Care 2024, October

Where should a dog sleep? - PUPPY AND ADULT

Where should a dog sleep? - PUPPY AND ADULT

Where should a dog sleep at home? Find out if there is a difference between where a 2-month-old or a 3-month-old puppy should sleep. We also tell you how many hours a dog sleeps

Siberian Husky Puppy - Feeding and Care Guide

Siberian Husky Puppy - Feeding and Care Guide

Siberian Husky puppy. We teach you all the care of the Siberian husky puppy and how to feed it correctly to promote its proper development

How to stimulate a puppy to defecate? - Steps to follow

How to stimulate a puppy to defecate? - Steps to follow

How to stimulate a puppy to defecate?. Although the ideal is for the puppies to stay with their mother for a minimum of 8 weeks, sometimes we can find puppies

How do I know if my DOG is COLD and how to PROTECT IT?

How do I know if my DOG is COLD and how to PROTECT IT?

How do I know if my dog is cold? If you have noticed that your dog has a cold body, shivering or dry skin, it is possible that he is cold and needs help

How to make your dog happy? - 10 Essential Keys

How to make your dog happy? - 10 Essential Keys

How to make your dog happy? Find out how to make your dog love you with these tips. Making your dog happy is very simple and will allow you to strengthen the bond with him. play, pamper

How to take care of your cat in winter? - 5 ESSENTIAL TIPS

How to take care of your cat in winter? - 5 ESSENTIAL TIPS

Beyond the preferences of each feline, low temperatures can cause numerous he alth complications, from a simple cold to the risk of hypothermia

Toxic plants for horses

Toxic plants for horses

Toxic plants for horses. He alth can be defined as that complete state of well-being that allows us to enjoy an optimal quality of life, not only us beings

Dog ear massages

Dog ear massages

Massages on the dog's ears. Motivating and betting on a good rapport between owner and owner is essential to achieve good results in coexistence and training

My dog does not sleep at night

My dog does not sleep at night

My dog does not sleep at night. A very common problem is dogs that do not let their owners sleep. Either because they have insomnia or because they cry, especially when they are

Care for newborn rabbits

Care for newborn rabbits

Care for newborn rabbits. Rabbit pups, also known as kits, are very vulnerable when they are born. Normally rabbits are very good mothers, so if I enjoy

Make a bone for the dog at home - 5 steps

Make a bone for the dog at home - 5 steps

Make a bone for the dog at home. Bones for dogs, whether natural, cowhide or toy, are a great way for your pet to exercise his teeth by acquiring

15 Christmas gifts for dogs - The best ideas

15 Christmas gifts for dogs - The best ideas

Christmas gifts for dogs. If you don't know what to give your dog for Christmas, you can offer him a comfortable bed or new toys, but the best gift for him will always be your company

Tips to gain a dog's trust

Tips to gain a dog's trust

Tips for gaining a dog's trust. Tips on how to gain the trust of an abused dog or how to gain the trust of a stray or timid dog. Take note

How to inject a dog? - Process explained step by step

How to inject a dog? - Process explained step by step

In this AnimalWised article we will explain how to inject a dog step by step, also showing you several factors to take into account. Of course, remember that you can only inject a

How to bathe a sphynx cat or hairless cat? - STEP BY STEP

How to bathe a sphynx cat or hairless cat? - STEP BY STEP

Discover step by step HOW TO BATH A SPHYNX CAT OR HAIRLESS CAT. All about this unique breed and its BODY HYGIENE! Do not miss it

How to make your CAT HAPPY? - 10 essential tips

How to make your CAT HAPPY? - 10 essential tips

How to make your cat happy? Many people think that, due to their more independent nature, cats do not need many things to be happy. Mistake

How to entertain a dog alone at home?

How to entertain a dog alone at home?

How to entertain a dog alone at home?. Many times we have to go out and leave our furry ones alone for several hours and we don't know how they are going to spend that time. dogs are animals

Tips for hygiene and care of your cat at home

Tips for hygiene and care of your cat at home

Tips for the hygiene and care of your cat at home. If you have a cat at home or are thinking of welcoming one soon, it is good that you inform yourself as much as possible about everything

How to bathe a hedgehog? - Steps to follow

How to bathe a hedgehog? - Steps to follow

When bathing a hedgehog it is very important to properly prepare a container, with the optimum water temperature and follow the indicated steps. In this way, it is essential that the hedgehog

How to bathe a dog afraid of water? - Effective TIPS

How to bathe a dog afraid of water? - Effective TIPS

How to bathe a dog afraid of water? Discover how to bathe a dog that won't let go by using proper techniques. Backwards ears, dilated pupils or running away are signs of fear of water

How to RAISE a SNAIL? - Basic care

How to RAISE a SNAIL? - Basic care

How to care for a snail. Discover how to raise snails at home knowing the basic care that these animals should receive. If you find a small or troubled snail, take care of it at home

How to raise a sparrow? - Complete guide of CARE for BABY SPARROWS

How to raise a sparrow? - Complete guide of CARE for BABY SPARROWS

If you have found a sparrow that has fallen from the nest and you want to know how to raise it to save its life, in this complete guide you will find everything you need to know. We talk about feeding the baby sparrow

How to pet a cat? - Discover their favorite areas and more

How to pet a cat? - Discover their favorite areas and more

We explain how to pet a cat properly, positively and safely. At AnimalWised we tell you where to pet a cat so you can recognize its favorite areas and feline language

Care for blind dogs

Care for blind dogs

Care for blind dogs. If our dog has gone blind with age or due to an illness, it must be taken into account that the animal will need certain special attention

Dog Sterilization - PRICES, RECOVERY and CARE

Dog Sterilization - PRICES, RECOVERY and CARE

All about dog sterilization. We explain what neutering a dog consists of, what recovery is like and what care it needs. In addition, we indicate the best age to sterilize dogs

How long does a dog's heat last? - Expert tips

How long does a dog's heat last? - Expert tips

Find out how long a dog's heat lasts. We explain how long a dog's heat lasts and what her sexual cycle is. In addition, we also tell you how long the bleeding of a dog in heat lasts

Caring for a dog in 10 steps

Caring for a dog in 10 steps

Take care of a dog in 10 steps. Have you never had a dog before? Do you want to know what is the main thing you should know? Adopting a dog is similar to fostering a small child, it is not

HOMEMADE CAT LITER - 6 Ecological and Cheap Options

HOMEMADE CAT LITER - 6 Ecological and Cheap Options

How to make homemade cat litter. Discover different options to make ecological, biodegradable and economical cat litter. They are excellent substitutes for industrial cat litter

How often do I have to BATH my DOG?

How often do I have to BATH my DOG?

How often do I have to bathe my dog? There are many myths about bathing dogs, some more accurate than others. It is said that by bathing them they lose the natural oils of their skin and damage

Care for a bird that has fallen from the nest

Care for a bird that has fallen from the nest

Care for a bird that has fallen from the nest. Rescuing a bird can sometimes be more complicated than adopting a stray dog or cat, as birds are usually distrustful

At what age do cats open their eyes? - Find out

At what age do cats open their eyes? - Find out

Like humans, newborn cats are totally dependent on their parent at birth, as they have not yet opened their eyes and their senses are very limited. Find out more about

Why does my dog smell bad?

Why does my dog smell bad?

Why does my dog smell bad?. Before starting, one thing must be clear, although we like the smell of cologne, we must get used to the idea that dogs smell like dogs. They emit secretion

Types of CAT LITTER - How to choose the best?

Types of CAT LITTER - How to choose the best?

Types of cat litter. Knowing the different types of cat litter is essential to choose the best litter for your cat and thus promote its well-being

Tips to prevent my cat from escaping

Tips to prevent my cat from escaping

Tips to prevent my cat from escaping. The reasons why a cat has a tendency to run away from home are not always the same, but the street is very dangerous for cats

How to make a homemade cat gym?

How to make a homemade cat gym?

How to make a homemade cat gym? Discover everything you need to do a cat gym at home in just a few steps

How to Eliminate FLEAS from the HOUSE? - The Best Remedies

How to Eliminate FLEAS from the HOUSE? - The Best Remedies

How to eliminate fleas from home? Tricks and home remedies to eliminate fleas from your house. Discover how to get rid of house fleas permanently and how to eliminate them from your dog

Lovebird care - Everything you need to know

Lovebird care - Everything you need to know

Lovebird care - Everything you need to know. This AnimalWised article aims to offer you a basic guide on caring for lovebirds and everything you need to know about

How to take care of a cat in summer? - 5 essential tips

How to take care of a cat in summer? - 5 essential tips

Taking care of a cat in summer is especially important, due to the high presence of parasites and the heat, which contributes to making it sick

Prevent your dog from getting sick in the car - Advice and recommendations

Prevent your dog from getting sick in the car - Advice and recommendations

Prevent the dog from getting sick in the car. To travel with our dog, the car becomes essential since other means of transport such as public transport sometimes put too much

Caring for a yellow-eared slider

Caring for a yellow-eared slider

Caring for a yellow-eared slider. When we talk about the yellow-eared slider we refer to a specific species whose name is Trachemys scripta scripta. Their