Salmonellosis: symptoms, causes and treatment

Salmonellosis: symptoms, causes and treatment
Salmonellosis: symptoms, causes and treatment
Salmonellosis: symptoms, causes and treatment
Salmonellosis: symptoms, causes and treatment

salmonellosis is food poisoning caused by a bacterial infection known as salmonella. It is one of the most common food poisoning and affects millions of people every year, especially in summer. It causes great damage to the digestive system and the bloodstream, so the infected person has symptoms such as diarrhoea, fever and vomiting It is important to know the measures to avoid salmonellosis and go to the doctor as soon as the first symptoms are detected. At Onsalus we explain the symptoms, causes and treatment of salmonellosis

Symptoms of salmonellosis

Salmonella usually shows its first signs after its incubation period, that is, between 8 and 72 hours after being infected. Among the damage it involves in the digestive system, is gastroenteritis, which does not usually lead to complications but can be more dangerous in children and the elderly. The illness can last between 2 and 7 days, and the symptoms are usually mild, although in some cases it can be life-threatening due to a greater severity of the illness due to severe dehydration caused by diarrhea or Reiter's syndrome. The latter, also known as reactive arthritis, which can cause arthritis, urinary problems, and red eyes. The most common symptoms of salmonella are:

  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Mild or severe diarrhea.
  • Stomach ache.
  • Headache.
  • Muscle pains.
  • Blood in the stool.
  • Fever and chills.
Salmonellosis: symptoms, causes and treatment - Symptoms of salmonellosis
Salmonellosis: symptoms, causes and treatment - Symptoms of salmonellosis

Causes of salmonellosis

The main cause of contracting salmonellosis is contact with food infected with the bacteria.

  • Eggs The consumption of raw eggs, without them being fried or cooked, can also cause contamination. This is because the infected hen produces the eggs directly with the Salmonella bacteria. Also, those products made from eggs such as mayonnaise and other sauces can cause infection.
  • Raw meat, poultry and seafood. Meats can be contaminated during processing by contact with feces. In the case of shellfish, it is likely that they have been in contact with water contaminated with the bacteria.
  • Fruits and vegetables These foods can be washed with water contaminated with salmonellosis bacteria. If these foods are not cooked for consumption, which can be very common in the case of salads, the bacteria can be transmitted to humans.

In addition to contaminated food, there is also the risk of a contaminated person infecting another through contact, including when handling food or touching something that is later used by another person. The Salmonella bacterium can also be present in domestic animals, since it can be found in the food with which they are fed, such as fodder, facilitating the contagion from live animals to humans.

Salmonellosis: symptoms, causes and treatment - Causes of salmonellosis
Salmonellosis: symptoms, causes and treatment - Causes of salmonellosis

Treatment of salmonellosis

In cases where the infection is considered mild, it is usual to keep the person hydrated through food supplements such as potassium, chloride and sodium. In more severe cases where symptoms are more intense, hospitalization may be necessary. Medications commonly given to treat salmonellosis are antidiarrheals, to relieve colic, and antibioticsin the event that Salmonella is found in the bloodstream or if the case is considered serious. In addition, special care must be taken with the diet that is followed during the recovery process:

  • Liquid It is one of the most important steps. Diarrhea and vomiting can cause dehydration, so drinking water frequently will prevent it from occurring. Liquids such as tea and fat-free broths can be consumed, in addition to water. Conversely, caffeine should be avoided because it contributes to dehydration.
  • Soft foods When symptoms improve, especially diarrhoea, you can begin to incorporate a soft diet, made up of boiled or baked rice, potato, carrot, fish and chicken. This will help the body recover nutrients and feel better.
Salmonellosis: symptoms, causes and treatment - Treatment of salmonellosis
Salmonellosis: symptoms, causes and treatment - Treatment of salmonellosis

Risk and prevention factors

Some of the risk factors for salmonellosis are the following:

  • Travel to places where sanitation is poorer and infection tends to be more common, such as developing countries. Likewise, these countries may have poor hygienic conditions that facilitate contagion.
  • Living or having frequent contact with animals, especially birds and reptiles.
  • People who have a weak immune system, for example those suffering from AIDS or malaria, among others.
  • Use raw meat, poultry, and eggs on a regular basis.

On the other hand, we can take into account prevention measures to avoid the spread of salmonellosis. On many occasions, the so-called cross contamination occurs. This occurs when they handle contaminated food, then come into contact with other food without proper hygiene, that is, without washing their hands. Therefore, washing your hands before coming into contact with any food is essential as a preventive measure, in addition to cooking food. Some of the averages that we can have in mind are:

  • Do not wash the outside of the eggs. This causes the pores of the shell to open up, allowing bacteria to enter the interior. When we cook an egg and the eggshell comes into contact with it, for example, when the egg is broken, we must remove the shell and cook it well by pouring boiling oil over it. In addition, we must cook the yolk by pouring oil on top in the case of the fried egg.
  • In the case of making homemade mayonnaise, it should not be left out of the fridge for a long time or stored for more than 24 hours. Therefore, it is better to consume packaged mayonnaise, which is made with pasteurized eggs.
  • Wash your hands when you go to cook and thoroughly clean the utensils and the space that has been used, such as tables or countertops.
Salmonellosis: symptoms, causes and treatment - Risk factors and prevention
Salmonellosis: symptoms, causes and treatment - Risk factors and prevention

This article is merely informative, at we do not have the authority to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to go to a doctor in the event of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.
