should have several games and objects to exercise withAlso, if you have enough space, your buddy will be much happier if he shares his cage with another parakeet.