What can I give my DOG for PAIN?

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What can I give my DOG for PAIN?
What can I give my DOG for PAIN?
What can I give my dog for pain?
What can I give my dog for pain?

Observing that our dog is experiencing pain is a situation that worries any caregiver. Therefore, it is easy to be tempted to run to the home medicine cabinet and give him the pills that work for us. But dogs aren't people, so if you're wondering what can I give my dog for pain, the vet will always have the answer.

In this article on our site, we are going to review the drugs that are used to relieve pain in dogs, the measures you can take at home and why it is important to go to a professional.

Pain in dogs

Sometimes it will be obvious to us that our dog is in pain. But it's not always that simple, since a dog in pain may not complain or manifest it through symptoms that we don't identify. For example, an older dog may avoid climbing stairs or furniture and it is easy for us to attribute this only to age when in fact it is a sign of pain. He may be suffering from osteoarthritis. Others, on the other hand, will stop eating. Therefore, any change in a dog's behavior is a reason for veterinary consultation, especially if it belongs to the most vulnerable groups, such as the elderly, puppies or the specimens that are already diagnosed with some pathology.

On the other hand, it is difficult to assess the pain intensity, another piece of information that affects the importance of consulting a specialist. Only he can decide what you can give your dog for pain, since the treatment has to take into account the cause, the conditions of the dog or if it is an acute or chronic disorder. There are multiple causes of pain in dogs. The acute can be punctual and disappear after treatment, while the chronic is going to perpetuate over time. It is, for example, the one associated with degenerative diseases such as osteoarthritis.

What can I give my dog for pain? - pain in dogs
What can I give my dog for pain? - pain in dogs

Dog Pain Medications

Analgesics are the drugs most commonly used to combat pain. There are many to choose from and in different presentations such as tablets, syrups or injectables. Therefore, it is a task that only the veterinarian can take care of.

Anti-inflammatories for dogs

Within this group we find medications such as the NSAIDs, which means non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, such as carprofen, which can be used in long-term treatment. This group also includes aspirin, ibuprofen, ketoprofen or meloxicam.

Pain relievers for dogs

But there are also pain relievers that are not NSAIDs, such as narcotic opioid pain relievers and non-opioid non-NSAIDs. Keep in mind that, like all medications, those used against pain, in addition to benefits, also have adverse side effects That is why it is necessary always give them following the recommendations and follow-up of the veterinarian. These effects include gastrointestinal ulcers, especially when this type of pain pills in dogs have to be administered for a long time. In these cases, they are usually given in combination with protectors of the gastric mucosa. They also produce other effects such as:

  • Vomiting.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Bloody stools.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Jaundice or yellowish color of the mucous membranes.
  • Increase in water intake.
  • Increased urine output.
  • Rashes.

So, if you're wondering what I can give my dog for pain, active ingredients such as the aforementioned carprofen are recommended. Similarly, the question "what medication can be given to a dog for pain" should be answered by the veterinarian. After examining the animal, it will be this professional who will tell us which is the most suitable for the pain that the dog presents and how to give it to him, since the route of administration must also be taken into account.

Orthosis for dogs with pain

Depending on the cause that is causing the pain in the dog, as a complement to veterinary treatment we have the option of using orthoses. Orthoses have been designed in order to improve the quality of life of dogs suffering from certain injuries or joint diseases, which is why they are an excellent option to relieve pain in dogs in these cases. Likewise, they are highly beneficial to prevent more serious damage and increase the healing process, as long as there is a cure.

For dogs with osteoarthritis, hip dysplasia or specific injuries, the following orthoses are recommended:

  • Hip support: helps stabilize the hip and provides the necessary heat to reduce pain, improve mobility, stimulate the muscles and prevent atrophy. Good for osteoarthritis and hip dysplasia.
  • Knee Protector: Perfect for cruciate ligament injuries, tendinitis or patella dislocation. It relieves pain in these cases and reduces inflammation because it helps the animal compensate for the lack of movement by balancing muscle groups.
  • Carpal support: recommended for dogs with osteoarthritis, carpal hyperextensionor unstable carpus. In addition to helping the dog regain stability, relieve pain and reduce inflammation, the carpus support is also used after surgery in this area, so it is used to replace the old-fashioned and cumbersome Robert Jones bandage.
  • Wristband: This brace is perfect for dogs with pain due to osteoarthritis, muscle injuries, ligament injuries or tendinitis. Its benefits are many, such as improving the animal's rehabilitation and helping to speed up the healing process, prevent the damage from getting worse, protect the area and reduce inflammation.

Besides braces, if you're still wondering what to give a dog in pain, one of the most obvious answers is a bed adapted for sleeping. In this sense, in the market we find the so-called orthopedic mattresses, designed with quality materials that favor the rest of the animal and its recovery. It is important that these aids are from a specialized manufacturer since you can find offers of imitations that can generate irritations and effects contrary to the desired one. In this sense, the European reference for this type of aid is the Spanish company OrtoCanis, which has been developing technical aids for dogs since 2010.

What can I give my dog for pain? - Orthosis for dogs with pain
What can I give my dog for pain? - Orthosis for dogs with pain

Extra help for pain in dogs

If you're wondering what you can give your dog for pain, in addition to medication, you can take steps at home to help mitigate the discomfort he's experiencing. In the same way, depending on the pain, you can resort to rehabilitation techniques and acupuncture. But, the first thing, as always, is to have the veterinary diagnosis to be sure that you have located the source of the pain. These are the home remedies for pain in dogs that you can use in order to complement the action of the drugs prescribed by the veterinarian:

  • Keep rest: pain from joint or muscle damage requires exercise restriction, so the dog should stay in a small space, with no places to jump or climb. Likewise, walks must be on a leash to prevent him from playing or running.
  • Resting comfort: the dog's comfort contributes to his well-being, so he will need a comfortable resting place, warm and clean and avoid obstacles such as stairs. For example, if he has to get into the car, it is better to put a ramp on him. As for sleep and rest, the Orthopedic mattresses for dogs from OrtoCanis are excellent for relieving pain while you rest, as they use a special viscoelastic material technology that prevents pressure points.
  • Soft diet: a soft diet at first and always of good quality promotes good digestive function and reduces discomfort. If the pain is located in the mouth, the texture of the food must be adapted.
  • Apply heat: in certain cases, heat can be applied to the painful area, always according to the advice of the veterinarian.
What can I give my dog for pain? - Extra aid for pain in dogs
What can I give my dog for pain? - Extra aid for pain in dogs

Human Pain Medications for Dogs

If it seems to us that our dog is in pain, we should not go to our medicine cabinet Pills that are commonly used by us, we buy them without prescription and seem effective and harmless to us, they can become deadly for our dog Thus, aspirin, ibuprofen or paracetamol are common medicines in any medicine cabinet, so we can fall into the temptation of giving them to the dog when it seems to us that it is in pain. But the truth is that these drugs are not very safe for dogs, since they are very sensitive to them, which means that they only tolerate very low doses Yes If we dose according to our parameters, it is easy for us to cause intoxication, with liver and kidney damage, and even with a fatal outcome. Symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea that may contain blood, or anorexia.

This is why other effective and safe pain medications are now used for dogs because they are specifically formulated for dogs and Medications such as those mentioned are only administered if considered by the veterinarian, in very controlled doses and with strict monitoring. In short, do not take unnecessary risks, never medicate your dog on your own. If you're wondering what you can give your dog for pain, ask your vet.
