Complete guide to caring for an elderly dog

Complete guide to caring for an elderly dog
Complete guide to caring for an elderly dog
Complete guide to caring for an elderly dog
Complete guide to caring for an elderly dog

Dogs over 10 years old can be considered senior dogs, that is, a dog over that age (and especially if it is from large size) is an elderly dog.

Older dogs give off a certain tenderness, you'll know this especially if you've ever had one: older dogs remind us in a certain way of a puppy either because of their needs, care or their delicacy.

In this article on our site we are going to give you the best advice to improve the quality of life of older or elderly dogs and provide them with greater comfort. Read on to discover the care of an elderly dog, a complete guide to everything you need to know

Caring for an older dog requires dedication and determination

As we have commented previously, dogs that are older than 10 years are already considered an elderly dog, an old dog. Even so, we must know that small dogs tend to live longer, depending on the particular case.

During this final stage of his life (don't fear, it can sometimes be a long one!) the dog experiences behavioral changes, sleeps much more and may even suffer diseases due to his weak immune system if we don't pay attention to him. Our mission is to try to alleviate the effects of age by taking into account three basic factors:

  • Cheer up
  • Feeding
  • Pain
Complete guide to caring for an elderly dog - Caring for an elderly dog requires dedication and will
Complete guide to caring for an elderly dog - Caring for an elderly dog requires dedication and will

Feeding the elderly dog

The feeding of the elderly, older or senior dog is extremely important, it has different needs from those of an adult dog. For this, it is essential to follow these tips:

An elderly dog should be proportionate, not obese. Maintaining an optimal figure is very beneficial since we prevent our dog from carrying excessive weight on its bones and muscles.

To make sure your dog is well fed, it is important to go to the vet every 6 months to do a blood test and a general check-up to rule out anemia or other problems

If your dog is in good physical shape and eats without any problem, you should change his diet to a light or senior feed. These feeds have fewer calories and are specific for this stage of their life. Remember that it must be a quality food.

If, on the other hand, the senior dog is too thin, the ideal is to try to make him gain weight with puppy food, rich in fat

If you notice that your dog does not drink water frequently, you can try adding chicken or fish broth to the food (if he accepts it). You can also increase the consumption of pâtés and wet food, rich in water.

Your dog should have plenty of fresh, clean water

At this stage of his life his teeth may be damaged, forget about giving him hard bones to gnaw, it is preferable to use an apple for it

It may happen that the dog eats and spits out his food, or that he simply does not want to eat. In these cases we advise you to look for a higher quality feed and even occasionally prepare homemade diets. Go to the vet if he doesn't eat

You can add vitamins to your dog's diet if you think he needs extra energy, you can ask your vet or a pet store how you should administer them

If your elderly dog eats too fast and you are afraid that he will suffer gastric torsion, you can spread the feed on a clean and disinfected floor. This way you will help him use his sense of smell and he will eat more slowly

Remember that sometimes elderly dogs and dogs with problems such as senile dementia may be eating and leave (forgetting that they are eating). In these cases, we recommend you monitor them while they eat

It may also happen that the elderly dog suffering from deafness or vision loss does not want to eat if you are close, it is normal, offering him confidence by staying close is a good idea

If we do not feed or hydrate our elderly dog correctly, serious problems such as kidney failure or heart problems can appear. It is important to review and verify that our dog is properly nourished.

Complete guide to caring for an elderly dog - Feeding an elderly dog
Complete guide to caring for an elderly dog - Feeding an elderly dog

How old dog walks should be

An elderly dog sleeps more hours than an adult dog, but don't let this confuse you: He needs to walk and socialize like any other dog For this, it is important that we adapt the physical exercise to your specific situation since dogs that are very old have reduced physical activity, but that should also be maintained.

We recommend taking more but shorter walks (never longer than 30 minutes) especially early in the morning or late in the evening Sun. If we are under the direct midday sun it can be harmful since it produces excessive and unnecessary heat. Walking with our dog helps maintain its muscles and control obesity, a risk factor at this stage. You can practice many activities with an elderly dog.

Also remember that you should be careful if your dog suffers from hearing or visual deficiencies, is more sensitive to the environment and therefore you must hear or see for him. Find out about caring for a blind dog.

Finally, it is essential to add that we must be considerate and understand that our elderly dog may show different behaviors in relation to this new stage. Do not pull on the leash or treat him disproportionately, be patient with him during walks even if he is slower or does not want to walk at times. Always carry some treats with you to motivate him.

Complete guide to caring for an elderly dog - How should the walks of the elderly dog be?
Complete guide to caring for an elderly dog - How should the walks of the elderly dog be?

Constant affection

The elderly dog can change its behavior showing itself to be more independent, attached and we can even appreciate that it cries when we leave the house: it has greater needs for affection.

One of the most common problems that happens to older dogs is that when they sleep a lot, their families interpret that they should leave him alone. It is true that we must let him rest and not interrupt his sleeping hours, but it is important to be affectionate on a regular basis, encourage him to play and have fun with the elderly dog Otherwise, apathy, sadness and behavior isolated from the family nucleus may appear.

Play and treat him in a special way, remember that it may be difficult for them to cheer up and his condition is more delicate. Leave him toys or intelligence games with food when you leave so he can distract himself.

Complete guide to caring for an elderly dog - Constant affection
Complete guide to caring for an elderly dog - Constant affection

In the home

It is normal for the elderly dog to change its behavior or attitude within the home, perhaps you notice that it follows you more exaggeratedly: it may be a consequence of deficiencies in its senses, they are afraid of being alone We recommend that you offer them confidence and that you always count on them to go to the kitchen or the living room, they will thank you.

If your dog has senile dementia, it is important to try to maintain order in the home so that he does not feel disoriented

In addition, and in general, due to age, some dogs begin to have pain in their bodies: bone pain, muscle pain… They also find it hard to regulate their temperature. For this reason it is essential that they have a wide, comfortable and padded bed to rest on, remember that older dogs sleep a lot.

Complete guide to caring for an elderly dog - At home
Complete guide to caring for an elderly dog - At home

Diseases of elderly dogs

Senior or elderly dogs can suffer from all kinds of diseases that are typical of the passage of time. It is important that you dedicate some time every day to feeling your dog's skin and stroking it to discover if he has pain points, no one can do it better than you.

It is also important that you empty the anal glands, a common problem in older dogs. If you don't feel capable of doing it, you can take it to the vet or to the dog groomer for it.

Some of the most common diseases of the elderly dog can be:

  • Tumors
  • Deafness
  • Blindness
  • Incontinence
  • Cysts
  • Teeth loss
  • Gastric torsion
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Cancer
  • Cirrhosis
  • Arthritis
  • Renal disease
  • Calculations
  • Heart disease
  • Anemia
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Hyperadrenocorticism

It is important to go to the vet more regularly than usual when dealing with an elderly dog. We also want to recommend carrying out an analysis every six months at least to make sure that everything works correctly.

Complete guide to caring for an elderly dog - Diseases of elderly dogs
Complete guide to caring for an elderly dog - Diseases of elderly dogs

Shelters, a wonderful option

In various shelters or shelters for animals they carry out what we call a foster home, a different option: It is about adopt an elderly dog temporarilysince they are the segment of abandoned dogs that attracts the least attention.

The center in question offers the veterinary services for free, all so that the dog can have a decent end in a home. Find out if there is a center near you where they offer you this possibility and become a foster home!
