In most cases, leaving a dog alone at home is not a problem. doubts when we talk about adopted dogs or dogs that present behavioral problems when they are left alone, such as destroying, howling, barking, urinating or feces What should we do? in these cases? When is the time to see a professional?
In this article on our site we will explain how to safely leave a dog home alone, offering tips to improve their well-being and entertainment, such as the use of certain toys, as well as techniques that will help you improve this much-needed routine. We will also solve the most frequent doubts that are generated when certain negative behaviors appear.
Don't forget that patience, affection and empathy are key factors to positively handle this situation and that, in some cases, a visit from a specialist will be essential, something that we will also help you assess. Keep reading and solve all your doubts:
How long can a dog be home alone?
Most of us caregivers have daily obligations, such as studies or work, that mean we have to leave home, leaving our dog alone at home. This raises the first question: how many hours can a dog spend without company? In general, a dog should not be alone at home for more than 6 or 8 hours, however, when we talk about elderly dogs, very calm or especially independent, the recommended time can be extended a little more, especially in very specific situations.
Of course, in no case will we leave a dog alone at home all day or for a whole week, let's remember that the dog is a tremendously affectionate sociable animal, which requires supervision and regular attention by its guardians. In fact, leaving a dog home alone for a long time favors the appearance of behavior problems and even he alth problems. [1]
We must also consider that in some cities in Spain, such as Barcelona, dogs cannot spend more than 12 hours alone at home, as stated in animal welfare regulations. Precisely for this reason, if you witness a case of continued abandonment, we encourage you to report the presence of a dog home alone to the relevant authorities in your country or city.

Tips for leaving your dog home alone
Before showing you the techniques and the ideal procedure to teach your dog to stay home alone, we want to offer you some prior advice that you should take into account if you want to guarantee the wellbeing and safety of your dog when you are away from home.
Let's remember that dogs, especially when we talk about puppies or young individuals, are susceptible to nibble and explore everything that is within their reach reach, so it is essential to take precautions if we want to prevent an accident in our absence.
1. Provide your dog with a safe environment
Before leaving we will determine the rooms to which the dog will have access, closing doors and windows if necessary, in this way we can prevent any type of incident. We will also collect cables, detergents or decorative objects that may be dangerous. If you have puppies less than four months old, it is advisable to leave them in a puppy dog park
two. Guarantees the 5 freedoms of animal welfare
Another key aspect is trying to guarantee that our dog enjoys the 5 freedoms of animal welfare. Still don't know what they are? We show them below:
- Free from hunger, thirst and malnutrition
- Free from discomfort
- Pain and disease free
- Free and express yourself
- Free from fear and stress
Sometimes it seems obvious that we are complying with these "requirements", however, if we review them in detail, we can see that it is not always easy to follow them. The presence of parasites in the coat, a poor walk or an environment that is too cold can cause our dog to not have the necessary comfort.
So, before you leave, you must satisfy his hunger, offer him a comfortable bed, renew his water so that it is clean and fresh, and provide him with everything he needs to feel happy, relaxed and safe.
3. Offer him a quality ride
It is advisable to offer our dog a walk before we leave home, in which he can sniff the environment, interact with other dogs and/or people if you wish, as well as fulfill your needs without limits. It is advisable to include a small exercise session, such as playing fetch, especially if we are talking about a very active dog that needs to burn energy. At the end of the walk and the chosen sport, we will dedicate five minutes to relax before going home, to avoid overexcitement and anxiety.
In this video we show you the steps to follow before leaving a dog home alone:
How to teach a dog to be home alone?
Teaching a dog to stay home alone is a fundamental aspect of his education, since it will depend on it that our dog shows a balanced behavior in our absence. Likewise, carrying out this procedure progressively and positively will help us prevent the appearance of some of the most common behavior problems.
Next we will show you the most recommended techniques for leaving a dog alone at home, but first we want to explain what a dog feels when alone at home, because only in this way can we better understand how to approach this procedure.
What do dogs feel when they are alone?
One study conducted a modified version of Ainsworth's Strange Situation Test in which dogs were found to exhibit behavior resembling that of a young child with their mother when left alone in the presence of a stranger, which reveals the resemblance of a paternal-filial bond between human and dog. [two]
In the presence of the owners, the dogs displayed social, exploratory, and playful behavior, however, in their absence or in the presence of a stranger, they stopped displaying these behaviors andfear and attachment increased , since their "secure base", that is, their caregiver, had disappeared. [two]
Teaching a dog to be alone step by step
So, to get a dog used to being alone at home, we must carry out a gradual process, in which it must positive reinforcement must always be present, only in this way will the dog be able to associate our absence in a pleasant way and not as a negative or fearful situation.
Regardless of whether we are talking about a puppy or an adult dog, we will start by making short outings of 3 to 5 minutes, in which we can include some element to make the situation positive, such as a toy or an edible snack. In this aspect, we will take into account the preferences of the dog. We will make these short outings several times a day for a few days and, when we return home, we will reinforce our dog with caresses and kind words, without getting him excited in a way excessive.
Once we observe that our dog is calm at home, we will increase the time of our outings, from 10 to 20 minutes, from 30 to 60 minutes and so on progressively. We can guarantee that our dog is calm at home by means of a surveillance camera for dogs, although it is not an essential element.
In the event of observing the appearance of behavior problems, we will reduce the time of outings and we will bet on increasing environmental enrichment and entertainment, something that we detail below.

How to entertain my dog when I'm not at home?
Have you ever wondered… What do dogs do when they're home alone when we don't see them? The truth is that, unlike humans, dogs cannot watch TV or read a book for entertainment, which is why it is so important to pay attention to environmental enrichment and toys when we leave, especially when we talk aboutleaving a puppy alone , a young dog or a very active adult.
You can leave toys within reach and rotate them to encourage play and chewing behaviors. You can bet on balls, food vending toys or intelligence toys. Of course, it is very important that the accessories are safe and are adapted to the size and age of the dog, otherwise it could cause suffocation if ingested unintentionally. Look for approved toys in your nearest store.
Make rotating changes in the environment, just like with toys, thus increasing the complexity of the environment. You can move the bed, place a dog tunnel or several pillows. You can also hide treats or food in different places in the house so that your dog can look for them using his sense of smell, which will significantly improve cognitive stimulation and promote well-being. Start by leaving the prizes in easily accessible places and progressively increase the difficulty. You can also change the type of treat to encourage nutritional enrichment.
Finally, you can stimulate their senses with relaxing music, dim lighting or a blanket scented with natural oils that are not aggressive to the sensitive and delicate nose of dogs.
These are just a few examples of accessories, stimuli and games for a dog home alone, but there are many more! Little by little you will discover more about your dog's character, his needs and preferences, which will help you find ideal forms of enrichment for him.
Behavior problems in dogs left home alone
Sometimes it can happen that, when the dog is left alone at home, he begins to show unwanted behaviorsthat can cause damage to the home and even damage to himself. It is very important to start working on it as soon as possible, because if we ignore the problem it is likely to become chronic or worse.
- Separation-Related Disorders: These types of disorders, which include the famous "separation anxiety" are behavioral problems that appear after the absence of the owner, although sometimes they can begin to manifest even earlier, when the caregiver is about to leave the home. Symptoms include destructiveness, inappropriate elimination, and excessive vocalization, although they can occasionally include others. It is a commonly overdiagnosed behavioral problem. It is complicated to work with and generally requires a visit from a specialist.
- Destructiveness: This behavior problem is common in puppies and young dogs, as it is another way of exploring the environment. It is also a symptom of separation-related disorders. However, in most cases it is caused by loneliness, lack of exercise or lack of mental stimulation. Discover on our site some tips for destructive dogs.
- Inadequate elimination: Observing that our dog urinates, defecates or even worse, only relieves himself at home, is a situation that usually displease dog guardians. It can be caused by disorders related to separation, pathologies of the urinary tract (such as a urine infection) or due to learning problems. In this case it is important to start ruling out organic causes by visiting a veterinarian.
- Excessive Vocaling: Probably the behavioral issue that owners are most concerned about. We will observe that the dog barks alone at home, howls and even cries. Generally, it will be the neighbors who will warn us that the animal has a behavioral problem. It is usually related to separation-related disorders and in most cases requires treatment and specific guidelines by a professional.
- Anorexia: This problem behavior often goes unnoticed as it does not usually bother owners. On this occasion, the dog does not eat water and/or food when it is alone, which obviously harms its well-being. It is associated with fear and separation-related disorders.
- Pica syndrome: Pica syndrome is a disorder that manifests as an irremediable desire to ingest non-edible substances, such as furniture, sofas, walls… It can also manifest itself in puppies, thus forming part of exploratory behavior. In case of observing this problem in adult dogs, it is advisable to visit a veterinarian.
As you have been able to observe, there are several behavior problems that a dog can present when it is alone at home, since in this list we have only mentioned the most common ones. Therefore, if your dog presents one or more of these problems that we have mentioned, we advise you to visit a veterinarian specialized in ethologyso that he can advise you appropriately. You can also seek help from a canine educator or trainer specialized in behavior modification.
The treatment begins with rule out diseases or pathologies that may be causing the unwanted behavior and usually includes behavior modification sessions and the application of specific guidelines depending on the case.
Inappropriate ways to solve a behavior problem
To finish, we want to emphasize that it is totally contraindicated to leave a dog alone at home with a muzzle or to use aversives, such as anti-bark collars that emit electric shocks. These tools generate stress and anxiety in the dog, which can also trigger the appearance of other behavioral problems.
Likewise, it is also not positive to use specific techniques or guidelines for other cases, especially if they include positive punishment, because aside from the general advice that you have been able to observe in this post, handling should be focused to the specific individual and always guided by a specialist.