How to take care of your cat in winter? - 5 ESSENTIAL TIPS

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How to take care of your cat in winter? - 5 ESSENTIAL TIPS
How to take care of your cat in winter? - 5 ESSENTIAL TIPS
How to take care of your cat in winter?
How to take care of your cat in winter?

If you share your home with one or more felines, you should already know that the cold is usually not to their liking. Cats feel the cold just like us, and are usually quite sensitive to sudden changes in temperature, which is why they adapt better to warmer climates. But beyond the preferences of each feline, low temperatures can cause numerous he alth complications, from a simple cold to the risk of hypothermia

It is crucial to adopt certain preventive measures to offer our felines an optimal quality of life, always prioritizing their well-being. Thinking about it, we have prepared this article on our site, where we will show you some tips so you know how to take care of your cat in winter

1. Preventive medicine: check your cat's he alth before winter

As we always remember in our articles, all cats need to receive adequate preventive medicine throughout their lives. This includes not only taking him to the vet every 6 months and respecting his vaccination and deworming records, but also providing him with complete and balanced nutrition, a safe environment, and the proper physical and mental stimulation.

A few weeks before the arrival of winter, you can take your feline to the veterinary clinic to check its he alth status and update its vaccinations (if necessary). The vet will also be able to guide you on the best way to strengthen your cat's immune system, to improve his physical resistance, strengthen his body's natural defenses and prevent the appearance of associated pathologies.

How to take care of your cat in winter? - 1. Preventive medicine: check your cat's he alth before winter
How to take care of your cat in winter? - 1. Preventive medicine: check your cat's he alth before winter

two. Balanced nutrition: pay special attention to feeding your cat in winter

The cat's diet is a key aspect for an optimal state of he alth throughout the year. However, with the arrival of winter, we must pay special attention to the nutrition of our cats, since they will need more energy to maintain their body temperature. In addition, a complete and balanced nutrition is essential for your feline to be strong and he althy on a physical and cognitive level.

The puppies and elderly cats will need special care, as their body is more fragile and sensitive to low temperatures. For this reason, it is very important that you consult the veterinarian about the best nutrition for your feline in winter, considering its age, size, state of he alth and other specific needs of its organism. You can also ask your vet about incorporating some natural supplements and vitamins to strengthen your cat's immune system.

In general, cats usually reduce their water consumption during the winter, so we must be vigilant, to ensure that our kitty drink water and thus avoid a picture of dehydration. If we play with our cat and offer him an enriched environment for his body and mind, he is more likely to consume liquids after exercising. But if your feline doesn't show much interest in drinking water, you can add wet foodto his diet to provide fluids.

Discover in this video how to make homemade wet food for your cat:

3. Cat houses: build an ideal shelter for cats outside

Cat houses are exceptional shelters to prevent cats with access to the outside from being exposed to the elements. In addition, it is an excellent idea to leave an extra kennel outside our home to help stray cats to keep warm on the coldest or rainiest days of winter, as well as the intense solar rays in summer. If you can, it would be great to also leave them a feeder with some food and a drinker with clean water, so they can satisfy their hunger and thirst.

In pet stores, you will find different models of cat houses. However, you can make a good outdoor shelter for your feline yourself, using all your creativity. On our site, we teach you how to make a wooden cat house using cheap, recycled materials.

Once inside the home, we recommend having a hiding place, nest or cave-shaped bed where your kitty can play, rest and enjoy your naps, feeling safe and warm. A cardboard box with a nice blanket and her favorite toys can also be a fun and inexpensive shelter to care for your cat in the winter.

Likewise, it will be essential to choose the perfect location for your cat's hiding place, avoiding leaving it near doors or windows where it can let the cold wind enter, and giving preference to rooms with good lighting so that your cat can enjoy the natural warmth of the sun's rays.

When it's bedtime, your cat may want to sleep with you not only to take advantage of your body heat, but also to feel safe and enjoy your company

4. Coats for cats: help your kitty maintain his body temperature

Coats for cats are good allies to help our felines to preserve their body temperature and avoid he alth problems due to cold exposure. In this sense, it is worth remembering that hairless cats are usually more sensitive to low temperatures, since the absence of fur makes it more difficult to keep warm and leaves it more exposed to climatic adversities. If you have adopted a sphynx or another type of "bald" cat, we recommend that you choose some very comfortable coats before the arrival of winter.

When deciding on the best coats for cats, we must pay special attention to the materials used in their manufacture. Ideally, they should be made with hypoallergenic materials, to prevent our felines from having allergic reactions on the skin or in the respiratory tract. It is also recommended to choose garments without decorations or buttons that can come loose and end up being ingested by our cat.

Logically, we will also need to know the measurements of our felines to choose the ideal coat according to their size. Finally, remember that the well-being and comfort of our cats must always come first. Your cat will need time to get used to wearing this new coat (especially if it is the first time he has tried such a garment). But if you notice that your cat is not comfortable with his new coat, it is best to take it off and respect his wishes.

How to take care of your cat in winter? - 4. Coats for cats: help your cat to maintain its body temperature
How to take care of your cat in winter? - 4. Coats for cats: help your cat to maintain its body temperature

5. Air conditioning: maintain balanced temperatures in your home

One of the essential cares for your cat in winter is to avoid exposing it to sudden changes in temperature and unfavorable environmental conditions. Therefore, the home interior will be the safest and most protected place for our felines during the winter. With the help of heating, we can properly air-condition our house, always maintaining optimal temperatures for the well-being of our kittens. But it is important to pay attention to the humidity of the air, since excessive dryness is also detrimental to the respiratory system of our cats. A simple way to maintain a good average humidity is to spray every 4 or 5 hours a little water in the environment, but without wetting the cat, its environment or objects, or purchase a humidifier.

As we have already mentioned, it will also be very useful to have at least one room with good lighting ready where your cat can enjoy the warmth of the sunBut it will be essential to avoid excessive exposure to sunlight, controlling exposure times at safe times (until 10 am or after 4 pm), to prevent burns and the risk of other more serious diseases such as skin cancer.

If your cat is used to taking walks outside, you will also need to take special care to prevent it from being exposed to the elements. During the winter, it will be better for your kitty to walk in the afternoons, when the temperatures are more pleasant. If we talk about a rainy or snowy day, the ideal would be to play with our felines at home so that they can expend energy and have fun without the need to go outside. On our site, we have many ideas of intelligence games and activities to tire your cat without leaving the house.

We also recommend checking your feline after his walks to make sure that he has not wetAnd if you notice that his fur is wet, you will need to dry it very well with a clean towel. Do not use a heating pad, as it is dangerous to bring electricity into contact with wet hair. To keep it warm, you can wrap it in a clean blanket or towel and hold it in your arms taking advantage of your body heat, or let it rest in its hiding place or nest.

Last (but not least), always be attentive to your cat's appearance and behavior and don't hesitate to consult quickly See your vet if you notice any unusual symptoms or behavior.
