If we want to have a tortoise as a pet, it is important that we know the basic care of these animals. This care refers to aspects such as housing, feeding or hydration, being important to know all the details in this regard to keep our turtle in the best conditions.
Tortoises need, for example, an adapted terrarium, with a specific temperature and light, as well as a specific diet. Therefore, on our site we tell you all the tortoise care step by step.
What does a gopher tortoise eat
Land tortoises are fundamentally vegetarian reptiles, since their diet is based on the consumption of food sources of plant origin These tortoises usually receive a diet consisting of a mixture of leafy vegetables with other vegetables, as well as fruits. However, tortoises are not completely vegetarian, as they also need a protein intake in their diet, coming from foods of animal origin
Within the protein intake we find different options, such as providing insects, molluscs or different worms and earthworms It all depends on the availability we have of the different products, as well as the preferences and nutritional requirements of each species and specimen.
In the same way, it is also very important to bear in mind that for the correct development of their shells and bones, it is essential to provide them with a good source of calcium To do this, we can use ready-made mixtures, processed egg shells or cuttlefish bones.
How often does a gopher tortoise eat
The frequency of feeding of the gopher tortoise depends fundamentally on our preferences and time availability. The important thing in this sense is to make sure that the food provided covers their nutritional needs correctly.
In this way, while there are owners who prefer to distribute the feedings throughout the day, there are others who cannot or prefer to do it all in one more abundant meal and that the turtle is the one that self-administer food. In the same way, it is essential to adhere to veterinary advice, so if our doctor recommends a schedule, it is important to follow it as much as possible.
It is also important that you know what are the Prohibited Foods for gopher tortoises.
How to give a gopher tortoise water
Tortoises need to have Always at their disposal a source of fresh, clean water that is easily accessible to them. Some turtles don't drink enough; In these cases, a diet based on vegetables whose composition is rich in water is usually used, thus supplying the deficiencies. However, it is best that they drink from a container or drinker that is cleaned daily, renewing the water as often as possible.
If you are thinking of adopting a gopher tortoise and you don't know which one is best for you, you can take a look at this other article about Gopher tortoise species.

Substrate for gopher tortoises
Another basic care for tortoises is the substrate. When choosing a substrate for our tortoise's home, we must choose between the various available options. On the one hand, there are natural substrates, which would be those such as sand, foliage or earth. On the other hand, there are alternatives such as newspaper In all cases, it is strongly recommended to choose a substrate made up of large materials, non-toxic and non-irritating, that also do not cause damage if ingested by the turtle.
Whatever substrate we choose, it must be changed regularly. Only in this way will we be able to maintain adequate hygienic conditions that ensure that our tortoise remains in the best he alth conditions.
Terrarium for gopher tortoise
Among the care of the tortoise, we cannot forget its accommodation: the terrarium. The terrarium of the tortoises must be large enough for them to move freely, allowing them a certain activity. In addition, it is advisable to place the terrarium as close as possible to natural sources of light and heat, such as a window or gallery, as this ensures that the temperature does not decay and receive natural light.
Just as important are constants such as the temperature, humidity and brightness of the terrarium. To control these parameters, special full-spectrum lamps are often used, as these allow the turtles to have the approximately 10-12 hours of light they need on a daily basis, helping in addition to maintaining a correct temperature. This, the temperature, must be between 27 and 30 degrees Celsius, 5-10 degrees less at night, otherwise the turtle or turtles begin to show signs of lethargy and flattening typical of hibernation, as we show you in this other article on Do turtles hibernate?
In addition, it is often beneficial for the turtles to have a aquatic space, which in addition to helping them drink and stay hydrated, is especially useful in the case of certain species that like to soak in water.