Feline Hepatic Lipidosis - Causes, Symptoms and Recovery

Feline Hepatic Lipidosis - Causes, Symptoms and Recovery
Feline Hepatic Lipidosis - Causes, Symptoms and Recovery
Feline hepatic lipidosis - Causes, symptoms and recovery
Feline hepatic lipidosis - Causes, symptoms and recovery

In this article on our site we are going to talk about feline hepatic lipidosis, a serious disease that can affect our cat, about especially if you are overweight or suffer from any other pathology such as diabetes.

We will see that lipidosis can be primary or secondary, we will identify the symptoms it produces and we will explain what its treatment consists of. Early diagnosis will allow rapid establishment of veterinary support and improve the prognosis of a disease that can be fatal.

What is feline hepatic lipidosis?

Feline hepatic lipidosis, also known as feline fatty liver syndrome, consists precisely in the accumulation of fat in the liver and this it can occur in a primary or secondary way, which we can characterize as follows:

  • Primary or idiopathic hepatic lipidosis: in these cases the accumulation is caused by some failure in the metabolism of which the cause is unknown. Obese cats that go through a prolonged fasting period, such as can be triggered by stress, are known to be prone to it.
  • Secondary hepatic lipidosis: this occurs in most cases. Cats with this type of lipidosis suffer from a disease that predisposes them to fat accumulation, that is, lipidosis will occur as a result of previous pathologies such as diabetes, infectious diseases, hypothyroidism, pancreatitis or inflammatory bowel disease.

Feline hepatic lipidosis symptoms

That our cat stop eating should always put us on alert. In cases of lipidosis, in addition, the cat will lose weight and lose muscle mass. We can also observe vomiting, diarrhoea, apathy, dehydration and symptoms derived from liver damage, such as jaundice, that is, the yellowish coloration that their mucous membranes may present.

Sometimes the malfunction of the liver, an organ that performs important functions in metabolism, causes toxic substances to accumulate that end up affecting the cat, causing neurological symptomsThese can lead to coma and death. In addition, if the lipidosis is secondary to another disease, the cat will present the symptoms that it causes.

It is important to establish the diagnosis differentiating whether we are dealing with a primary or secondary lipidosis, since, in the second case, we must also treat the initial disease. In general, in a blood test we will find elevated parameters related to liver function. On palpation, it is possible to notice the enlarged liver.

Feline Hepatic Lipidosis - Causes, Symptoms and Recovery - Feline Hepatic Lipidosis Symptoms
Feline Hepatic Lipidosis - Causes, Symptoms and Recovery - Feline Hepatic Lipidosis Symptoms

Is there a cure for feline hepatic lipidosis?

For the treatment of lipidosis in cats, in addition to treating the initial pathology, if any, feeding and hydration are basic. As we have said, the cat will reject food, which will aggravate the condition. As we cannot force the animal to eat, it is recommended tube feeding, in different locations, which will have to be placed by our veterinarian.

At first the cat will have to remain hospitalized, but it is recommended that it return home soon, since the stress that these animals usually feel in the clinic does not favor their recovery. If our cat has to have a catheter at home, the vet will explain its handling. Later, we can begin to offer solid food, several times a day in small portions until his recovery. In this way, we see how feline hepatic lipidosis does have a cure, as long as it is diagnosed early.

Recovery and prevention of feline hepatic lipidosis

It is true that lipidosis can cause the death of the cat, but with early treatment the chances of recovery are high. Cats that overcome the disease do not have to present sequelae or relapses. As prevention of lipidosis, in addition to checking our cat at least once a year to detect early any disease that can lead to the accumulation of fat in the liver and treat it appropriately, we must try to keep it always at a suitable weight, for which it is important that we offer you a balanced diet adjusted to your needs. See the following article to learn more about this point: "How to prevent obesity in cats."

In addition, it is a good idea to keep him in what is known as a enriched environment, with opportunities to exercise and sufficient activity, since stress is another of the factors involved in the appearance of hepatic lipidosis in cats. It is also advisable to avoid diets rich in fats or carbohydrates.
