Caring for the hair of the schnauzer dog

Caring for the hair of the schnauzer dog
Caring for the hair of the schnauzer dog
Caring for the hair of the schnauzer dog
Caring for the hair of the schnauzer dog

Have you welcomed or are you planning to welcome a schnauzer dog into your home? This is an excellent option, since it is a loyal and affectionate dog that is also an excellent watchman, since one of its most typical behavioral characteristics is to remain alert.

The different sizes of the schnauzer dog make this breed a canine breed that can adapt to a multitude of environments and available spaces, but having adequate space is not enough, you must also know what the care is basics that this wonderful dog requires.

In this AnimalWised article we talk specifically about how to take care of a schnauzer dog's hair.

The hair of the schnauzer dog

Schnauzer dogs require specific care to keep their coats in good condition, because even though they shed less frequently, their coats aremade up of two layers :

  • The outer layer acts as a protective barrier and has a hard consistency
  • The inner layer has a soft consistency, a texture similar to cotton

Another important aspect that should be noted about the schnauzer's hair is that it does not fall out (unless it is affected by a pathology) and this characteristic also makes this type of coat a coat that requires a lot of care and attention.

Coat care is not simply an aesthetic aspect, since a dog with a he althy coat reflects an internal state of good he alth.

Caring for the hair of the schnauzer dog - The hair of the schnauzer dog
Caring for the hair of the schnauzer dog - The hair of the schnauzer dog

Brush the hair of the schnauzer dog

The schnauzer dog's hair is Prone to knotting and the best way to prevent this is through brushing, preferably using a soft bristle brush.

Between 12 and 15 months, brushing should be daily, as the definitive adult coat is growing and the dead puppy hair should be prevented from becoming entangled with the growing hair.

Once the age of 15 months has passed, brushing does not have to be daily, but it must be regular and done several times a week.

Obviously, we must also brush the beard and the hair on the legs and remember that brushing is not only necessary for a he althy coat, but it is also a habit that allows the dog to be disciplined in a he althy way and which will become pleasant for the pet, although at first it may show some restlessness.

Caring for the hair of the schnauzer dog - Brushing the hair of the schnauzer dog
Caring for the hair of the schnauzer dog - Brushing the hair of the schnauzer dog

Schnauzer Dog Bath

The frequency with which a schnauzer dog should be bathed obviously will vary depending on its size, although in any case, always it will be essential to use a specific shampoo for pets.

The miniature schnauzer will require a bath approximately every 10 days, while the medium or giant schnauzer will need a bath approximately once a month.

It is not advisable to let the hair dry in the open air, The best option is to use a dryer, at least to remove the most of the moisture from the fur.

Caring for the hair of the schnauzer dog - Bathing the schnauzer dog
Caring for the hair of the schnauzer dog - Bathing the schnauzer dog


From the age of 15 months we can start to cut the hair of a schnauzer dog, which obviously, like any other dog, will need regular haircuts to maintain his coat in optimal condition.

However, the schnauzer's haircut is not without controversy since in this case it is recommended to use a technique called trimming or stripping, which does not really consist in cutting the hair but in pulling out the dead hair. These practices are recommended because being a wire-haired dog, if the hair is shaved, it will lose its texture and look like fine hair with a cotton-like consistency.

Plucking practices are used primarily on show dogs, although more and more owners are also doing it. It is important to note that this technique, performed in inexperienced hands, can be especially painful and unpleasant for the dog. We should always go to a specialized canine beauty center.

Caring for the hair of the schnauzer dog - Haircut
Caring for the hair of the schnauzer dog - Haircut

Other tips to take care of the hair of the schnauzer dog

If you want your schnauzer dog to always have a he althy coat, pay special attention to the following tips:

  • Food is essential, it is recommended to give the dog an egg yolk once a week, boiled.
  • During the moulting season you should go to the vet for advice on a vitamin complex or nutritional supplement based on essential fatty acids.
  • During the summer it is not advisable for the dog to be exposed to the sun in the middle of the day, since this could dehydrate it and dry it out.
  • If we observe any lesion on the dog's skin, it will be essential to go to the vet.
