How do I know if my dog is hot? - SYMPTOMS and RECOMMENDATIONS

Table of contents:

How do I know if my dog is hot? - SYMPTOMS and RECOMMENDATIONS
How do I know if my dog is hot? - SYMPTOMS and RECOMMENDATIONS
How do I know if my dog is hot?
How do I know if my dog is hot?

With the arrival of high temperatures, our dogs will also feel hot and we must pay attention to their well-being to avoid problems arising from the rise in their body temperature, which can become as serious as the heat stroke, life-threatening. This is what happens when, due to misinformation, the dog is left locked inside the car, for example, or taken for a walk at inappropriate hours. To prevent this from happening, in this article on our site we will look at how to tell if a dog is hot, as well as tips for keeping him cool.

What is a normal temperature for a dog?

The normal temperature of dogs is about 37, 8-39, 2 ºC, therefore we should not take it as a reference the human parameters. In addition to this data we also have to take into account considerations such as the following:

  • Dogs' hair serves as protection against the sun and as a temperature regulator, therefore it is not recommended to shave it and it can be counterproductive to cut it in some breeds. If we have doubts, it is best to always consult a canine hairdresser.
  • Dogs can't sweat like people do, so they regulate their temperature mostly by panting. Thus, they tolerate heat worse than we do because when the ambient temperature approaches body temperature, cooling through panting is not as effective. For more information see "How Dogs Sweat".
  • We must be especially careful with the heat if our dog is a puppy, an elderly dog, has a disease, is obese or overweight or belongs to one of the brachycephalic dog breeds, as they have more breathing difficulties.

Symptoms of a hot dog

When a dog is hot he will show it through different signs. These are the ones that have to put us on alert:

  • Activity reduction. A dog that feels hot tends to slow down his movements. Thus, it is normal for us to see it lying down, stretched out directly on the ground, or in covered and shady areas.
  • Breathing will be characterized by panting, more or less intense, with the tongue out of the mouth. Panting also occurs when the dog is overheated after doing some serious physical activity.
  • Reddened mucous membranes, which we can easily appreciate, since, by keeping the mouth open, we can easily visualize the gums and the tongue.

Observing any of these behaviors or signs in our dog tells us that he is overheated, so we will have to act to provide him with a cool space as soon as possible. Do not forget that excess heat capable of raising your body temperature above normal is potentially dangerous.

How do I know if my dog is hot? - Symptoms of a dog with heat
How do I know if my dog is hot? - Symptoms of a dog with heat

How does heat affect dogs?

Once we have learned to identify if a dog is hot, we move on to discuss the consequences of overheating, which can occur if a hot dog does not have the opportunity to cool down. Thus, when the body temperature rises to 40-43 ºC the dog runs the risk of suffering heat stroke, which is a disorder that can lead to death. It produces symptoms such as the following:

  • Very reddened mucous membranes.
  • Heavy gasping.
  • Thick saliva.
  • Respiratory difficulties.
  • Vomiting.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Shock, convulsions and death in the most severe cases.

This is a veterinary emergency. The first measure is to try to lower the temperature of the dog and stabilize it, although, even so, heat stroke, unfortunately, causes the death of a large number of dogs, for this reason it is important to pay quick attention and adopt measures such as those that we will see in the next section to prevent it.

What to do if my dog is hot?

As we have explained, if our dog is hot and does not have the ability to thermoregulate efficiently, he may find himself in trouble. For this reason, if we notice that he is overheated or, although he is apparently well, it is very hot, it is convenient that we take into account measures such as the following so that the consequences of heat in dogs are not fatal:

  • Never leave a dog locked in a car or in a place that can reach high temperatures in a short time.
  • You must always have fresh and clean water.
  • In the same way, he should be able to take shelter under a good shade
  • Do not walk him or allow him to do any intense physical activity in the hottest hours.
  • Refresh him by wetting him with a spray or by passing a very damp towel over his body.
  • If you have a suitable place, offer him a basin or a pool with water so he can cool off as he pleases.
  • Giving him ice cubes is another good option that entertains the dog while cooling off.
  • The homemade ice creams for dogs are also ideal for this function, in addition to allowing us to offer him a natural and he althy food, which rewards him for while supplementing your diet.
  • Lower the temperature in the house by using fans if you don't have air conditioning.
  • Don't forget to pay special attention to younger, sick, older or overweight dogs.
  • If your dog is still overheated, see your vet.
