How to pet a cat? - Discover their favorite areas and more

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How to pet a cat? - Discover their favorite areas and more
How to pet a cat? - Discover their favorite areas and more
How to pet a cat?
How to pet a cat?

Although it may seem impossible, most pet guardians don't know how to pet a cat. Many are surprised to see their feline react in an "unexpected" reaction with a bite or scratch right in the middle of a soothing session. However, many have been unknowingly warned.

In this article on our site we will explain how to pet a cat in a proper, positive and safe way. We will talk about the favorite areas of the feline body, the body language of cats or how to carry out a session correctly, always paying attention to well-being. Keep reading!

How should you pet a cat?

The domestic cat (Felis silvestris catus) is, like other wild cats, a solitary animal. However, domestication has notably fostered the social behavior of this species. This means that a cat can be more or less tolerant, depending on genetics, socialization and lived experiences.

We should also know that cats dislike excessive handling, therefore, learning to interpret feline language is key if we want get to know our cat better, identify its tolerance threshold and have adequate expectations when interacting with it.

Some of the signs that a cat is happy are:

  • Relaxed body posture
  • Ears up
  • Tail and head raised
  • Walk Safe
  • Tail "vibrating"

When you identify these body postures you will know that your cat is relaxed, receptive and ready to be petted. However, you should also build confidence by offering a relaxed atmosphere, using a high-pitched and soft tone of voice or making slow and progressive approaches.

Likewise, it is essential to let the cat take the initiative when starting a petting session. We will continue to pay attention to his body language to notice any symptoms of displeasure and we will let the cat go, that is, he himself decides when to end the petting session. We will never exceed, but we will always respect his limits

Now that you know how to pet a cat, here's where cats like to be petted.

Where to pet a cat?

As you already know some basic premises, we will explain how to caress a cat correctly, showing you what are usually the favorite areas of the feline body. Still, you should set aside some time each day to get to know him better, as each cat has its own preferences.

How to pet your cat is easier than you think. We will start by offering him long, gentle caresses in favor of the hair, never against the grain. The ideal is to always follow the same direction and avoid patting him, hitting him or pinching him, even if the intention is good. In these first sessions we must be as careful and affectionate as possible.

We will start with the head, "combing" the upper part of the head and the nape of the neck with the fingertips. We can also massage the upper and middle part of the back, starting at the shoulder blades and ending near the thoracic vertebrae. Likewise, we can gently scratch the cheeks and the lower part of the chin, although these areas may be reserved for those closest to us.

To be more technical and specific, we also need to know where not to pet a cat We will avoid stroking the belly, tail, paws or pads These areas are usually not to their liking and it is very likely that we will notice signs of displeasure when touched. In the case of ignoring them, the cat can begin to increase the intensity of the warnings, by scratching or biting.

Some of the signs of an angry cat are:

  • Tense body posture
  • Ears back
  • Ruffled tail
  • Tail "bumping" or tail too fast
  • Fast movements
  • Ruffled Cloak
  • Bow body
  • Open mouth
  • Snorts
  • Growls

If we observe any of the aforementioned signs we will stop immediately However, we must bear in mind that it is never advisable for the cat to reach show them. For this reason, the ideal is that little by little we identify what the tolerance limit of the cat is and that we never try to exceed it.

In our petting sessions we will always try to provide a positive experience, paying close attention to the cat's well-being and body language.

How to pet a cat? - Where to pet a cat?
How to pet a cat? - Where to pet a cat?

How to pet a cat to sleep?

Many people wonder how to pet a baby cat so that it relaxes and falls asleep peacefully. Let us remember that sleep is one of the most important habits for felines, especially in its early stages, since proper learning and well-being depend on it.

Where to pet a cat to get him to fall asleep is easy and simple, since the ideal is to give him soft and long strokes In addition, we must provide pauses so that the body stops being stimulated and can begin to rest, until finally we will stop Heat, silence or soft music also are keys for the feline to fall asleep.

How to pet a cantankerous cat?

Many people wonder how to make a cat allow itself to be pettedHowever, as we have mentioned before, one of the keys to making this routine positive and respectful is to allow the feline to start and finish it.

Under no circumstances should we punish or scold a cat that does not want to be petted. In fact, if we observe that our cat allows himself to be petted less, is aggressive, scared or rejects handling, we should suspect that there is a problem related to stress

We should not touch the cat when he is relaxed, asleep or distracted either, because when the cat does not want to be petted and we force him we are creating a situation of unnecessary stress. Nor will we make sudden movements or withdraw our hand suddenly.

Now then, Where to pet a shy or skittish cat? In this type of cat or other cats with aggressiveness problems, handling should always be gentle, positive and gradual. We will avoid the "forbidden zones" and we will use positive reinforcement to make the situation positive. For this we can reinforce with the voice, by means of a "very good" or offer cat treats

In the most serious cases, it may be necessary to consult with the veterinarian for management guidelines and the option of using appeasing pheromones to improve the well-being of the feline within the home. It is important to note that stress, especially when we talk about chronic stress, can even affect the individual's he alth.

At this point in the article you already know how to pet a cat, whether it's surly, to make it fall asleep or simply to give it some extra cuddles. Now, do you know how to pet a stray cat? Keep reading!

How to pet a stray cat?

To begin we must differentiate the two types of "stray cats" that exist:

  • The feral cats: that have never socialized with humans. They will never accept coexistence and contact with people.
  • Abandoned cats: that have belonged to a family. They can get to relate in a positive way.

We will start by letting the cat sniff our handso that he can identify us and thus feel more comfortable in our presence. If he does not show interest, we will not force the situation and we will look for a more propitious moment to interact with him. Once again we will look at his body language.

If we observe positive signs, for example that he rubs against us or demands attention, then we can try to caress him with caution, softness and slow movementsLikewise, be careful if we identify a slight purr, although it is generally a sign of well-being and pleasure, it can also mean that the cat does not feel totally comfortable.

Since you have just discovered how and where to pet stray cats, you may be interested in the following article on our site on How to help stray cats?

How to pet a cat? - How to pet a stray cat?
How to pet a cat? - How to pet a stray cat?

Benefits of petting a cat

To finish this article about how and where to pet a cat, we should mention the various benefits of interacting with a feline and petting it. According to various studies [1] [2] [3] petting a cat positively affects our state of he alth, reducing the risk of heart attack by 30%

Likewise, the impact on our body is surprising. People who pet cats regularly say they communicate better, have a better ability to concentrate and be more engaged. They also claim that it has an impact on mood and that decreases anxiety

So there are many reasons why we should pet our cats, both for our well-being and theirs. If you want to know them, don't miss this video on our YouTube channel about the benefits of petting your cat.
