Dog Sterilization - PRICES, RECOVERY and CARE

Dog Sterilization - PRICES, RECOVERY and CARE
Dog Sterilization - PRICES, RECOVERY and CARE
Dog Sterilization - Price and Recovery
Dog Sterilization - Price and Recovery

In this article on our site we are going to talk about the sterilization of dogs, both male and female. It is a daily intervention in small animal clinics, which is being carried out with increasing frequency. Even so, it is a surgery that continues to raise doubts in caregivers and we will answer them below. Castrating dogs prevents their reproduction and is therefore a very important operation to prevent a large number of animals from suffering abandonment.

Neuter a dog, yes or no?

Dog sterilization, although common practice, remains controversial for some keepers, especially males. As they cannot bring a litter home and the intervention involves removing the testicles, there are not a few people who show reluctance. Sterilization in this case is seen only as a control of reproduction, so these keepers do not consider it necessary or desirable to operate on their dogs, especially if they are not going to roam freely. But sterilization is much more, as we will explain in the following sections.

So much so that the current recommendation is sterilize before the first year of life, once the dog has finished growing, regardless whether he lives on a farm with escape possibilities or in a flat in the middle of the city. In fact, sterilizing our dog is part of responsible ownership both to prevent the dog population from continuing to grow uncontrollably and to obtain benefits in terms of its he alth.

The operation is simple and consists of making a small incision through which both testicles are removed, of course with the dog anesthetized. As soon as you wake up completely, you can go home and lead a normal life. We will see the necessary care in the corresponding section.

Neuter a dog, yes or no?

The sterilization of female dogs is a much more widespread surgery than that of males, for the reason that they suffer a couple of heats a year and can get pregnant, with the consequent birth of puppies that we will have to take care of. The bitches are sterilized to prevent them from reproducing, but we will see that surgery brings them other benefits. That is why sterilization of all females is recommended. In addition, it is important to remember that if we wanted to dedicate ourselves to breeding we would have to become professional breeders.

The operation that is usually performed on them consists of the removal of the uterus and ovaries through an incision in the abdomen. Veterinarians tend to sterilize bitches laparoscopically, which means that surgery is evolving so that the cut is smaller and smaller, which facilitates healing and prevents complications. Although opening the abdominal cavity makes sterilization more complex in females, once they wake up from anesthesia they can go home and practically lead a normal life.

It is advisable to sterilize them before their first heat and after completing their physical development, approximately around six months of age, although there will be variations depending on the breed.

Dog sterilization - Price and recovery - Sterilize a dog, yes or no?
Dog sterilization - Price and recovery - Sterilize a dog, yes or no?

Dog sterilization: postoperative

We have already seen how dogs are sterilized and we know that recovery takes place at homeThe usual thing is that the veterinarian injects an antibiotic in order to avoid bacterial infections and prescribes an analgesic so that the animal does not feel pain during the first days. Our role regarding the care of the sterilized dog will be watch that the wound does not open or become infected We must know that it is normal for the area to be somewhat swollen and red. This aspect has to improve as the days go by. By 8-10 days the vet will be able to remove the stitches or staples, if so.

The dog usually arrives home practically ready to lead a normal life and, although we will have taken him fasting to the intervention, at this time we can offer him water and a little food On this point, it should be noted that sterilization will reduce your energy needs, so it is necessary to adapt your diet to prevent weight gain and even obesity. At first, we also have to avoid jumping or roughhousing, especially in the case of females, because it is easier for the wound to open in them.

If the animal shows pain that does not go away, has a fever, does not eat or drink, the area of the operation looks bad or suppurates, etc., we will have to contact the veterinarian immediately. In addition, if the dog licks or chews the wound excessively, it will be necessary to put a Elizabethan collar to prevent it, at least during the time in which we cannot monitor it otherwise it could open or infect the cut.

To know all the care of sterilized dogs in detail, and to keep an adequate control of the recovery after sterilization, don't miss this other article: "Care of newly sterilized dogs".

Advantages and disadvantages of neutering a dog

Before going on to comment on the pros and cons of dog sterilization, we have to debunk some of the myths that still circulate around this surgery. Thus, many caregivers still wonder if spaying a dog changes her character. The answer is completely negative, also in the case of males. The operation only has an effect on the hormones, so the animal keeps its character traits intact.

Equally, the myth that females need to have young at least once must be disproved. It is completely false and, in fact, current recommendations speak of spaying even before the first heat. Nor is it true that all operated animals gain weight, because that will depend on the diet and exercise that we offer them.

Going back to the advantages of sterilizing dogs, the following stand out:

  • Prevent birth without litter control.
  • Avoid heat in females and its effects on males, since these, although they are not going to shed blood, can escape by sniffing the pheromones that the bitches are going to emit during this period. We must know that zeal is not only reduced to a spotting. For animals, regardless of gender, it is a time of stress.
  • Protect from the development of diseases involving reproductive hormones such as pyometra, psychological pregnancies or breast or testicular tumors.

As disadvantages we can point out the following:

  • Related to any surgery with anesthesia and postoperative.
  • In some females, although it is not usual, there may be urinary incontinence problems, especially related to hormones. It can be treated with medication.
  • It is a factor to take into account for being overweight, that is why we must take care of our diet.
  • Price may deter some caregivers.

In summary, although some critics of sterilization argue that it is recommended for selfish reasons in caregivers or economic reasons in veterinarians, the truth is that dogs are domestic animals that live with humans They have modified different aspects, reproduction being one of them. Dogs cannot have offspring in each heat and this continued hormonal function ends up causing he alth problems. On the other hand, it would be more lucrative for veterinarians to charge contraceptives throughout the life of the bitch and the treatment of diseases linked to the reproductive cycle, not to mention the expenses generated by puppies, caesarean sections, etc.

Dog sterilization - Price and recovery - Advantages and disadvantages of sterilizing a dog
Dog sterilization - Price and recovery - Advantages and disadvantages of sterilizing a dog

Price to sterilize a dog

Dog sterilization is a different procedure depending on whether the dog is male or female and this directly affects the price. Thus, the operation of the males will be cheaper than that of the females and, in them, the amount is subject to weight, being cheaper for those with less weight.

In addition to these differences, it is impossible to give a fixed price for sterilization because it also depends on where the clinic is located. Therefore, it is advisable to request a quote from several veterinarians and choose. Let us remember that, although it may seem expensive at first, it is an investment that will prevent us from incurring in other expenses that can be much higher.

Can you sterilize a dog for free?

If we want to sterilize a dog for free or at a reduced price, some places run sterilization campaigns that offer significant discounts. Neutering dogs for free is not common, but if we do not find any campaigns in our area, we can always resort to adopting an animal from a protective association. Each one will have its own conditions but, in general, it is possible to get an already operated dog by paying a small amount to contribute to the continuity of their work.
