Caring for a dog in 10 steps

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Caring for a dog in 10 steps
Caring for a dog in 10 steps
Caring for a dog in 10 steps
Caring for a dog in 10 steps

Have you never had a dog before? Do you want to know what is the main thing you should know? Adopting a dog is similar to fostering a small child, it is not complicated but it does require dedication. Before adopting an animal we must be sure that it is what we want, thus fulfilling our responsibilities with it at all times and throughout its life.

In this article on our site we make a general review so you know how you should care for a dog in 10 steps, a simple guide that every inexperienced homeowner should check out.

1. Veterinary care

Puppies cannot go outside without vaccination because the probability of contagion of diseases is high and can pose a risk to their he alth. For this reason, your dog should go to the vet and undergo the relevant vaccinationto rule out that he may suffer. Calendar requires:

  • A first vaccination between 6 and 8 weeks to prevent distemper, hepatitis, parvovirus, coronavirus, parainfluenza and leptospira.
  • Two equal reinforcements of this first vaccination will be carried out.
  • You will be vaccinated against rabies later.
  • After a few weeks, you will be vaccinated against giardia and bordetella.
  • Finally the dog will receive a reinforcement of all of them every x period of time, the one recommended by the veterinarian. The reinforcement will be performed less and less frequently as the dog ages, as the chances of contagion are reduced.

Follow all the advice of your regular veterinarian and if you have doubts about a proposed treatment, do not hesitate to ask for a second opinion. In addition, you must pay attention to any symptoms of illness that the dog may manifest, remember that he does not speak.

Caring for a dog in 10 steps - 1. Veterinary care
Caring for a dog in 10 steps - 1. Veterinary care

two. Basic care

Your dog needs a series of care and attention from you that you must comply with on a daily basis:

  • Provide him a soft bed to sleep in.
  • The dog must have a drinking bowl with plenty of fresh, clean water every day.
  • Give him quality food specific to the stage of his life.
  • Toys and teethers can't be missing to keep him entertained when you're not around.
  • Cleaning his legañas daily and a bath from time to time will be basic conditions.
  • Take him out for a walk at least 2 or 3 times a day.
  • Comb as regularly as needed.
  • Socialize him and teach him how to live together at home.
Caring for a dog in 10 steps - 2. Basic care
Caring for a dog in 10 steps - 2. Basic care

3. Feeding the dog

On our site you will find specific articles on feeding your dog and it is that the dog must receive special nutrients and vitamins for its development, always adapted to each stage of your life.

The most recommended option is combining the three existing types of diet always giving preference to high quality feed together with wet diets and homemade diets. Remember that in the case of puppies and senior dogs, as well as dogs with he alth problems, they will sometimes have a specific diet supplemented with vitamins or calcium

Caring for a dog in 10 steps - 3. Feeding the dog
Caring for a dog in 10 steps - 3. Feeding the dog

4. Bathroom

There is a myth that says that it is necessary to bathe the dog with a maximum frequency of 1 time every two months, but this is not true.

A small breed dog can be bathed every 2 weeks and a large breed dog 1 or 2 times a month. Of course, it is very important that you use products for dogs since they respect their fur and the pH of their skin, as well as incorporating percentages of antiparasites. At the same time that you get your dog used to the bathroom, you should use products that allow him to have a correct dental hygiene and prevent the accumulation of plaque.

After bathing it is important that we always apply pipettes to avoid the appearance of fleas or ticks.

Caring for a dog in 10 steps - 4. The bathroom
Caring for a dog in 10 steps - 4. The bathroom

5. Socialization

Once the vaccination schedule allows it, it is important that you begin to socialize your puppy. It is also important to socialize adult dogs if they display inappropriate and skittish behavior due to various fears. In this case we must work with a professional.

Why is it important to socialize my pet?

It is essential that your dog gets to know others of the same species to prevent future aggression. Also, adult dogs will be an example for him and help him to know how to behave in the pack. We will also socialize him with people of all ages so that the dog is not afraid and adopts a friendly and social attitude that allows him to behave well in public.

Socialization allows your pet to relate to the environment, to express its personality and to be more confident and happy on a daily basis..

Caring for a dog in 10 steps - 5. Socialization
Caring for a dog in 10 steps - 5. Socialization

6. Walks and physical activity

It is essential that you walk your dog between 2 and three times a dayalways taking into account the frequency of his needs. On the walk you should be calm and let your dog smell the environment, if he is properly vaccinated you have nothing to fear.

In addition to the walk you will take it is very important that your dog exercisesas it develops his muscles and gives him relaxation. You can go for a run with him or share a bike ride together, and if not, you can always leave him for an hour in the pipi-can with other pets. You'll have a blast!

Caring for a dog in 10 steps - 6. Walks and physical activity
Caring for a dog in 10 steps - 6. Walks and physical activity

7. Vermin Inspection

Fleas and ticks are always a threat to your dog that can become serious if left untreated or unprevented. To detect the presence of these parasites and to be able to act as early as possible, it is important that you supervise your dog's coat stroking against the hair You should always maintain this habit, and intensify it in the hottest months.

You must prevent the appearance of insects by applying a pipette after bathing against mosquitoes, fleas and ticks and even against Leishmania yes it's possible. In the market you will also find necklaces that are an excellent reinforcement. Keep an eye out for problems your dog may have.

Caring for a dog in 10 steps - 7. Parasite inspection
Caring for a dog in 10 steps - 7. Parasite inspection

8. The dog space

If we adopt a dog at home we can see that at first he feels lost and disoriented. We must provide a comfortable place to sleep and rest, exclusively for him, as well as various toys for his entertainment

It is important that you keep the whole house sanitized and clean so that he feels comfortable and understands that he must also be clean. Dogs take example.

You must also have your own space to eat, which must be at certain times and never at the table or dining room. You should also know that it is very important not to feed him just before or after exercising in case this could cause gastric torsion.

Caring for a dog in 10 steps - 8. The dog's space
Caring for a dog in 10 steps - 8. The dog's space

9. Education

The education of a dog is fundamental to achieve its mental he alth and proper coexistence. The limits are fundamental and the whole family must follow them without exception so that the dog understands her place in the house. We recommend that you use the positive education system and, if possible, clicker initiation, as it gives very good results.

Caring for a dog in 10 steps - 9. Education
Caring for a dog in 10 steps - 9. Education

10. Sweetie

Dogs are social animals that have emotions and feelings. For this reason it is important that you be affectionate with him and that you create an emotional bond that allows you to live together and understand each other.

You will notice that as time goes by he will follow you wherever you go, protect you when you need it and offer you affection when you are sad. The dog has a highly developed sense for understanding non-verballywhat is happening around him and in your relationship, as well as a facility for understanding your emotions.
