Can I sleep with my rabbit?

Can I sleep with my rabbit?
Can I sleep with my rabbit?
Can I sleep with my rabbit?
Can I sleep with my rabbit?

Many people are rabbit lovers and prefer to have them as a pet instead of choosing a dog or cat. These animals look like amusing little clouds, furry and chubby like stuffed animals that cause caressing and hugging all day. For this reason, there are those who ask themselves the question: " can I sleep with my rabbit?".

While it may be comfortable for some, and after a while a rabbit can get used to anything, especially jumping from a certain height and then returning to lie down to sleep, it is important to take into account some considerations before putting him up to sleep in bed. So, if you have a rabbit and you are one of those who wonders whether or not you can sleep with it, continue reading this new article on our site where we will tell you what is the most convenient for the rest and well-being of both your pet and the yours.

Sleep with my rabbit or not sleep? Quite a dilemma

The truth is that there is nothing transcendental that prohibits you from sleeping with your rabbit, it will not be like sleeping with a snake or a lizard. Finally, everything will depend on how well trained your rabbit is, how clean and he althy it is. However, as much as you have covered all of the above, it is key that you take into account some aspects prior to making the decision On our site we will tell you what they are:

  • Hair and some germs from rabbits could lead to respiratory and allergy problems over time. If you have allergies, asthma or symptoms (sneezing, red nose), do not let your rabbit sleep in your bed because your condition could worsen.
  • Rabbits do not sleep day or night. They are considered crepuscular animals, that is, they are more active at dawn and dusk. Your rabbit will not follow your natural sleep rhythm. As we mentioned before, it will be very active during the night (peak time between 12-2 am) and early in the morning (between 5 and 6 am). While you want to sleep comfortably and rest, your bunny will be running, jumping, chewing, eating and exploring, which will surely interfere with your sleep.
  • If your rabbit is not used to doing its business in a particular place that you have arranged for it, it could choose your bed as a bathroom and during the night it could urinate and defecate in it. Also, remember that your rabbit will also want to mark territory with urine. Rabbits can be house trained like cats, but even when they are well housed they can still have some accidents. However, rabbits are very clean animals, if you have a particular place where he can get used to it, you may not even need to educate him.
Can I sleep with my rabbit? - To sleep with my rabbit or not to sleep? quite a dilemma
Can I sleep with my rabbit? - To sleep with my rabbit or not to sleep? quite a dilemma

Your rabbit is very fluffy and cute but…

Surely when looking at your sweet and adorable rabbit you want to offer him the best care and provide him with as much comfort as possible, hence you wonder if you can sleep with your rabbit. However, to finish deciding the most suitable option for you and for him, do not forget the following points:

  • Rabbits are mischievous and therefore your will seek to play with you at night. He might even bite your ears or toes for attention.
  • Rabbits are delicate creatures, therefore one of the biggest concerns as a rabbit owner (small to normal size) is harm to your pet, and the fear of rolling and crush it, without realizing it, during sleep. This fear is reduced if the animal is a very large breed rabbit, such as the Flemish Giant rabbit.
  • If you feel like you should try to sleep with your rabbit, try placing your mattress on the floor to give your bed less height and prevent your rabbit from falling and getting injured.
  • Maybe one morning you forget that your rabbit is very comfortable under the covers, or you're just not paying attention, and you might roll him up in the fabric, put him in the washing machine, dirty clothes or catapult him when you make your bed and your furry pet goes flying.

If after considering the previous notes you have decided that you cannot sleep with your rabbit, don't worry, there is another alternative. Many are the ones who ask themselves this question because they can't bear to see their pet sleeping in a cage. Well, to avoid this, you have the option of purchasing a rabbit bed and placing it right next to yours. In this way, even if you don't sleep in the same bed as him, you will feel that you have him close and that he also enjoys a comfortable mattress.
