He alth
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Christmas plants toxic for cats and dogs. Poinsettias, mistletoe, holly and Christmas trees are the most poisonous Christmas plants for cats and dogs
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Piroplasmosis in dogs. Piroplasmosis is a parasitic disease caused by Babesia canis, a protozoan that is spread through tick bites and can be fatal
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Activated carbon for dogs - Dosage and uses. Activated charcoal for dogs is used as a treatment for poisoned dogs, as it absorbs toxic substances from the dog's stomach
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Most common diseases of parrots. There are approximately 300 species of parrots, although all of them have important similarities, such as colorful and cheerful plumage that makes
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Coccidiosis in rabbits - Symptoms and treatment. Rabbits are no longer simply farm animals to become pets, being the most suitable option for
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What can I give my dog for pain? Pain medications for dogs can only be prescribed by a veterinarian. The use of human medications for dogs is discouraged
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Vestibular syndrome in rabbits. If your rabbit has its head tilted, crooked or lopsided, it may have vestibular syndrome. It is a very common pathology in rabbits that is produced by
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Discover WHY A CANARY STOPS SINGING, the causes that cause it and what to do, DON'T MISS IT! We explain everything about this problem
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Common diseases of the pug or pug dog. Dogs of the pug or pug breed, due to their anatomical particularities, have a special predisposition to suffer from certain
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Most common diseases in boxer dogs. Are you thinking of fostering a boxer dog? Undoubtedly this is an excellent idea since the boxer is an ideal dog for life
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Can a spayed dog be in heat? A spayed bitch can bleed and be in heat if during surgery there is any ovarian remnant or remnant or ovarian tissue present
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Most common diseases of the English bull terrier. Thinking of taking in a bull terrier? Undoubtedly it is a good idea, it is a strong and muscular dog, which is also
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Abscesses in rabbits. Find out what they are, their symptoms and treatment. Abscesses can cause irreversible sequelae, hence the importance of going to the vet
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Most common diseases in horses. Undoubtedly one of the animals that has contributed the most to the general development of humanity has been the horse. A good proof of its importance is
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Leptospirosis: symptoms, contagion and treatment. Leptospirosis or Weil's disease is known as a disease of bacterial origin, which represents a fairly serious problem
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Diseases of the Siamese cat. Siamese cats are very he althy pets, as long as they come from responsible and ethical breeders and there are no consanguinity or other problems
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Toxoplasmosis: symptoms, causes and treatment. Toxoplasmosis is a disease caused by a parasite called toxoplasma gondii, and is transmitted to humans by some species
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Salmonellosis: symptoms, causes and treatment. Salmonellosis is a food poisoning caused by a bacterial infection known as salmonella. It is one of the
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What to do if I am bitten by a rat. Rats are animals that generally have a bad reputation. We tend to see these rodents as disease carriers due to their frequent habitat
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Diseases of the maine coon. Maine Coon cats are wonderful and very he althy pets. However, sometimes these cats are adopted from mediocre breeders or from
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Coccidiosis in birds. The he alth of the birds is of great importance, if we want them as pets we will seek the best for their well-being, but in the case of birds
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Diseases of golden retriever dogs. Most golden retrievers are he althy dogs with a life expectancy of between 10 and 12 years. However, there are
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The most common diseases of the west highland white terrier. Better known as Westie or Westy, this breed originally from Scotland stands out for its adorable appearance that attracts the attention of
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My parrot plucks its feathers - Causes and solutions. Currently there are many people who have seen in the parrot an ideal pet, not only because of the great beauty it poses
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Not all diseases that birds suffer from can be transmitted to humans. When a disease can be spread we call it zoonosis or zoonotic disease
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Reiki for animals, does it work? At present, the term holistic veterinarian is becoming more and more popular, which refers to a person who has studied medicine
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The English bulldog is a dog with a high predisposition to suffer from various hereditary diseases. Find out what they are and how to detect them quickly
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Ectropion in dogs. Ectropion is a canine disease in which the edge of the eyelid moves outwards, exposing the inner part of the eyelid. being exposed
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Problems in the molt of the snake. As is well known, it is increasingly common to have exotic animals as pets. But we must inform ourselves as much as possible and take care to always be
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Most common diseases of the American Akita. The American Akita is a dog that falls in love with his great loy alty and fidelity, few canine breeds will show so much towards their human family
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Possums are extremely docile creatures. Although they can growl, hiss or show their sharp teeth, they are not considered aggressive animals. Nevertheless
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Dental abscesses in horses - Symptoms and treatment. Like rabbits, horses are possibly the animals that most tend to suffer from dental problems of all
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Laminitis in horses - Symptoms, treatment and prevention. Fossure in horses is a disease that occurs in the toe of these animals, that is, inside the hoof. It is about
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Most common diseases of Vietnamese pigs. The Vietnamese Pygmy Pig was introduced as a zoo animal in the 1980s, but due to its affectionate nature and
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Heartworm in dogs or canine filariasis is a parasitic condition that affects the right part of the heart, causing considerable damage and
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My fish swims sideways. If your fish swims sideways and flips over or swims sideways at the surface, there are a number of conditions that can affect it. Swim bladder disease, parasites, bacteria
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Some of the symptoms of a sick fish may be staying on the bottom, not eating at all, swimming sideways on the surface, or showing white spots on its body. It is important to monitor
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Most common diseases of betta fish. The betta or also called fighters are those small fish with a lot of personality, that many people want to have, due to their
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My lovebird has diarrhea - Causes and treatment. Lovebirds have become one of the most frequently found birds in our homes. Its color, its beauty, and
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Homeopathy for animals. Homeopathy is a completely natural therapy that is on the rise, also in the animal world, since its homeopathic benefits have been observed in different