Adopting an adult dog - Advice and recommendations

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Adopting an adult dog - Advice and recommendations
Adopting an adult dog - Advice and recommendations
Adopt an adult dog
Adopt an adult dog

The adoption of dogs is one of the most responsible and sustainable practices to promote animal rights as it allows the dignity of an abandoned animal and stops participating in the animal trading market. In the same way, on our site we reject the breeding of dogs in private homes and we offer support to all those volunteers who dedicate time and effort so that the quality of life of these dogs is the best possible.

Adoption alone is a beautiful act for those of us who love animals, but you have to leave a specific profile, older or adult dogs also need love and a home, they also offer a multitude of attributes that many people do not know, read on to find out how to adopt an adult dog by following advice and recommendations from our site.

Adoption as the first option

Despite the multiple identification and sterilization campaigns currently being carried out, there are still many dogs that have been abandonedor that they either have had a stray condition from the beginning of their lives. This unpleasant fact is intensified in some geographical areas.

Currently an average of 5 dogs and 3 cats arrive at each animal shelter or center per day. Scary figures that make us consider adopting an adult dog more than ever.

If we keep this scenario in mind, we must understand that buying an animal should be the last option, since it does not contribute to eradicating the abandonment of stray dogs and encourages breeding in homes, a totally inadvisable.

Finally, add that if there is a group of animals that especially needs responsible adoption, it is the case of elderly dogs, initially the idea can be prejudged, but it really has many advantages.

Image of a real kennel:

Adopt an adult dog - Adoption as the first option
Adopt an adult dog - Adoption as the first option

Advantages of adopting an adult dog

An adult dog is considered when it is more than a year and a half old. Adult dogs are abandoned all over the world and many, due to inexperienced owners or people who do not know what it means to have a dog, end up lost to their fate.

It is true that many people go to adoption centers hoping to find an adorable puppy to teach everything they need to know, but by their side, there are many more 3, 5 and 7 year old dogs waiting the same opportunity.

Why should we adopt an adult dog? What advantages does it have?

  • Adult dogs know how to interact with other pets.
  • They have a defined personality, you can assess if it suits you.
  • You can exercise and do activities with them.
  • You can take them out without waiting for their vaccination.
  • They know how to relieve themselves on the street.
  • He will not bite household objects and furniture as learning practice.
  • Is knowledgeable about commands and basic behavior.
  • He will love you and follow you, because you will become his savior

In addition to all these advantages, adopting an adult dog is a salvation for them since many will end up euthanized or waiting their whole lives to be fostered. There are cases of dogs that have been in the same cage for more than 7 years, in the same shelter. Do you want to be the one to give him a better future?

Image of a real kennel:

Adopting an adult dog - Advantages of adopting an adult dog
Adopting an adult dog - Advantages of adopting an adult dog

If you are interested in adopting an elderly dog…

So What are the advantages of a senior dog?

  • Accumulate a lifetime of experience treating other animals.
  • He is also adept at dealing with humans.
  • he is a quiet and calm dog
  • Understands basic commands.
  • Does his business in the street, as appropriate.
  • You need less physical activity, which is ideal for people with little time or the elderly.
  • Will not bite objects or furniture.
  • He's already trained!
  • You can offer him a worthy ending.
  • You will feel a better person and fulfilled.

These are some of the infinite advantages that an elderly dog offers. A dog with which you can also carry out activities of all kinds. It should be noted that an elderly dog has a stressful life in a shelter, adopting it is an act of immense generosity.

Finally, to comment on the option of the foster home, a little-known form offered by animal shelters such as the CAACB of Barcelona, where you can stay with the dog temporarily while it is still waiting for someone to adopt it, the benefits of being a foster home are immense because in addition to offering the animal a different life, the center offers you all the veterinary assistance you require and need.

Image of a real kennel:

Adopt an adult dog - If you have been interested in adopting an elderly dog…
Adopt an adult dog - If you have been interested in adopting an elderly dog…

Tips for adopting a shelter dog

If we are not volunteers from the shelter where we intend to adopt the dog, it will be complicated Detailing his particular character but we can make a attempt to find out who is behind the fence waiting for their new home:

We must ask the volunteers and those in charge of the center about the behavior we want to find in our future companion: active, calm, cheerful, reserved…

To find the perfect dog for us, we must make a small list with the options recommended by people who spend time with dogs. Once prepared, we will follow the following advice:

Walking with a dog and a volunteer is the best way to discover its character, behavior and way of walking

Offering treats to the dog (specific to dogs) is a wonderful way to get her attention and build a friendship

Attention, remember this:

Locked-up dogs suffer a lot of stress, for this reason they bark, it is their way of communicating and expressing their desire to get out of there

Other dogs remain calm and calm, don't be fooled, apathy is another form of expression of the dog in a serious and bewildered situation

Don't be afraid of dogs, most shelter dogs have never bitten anyone. Stress can cause stereotypes (repetitive movements) and excessive activity but that does not mean that they are dogs with mental problems

Potentially dangerous dogs are not really dangerous, they are labeled this way because their teeth are more powerful than other dogs. In general, dogs considered PPP take much longer to be adopted, consider taking in one of them

If you decide to go with your children to adopt a dog, what better example than to teach them that the weakest should be helped: people always adopt puppies, for this reason a good option is to adopt a dog already adult, a sick dog or a dog with problems. You can also adopt two dogs: one old and one young

Images: photos of adopted adult dogs, give them a round of applause!
