Can I give my dog a bath if I just dewormed it? - Find out

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Can I give my dog a bath if I just dewormed it? - Find out
Can I give my dog a bath if I just dewormed it? - Find out
Can I give my dog a bath if I just dewormed it?
Can I give my dog a bath if I just dewormed it?

When you are a first-time adopter of a dog, it is normal for many questions to arise about what is best for them and when it is advisable to do each thing, so our site solves all the questions that arise.

Periodically deworming your dog is necessary to keep him he althy and avoid possible diseases caused by the action of microorganisms, external and internal parasites, among others. If you don't know when you should bathe your dog after deworming, keep reading this article.

Why deworm the dog?

You may think that deworming is not necessary, but the truth is that thanks to it you save your dog a lot of discomfort, in addition to preventing diseases transmitted by parasites.

Among the main parasites, both external and internal, are ticks, fleas, lice, mites and intestinal worms, among many others. Itching, hair loss, diarrhea, tick disease, and even death in the most serious cases, are part of the consequences that cause these beings to stay in the body of your furry friend.

There are various types of deworming treatments, from pills and syrups to topical treatments, such as pipettes, powders and sprays. The most suitable one will depend on what your veterinarian recommends and the type of parasite that is most frequent in your area of residence. To find out the frequency between treatments, don't miss our article: "How often to deworm a dog?".

Can I give my dog a bath if I just dewormed it? - Why deworm the dog?
Can I give my dog a bath if I just dewormed it? - Why deworm the dog?

Curative or preventive deworming?

Apply a dewormer when the dog contracts a disease and is already infected, or do it beforehand just in case? The truth is that, when it comes to deworming, it happens the same as with vaccines: it is better to apply it preventively than to wait for a problem to arise before acting.

Dewormers are usually very effective preventively, as long as they are applied correctly and all pets in the home are treated with them. Keep in mind that if your dog usually leaves the house, he is more frequently exposed to contracting all kinds of parasites, so being protected will be extremely important for him.

When to deworm a dog for the first time?

During the puppy's first weeks and months of life it is crucial to give it all the necessary protection so that it can survive without contracting any disease, because it is very vulnerable, but all in due time. In this sense, what seems like the first step is to start giving the vaccines, but the truth is that, before them, an oral dewormer is necessary. This will be in charge of ending any parasite or internal microorganism that the puppy may have contracted during its short period of life, or even infected from the mother. One week after this, the vaccine can be given, and Can the puppy be bathed after this deworming? The answer is no, as no dog should receive a bath if you have not been vaccinated before.

Now, when it comes to adults, everything will depend on what we will explain next.

Can a dog be bathed after deworming it?

In principle, will depend on the type of deworming you perform and the age of the animal. As we have already indicated, if it is the first deworming and you have not yet vaccinated the puppy, it is strictly forbidden to bathe it, since it is most likely that it will get sick; you will not be able to do it immediately after the vaccination, for the same reason.

Now, when it comes to an adult dog, you have to take into account the type of product you are applying. If it is a routine internal deworming, applicable according to your veterinarian's recommendation, no problemwith normal bathing.

When it comes to an external deworming, the procedure changes a bit. As these products are applied to the skin and fur, it is best if it is absolutely necessary to bathe him (it got dirty just after applying the product, for example) wait 3 daysuntil the effects of this have penetrated, otherwise the water will sweep away what you have placed. If it hasn't gotten dirty, it would be best to even bathe it before applying the dewormer: many of the products recommend it to improve the effects, plus your dog will already be clean and won't need another bath soon. Do not miss our advice to bathe your dog correctly and make this moment a positive experience for him.

In conclusion, adult dogs can be bathed immediately after internal deworming, and before (or 3 days after) applying an external dewormer; with puppies it is necessary to wait until they have received their respective vaccinations.
