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Discover the 5 most frequent symptoms that a rabbit is going to die, so you can determine if something is wrong and go to your exotic animal veterinarian as soon as possible
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How do dogs age? We tell you how dogs age so that you know what stage of life your companion is in and how to take care of him. We show a photo report of dogs
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The appearance of gray hair in dogs can be linked to the age of the animal, the development of disorders such as stress, a poor diet or
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Vitamins for older cats. There is nothing more satisfying for us than he althy and long-lived pets that offer us their affection and company for as long as possible, maybe
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Vitamins for elderly dogs. There are multiple changes that occur during a dog's old age, both physiologically and behaviorally. However, it is about change
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Complete care guide for elderly cats. Cats are especially long-lived animals that can accompany us, generally, between 12 and 18 years. If your cat has already fulfilled its
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Petting a dog has many benefits and, correctly, can help us keep it relaxed and calm, especially in stressful situations
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The cuttlefish bone and its properties. The skeleton of cuttlefish, cuttlefish bone, or cuttlefish boat, is a matter composed of calcium and mineral s alts that is constituted in a compact piece
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Complete guide to caring for an elderly dog. Dogs over 10 years old can be considered senior dogs, that is, a dog that exceeds that age (and especially if it is of small size)
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How often should I change my cat's litter? The frequency of the change will depend on several factors, such as the type of litter, the number of cats in the home and other aspects that we are going to explain
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Deworming is very important to prevent and combat parasites. If you have just done it and are wondering if you can bathe your recently dewormed dog, the answer depends on the product
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Can a cat be bathed after being vaccinated? If you have just vaccinated your cat but need to give it a bath, you may be wondering, can a cat be bathed after vaccinating it?
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How to bathe an adult cat for the first time? Cats have a well-earned reputation for being extremely hygienic animals, and anyone who has a feline at home and is detained
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Do dogs need clothes? When to shelter a dog? Dogs have the natural protection of their skin and coat to keep them isolated from low and high temperatures. However, in
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Declawing in cats consists of a surgical intervention whose objective is the amputation of the last phalanx of the toes of the kittens. Declawing a cat is not good
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Do you want to know how to make your dog live longer and better? Paying attention to food and he alth are important details, but there are many more, we offer you 10 essential tips
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How often to cut a cat's nails? Scratching is perhaps the second favorite activity of cats, after sleeping. Of course, the claws that our cats have are not a
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How to cut a rabbit's nails?. Rabbits are small animals whose furry and soft appearance, which can sometimes resemble a tiny ball of fur, makes them look
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Care for a white cat. If we are going to talk about the special care for a white cat, we must start by differentiating it from an albino cat. The latter has an alteration
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Basic horse care. Having a horse is having a great responsibility, even greater than having a fish, a dog, a cat or any other type of domestic animal
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Complete guide to care for an adult cat. Knowing how to take care of an adult cat is relatively easy if we have enjoyed the company of a feline before. But if it's the first
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Can two cats use the same litter box? Cats are amazing, fun, independent and very clean companion animals. And it is that everyone knows that these felines usually
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If you have decided to adopt a cat you should know the 7 common mistakes when raising a cat to avoid them and thus ensure proper education. Discover them
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Care of the bearded dragon or Pogona vitticeps. We explain how to prepare the bearded dragon's terrarium, how to feed it correctly and what to take into account to improve its he alth
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Discus fish care. Discus fish are one of the most valued species by aquarium lovers. The discus fish - Symphysodon - is a cichlid that comes from the river
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The turtle as a pet. Caring for a turtle, feeding turtles, the most suitable turtles as pets and much more is what you will find here
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Discover HOW TO MEASURE THE TEMPERATURE OF A CAT. In addition, we will explain what the normal temperature of a cat is and many other important details
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Protecting cats from the heat is essential in summer, since it will depend on whether or not they can suffer the dreaded and deadly heat stroke
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Did you know that leaving a dog in a car during the summer can be deadly? Or that during the summer dogs need to drink more water? Discover to
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Care of a land turtle. All care for tortoises, such as feeding, type of terrarium and daily hygiene
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Consequences of not walking the dog. Dogs need to go out for a walk several times a day to relieve themselves, socialize and exercise. Not to go for a walk, the dog
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How to remove ticks from the yard and garden? Discover the best remedies to eliminate ticks from the yard and garden, as well as to prevent them from re-entering
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Where do chickens live? How long does a chicken live? How long does a rooster live? These and more questions are what we will answer in this article. We are talking about free-range and domestic chickens
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Plants for freshwater aquariums. Discover the best plants for freshwater aquariums, easy to care for and beautiful. Floating, rhizome, groundcover or stem plants
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How to raise chicks? Find out how to care for chicks at home so that they grow properly. Temperature is one of the keys to successful chicken farming. Also, it is important
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Do rabbits drink water? Find out how much water a rabbit should drink a day and what happens if it doesn't drink it. We explain the causes that explain why a rabbit does not drink water and
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How do I know if my dog is hot? What is the normal temperature of a dog? A high temperature can trigger the dreaded heat stroke. Follow the tips to keep the dog cool
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A dog's high energy levels can make it restless, nervous or anxious, making coexistence difficult. Find out why it happens and most importantly: how to fix it
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Basic care of a hedgehog. Today it is no longer strange to share our home with very diverse and colorful animals, such as snakes, exotic birds, ferrets… and
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Basic care of a donkey. The donkey or ass, whose scientific name is Equus africanus asinus, belongs to the equine family and is considered a domestic animal that