Tips for hygiene and care of your cat at home

Tips for hygiene and care of your cat at home
Tips for hygiene and care of your cat at home
Tips for hygiene and care of your cat at home
Tips for hygiene and care of your cat at home

If you have a cat at home or are thinking of taking one in soon, it's good that you inform yourself as much as possible about everything related to its he alth and well-being. Surely, more than once, when you think about the hygiene and care of a cat in a house or an apartment, you think that it can become a nightmare: lots of hair, a litter box, toys scattered everywhere, etc. Well, in reality, it's just a matter of getting organized and knowing what things are important and how to carry them out in the best way, both for us and for our furry friend.

If you want to know some tips for the hygiene and care of your cat at home, we invite you to continue reading this article from our site, in which we are going to give you some tips to make the care and correct hygiene of your feline easy for you and, thus, achieve a happy coexistence.

One of the things that most often concerns people who live with cats and want to provide them with the best care is the he alth and hygiene of these animals. To start offering good care to your pet and keep its he alth in good condition, you must provide it quality food and water, it is better to spend a little more on the type of food that we give to our feline than later spending much more at the vet.

When you choose a feed or soft food for your cat you should make sure that it contains more animal protein than other nutrients. Another cheaper option is to make the food yourself, go ahead and make this homemade cat food recipe and you'll see that your friend loves it.

In addition to providing clean water several times a day and good food, you should ensure that the area where your cat usually feeds and the bowls in the food are always clean, thus, you will be able to avoid he alth problems and maintain better hygiene for your friend.

Tips for the hygiene and care of your cat at home - Step 1
Tips for the hygiene and care of your cat at home - Step 1

Another of the tips for the hygiene and care of your cat at home that is very important is the daily hair brushing Yes If you do, you will ensure that your partner's hair and skin are he althy and well cared for, thus avoiding hair knots and skin problems, and also, you will achieve a cleaner floor. As there are different types of brushes for long-haired and short-haired cats, you should be well informed to know which brush is the most suitable for your feline.

The hairballs are often a problem, so if you want to take care of your cat's he alth, brushing will help reduce this problem. So that your cat does not form so many hairballs, we recommend that you offer m alt for cats.

Tips for the hygiene and care of your cat at home - Step 2
Tips for the hygiene and care of your cat at home - Step 2

Claws are a vital point in the hygiene and care of your cat, you should provide him with a scratcher or several so that he can sharpen his nailshimself, but when you pet him you should check his nails to see if they are all right, if not, you will have to take him to the vet to have them trimmed or trimmed.

In addition, your cat's dental hygiene is very important to prevent various diseases, so we recommend that you offer him treats and special toys for cleaning your mouth. We encourage you to clean your cat's teeth yourself with a cat toothbrush and toothpaste.

To have good hygiene and care for your cat at home, his litter box must always be clean, preventing feces and urine accumulate for a long time. To make this task easier for you, our tip for the cat litter box is to buy a model that is easy to clean and that has a grid in the tray that allows you to filter the sand and make better use of it, throwing away only the used litter. As there are several types of cat litter, we advise you to use clumping litter to make cleaning the litter box easier.

Tips for hygiene and care of your cat at home - Step 4
Tips for hygiene and care of your cat at home - Step 4

Although we normally think that cats wash themselves, we should also bathe them from time to time, twice a month at most, to promote their hygiene and he alth. It is not necessary to take your feline to a groomer, you can bathe your cat at home as long as you use hygiene products for cats and never for humans.

Furthermore, we recommend that you use at least three times a week a damp sponge to clean some parts of your cat's body that need greater care and hygiene. It is advisable that you use two different sponges, one for your partner's face and the other to clean his genitals and anal area, in this way you will achieve good hygiene and care for your cat.

In addition to cleaning your cat's eyes regularly to avoid eye problems such as conjunctivitis, you should clean his ears too and, for this, we recommend that at least once a week you use a sterile gauze moistened with physiological serum.

Wrap your finger with the wet gauze and gently pass it over your cat's ear, this way you will prevent too much dirt from accumulating in your cat's ear and, thus, the formation of otitis and other ear conditions. ear.

Tips for hygiene and care of your cat at home - Step 6
Tips for hygiene and care of your cat at home - Step 6

The last of the tips for the hygiene and care of your cat at home is about the physical and mental exercise of your companion. Make sure he always has some cat toys at hand, play with him for long periods of time every day and build fun games and circuits with boxes, ropes, dams and other ideal toys for the felines. With these simple tips you will be able to live happily with your cat and ensure that it is perfectly cared for and he althy.
