How to raise a sparrow? - Complete guide of CARE for BABY SPARROWS

How to raise a sparrow? - Complete guide of CARE for BABY SPARROWS
How to raise a sparrow? - Complete guide of CARE for BABY SPARROWS
How to raise a sparrow?
How to raise a sparrow?

The sparrow is a bird about 15 centimeters tall and with very little contrasting brown colours. In general, it is possible to find it in cities and towns, since it is one of the bird species that lives closest to humans.

Precisely because of this proximity, it is common to find hatchlings falling from the nests. If you have rescued one, then you need to read this guide on how to raise a sparrow that we share on our site.

How to take care of a fallen sparrow from the nest?

If you have found a baby sparrow on the ground, the first thing you should check is if it is near the nest. Many times, when they are already feathered they have not fallen from the nest, but are learning to fly If this is the case, it is best to try to return it to the nest or simply place it in a safe place where it can be picked up by its parents.

Now, if you can't get him back into the nest and you notice that he's injured, follow these tips:

  • Go to a wildlife recovery center or visit a veterinarian specializing in birds to take care of their breeding, especially if it is a newborn sparrow.
  • If there are no recovery centers in your area, find a box and build a small bed to make him comfortable, you can make it with a soft cotton cloth or some old socks. The idea is that it is always warm so as not to interrupt its growth process.
  • You have to keep these little animals well hydrated. You can give them a drink with a syringe (without a needle) or with a dropper, since you should not give them large amounts of liquid.
  • To feed the sparrow that has fallen from the nest you will also use the syringe, you can prepare two types of food diluted in water that we will explain below.

Raising young sparrows at home is not always possible, mainly because feeding them is not an easy task.

How to raise a sparrow? - How to care for a fallen sparrow from the nest?
How to raise a sparrow? - How to care for a fallen sparrow from the nest?

What does a baby sparrow eat?

If you are going to feed a pigeon, it is best to prepare a cat food paste soaked in water. You can also buy brood paste to soak in water, as this makes it easier for the brood to feed. Avoid soaking food in milk, as it is harmful to sparrows.

Homemade breeding paste for sparrows

Preparing the breeding paste with cat food is very simple, you just have to add the amount of food you want, although with a teaspoon is more than enough, and add water until the kibble is moist enough. When this happens, mash with a fork or spoon to create a smooth porridge.

If the homemade paste is too thick and you have difficulty eating, it is preferable to add a little more water to make it more liquid. Another totally valid option is to prepare a lighter paste in terms of consistency, made from a soy drink (remember that sparrows cannot drink animal milk), wheat flour and enough raw egg to make it not very thick. not too runny.

As the sparrow grows, you can offer the food in a dish to peck from. The most recommended thing is that it be food for canaries, because other types of food are harmful.

How to feed a baby sparrow?

The crop is a small membrane found at the base of the neck that supplies food to the stomach little by little. When you feed the baby sparrow you should check that the crop is not full To do this, gently feel just under the head, if you feel a small round lump you will know that the crop is full. Don't worry, in a short time you will be able to identify it just by looking at it. You should feed the sparrow every time you see the empty crop, about every two to three hours. If you notice that the crop does not empty, go to the vet.

The correct way to feed a baby sparrow is with a syringe, preferably just 5 milliliters or the smallest you can get. Once you have it, remove the needle and fill it with some food. If the sparrow's crop is empty, bring the nozzle of the syringe to the corner of the beak, expel a little food so that it notices it, open and receive the food. It is preferable to do it on the sides of the beak and not from the front, as you could deposit the food directly in the throat and this, in addition to being unpleasant for the bird, can cause it to choke. Likewise, inserting the syringe inside the beak as soon as you start feeding the baby sparrow can make it not want to eat due to the stress of the situation. It is better to go little by little, letting him be the one to mark the times.

If any food spills, clean it up right away with a damp swab or cloth, otherwise it will dry on the feathers and be more difficult to remove. Once you see the full crop, the sparrow will be satisfied.

If you wonder how often you should feed the baby sparrow, the ideal is to do it every two hours approximately, although everything will depend on each exemplary and what you eat. In this sense, it is essential not to open the hatchling's beak by force, as this would generate a lot of stress and hinder the task. At first, it may be normal that it only admits water, so you should keep trying until you get it to open its beak on its own and accept food. If after 24-48 hours he still does not eat, go to the vet as soon as possible.

How to raise a sparrow? - How to feed a baby sparrow?
How to raise a sparrow? - How to feed a baby sparrow?

How to teach a sparrow to eat by itself?

When the sparrow is two months old, it will be ready to start feeding itself. Put food in a container near the water so it gets used to it. At first he will not be able to eat and will only peck at the container, during this time he continues to feed him with the syringe, but suspends the morning meal so that he develops the instinct to seek his own food. If you see that it is a bit difficult for him, put a small portion in the palm of your hand and, little by little, guide him to the right place.

Make sure your sparrow doesn't choke while it learns to eat. Try to give him different types of food and try to rotate them several times a day. The feeding of the adult sparrow is varied, it can eat different seeds, corn, wheat or soybeans. They can also feed on oats and some small insects. Don't miss the article "What a sparrow eats" to find out how to introduce this new diet.

Growing a sparrow

If you want to raise the sparrow in captivity you should look for a comfortable cage with wide bars. Once you have it, you should place it in a place where it does not get direct sunlight. Also, keep the cage door open so he doesn't feel confined. The sparrow is a very social animal, so if it sits in a comfortable environment inside the cage and always has food and water in it, it will return to the nest you have built.

Pay attention to the sounds of your new pet, if you notice that it chirps excessively it does not mean that it is very happy; on the contrary, it can be a symptom that you are stressed, which can be lethal.

If you want to set the sparrow free, you must make sure that it is able to feed itself, to fly in perfect conditions and, in general, to survive. In addition, it is important to take into account the climate, since if you release it in the middle of winter, it will most likely not survive without the warmth of your house; the ideal is to do it in spring or summer. Once you have discovered that it does not need you to eat, you must make the change progressively, so it is not advisable to drop it in a place far from your home or do it all at once, because you haven't yet learned where the dangers are and how to get away from them. Something as simple as knowing which branch it can perch on, it does not know because it has not been raised with others of its kind. Thus, first let it come into contact with the outside and other sparrows by sealing the windows with, for example, a mosquito net or mesh, and leaving the young sparrow loose around the house. In this way, he will be able to perch on the window, observe what is outside and even interact with the sparrows that come close to him.

As he gets used to this contact, you can remove the mosquito net and open the window so that he alone decides when to go out. Of course, keep your cage near and open so that he can enter again if he wants. Remember that your house and the nest you have prepared for it is the only home it knows, and there is a chance that it may not want to live outside permanently.

If near your home there are no wild sparrows, the release of your sparrow is complicated. For these cases, we advise you to go to wildlife recovery and release centers for advice.
