There are approximately 300 species of parrots, although all of them have important similarities, such as colorful and cheerful plumage that makes these animals arouse great sympathy, in addition, they are capable of imitating some words, so without without a doubt it is a very special animal.
For these and other reasons parrots have become exceptional companion animals, although like any other pet, it is obvious that they require care that guarantees their he alth and well-being.
In this article on our site we show you which are the most common diseases of parrots, so that you can differentiate what symptoms indicate that your pet is sick and act as soon as possible to restore his he alth.
Anomalous moult of the parrot's plumage
As we mentioned at the beginning of the article, the plumage of the parrot is one of its most characteristic features, although it is also one of the areas that can be most frequently affected in the event of pathologies, especially when these affect shape specific to plumage.
Parrots, unlike other birds, do not have a specific season for shedding their fur, but we can observe abnormal behavior in them, as is the case of pluck their feathers, even leaving areas of their body completely bare and even injured.
The abnormal moult of the parrot can have the following causes:
- Stress
- Sudden temperature changes
- Nutritional deficiencies
- Lack of space
- No stimulation
- Parasites
In this case it will be essential go to the vet to rule out any nutritional alteration or parasitic infestation, then we must check our parrot's environment, provide a calm environment and stimulation adapted to their needs.

French moult of parrot plumage
The French molt is a viral disease caused by the Polyomavirus, a pathogenic agent that affects many birds, including all those that are part of the psittacine family.
It is transmitted from parents to children through the regurgitation of food and can be experienced acutely, which usually leads to the death of the animalor chronically, manifesting through the following symptoms:
- Loss of feathers on wings and tail
- Abdominal distension
- Edemas under the skin
- Difficult flight in nestlings
There is no specific treatment, so it is important to keep the cage clean, separate the infected bird from other animals, ensure proper feeding and spray water on the animal once a week to facilitate a positive response in plumage. In the United States there is a preventive vaccine but it is not marketed in Europe.

Parrot Pneumonia
Pneumonia in parrots is a disease that is generally caused by air currents and affects our pet's respiratory tract causing the following symptoms:
- Heavy breathing
- Noisy Breathing
- Runny nose
- Rummy Eyes
To alleviate these symptoms, the parrot responds especially well to topical application of heat, although as always it is recommended go to the veterinary clinic in order to avoid any complications secondary to pneumonia.

Parrot parasites
Our parrot can suffer from the presence of parasites, and these can be both internal and external, in the case of internal parasites the The affectation is intestinal, which generally causes diarrhoea. On the other hand, if the bird suffers from external parasites, we refer to mites or lice, which cause restlessness and nervousness, signs of itching and feather loss.
It is important to consult the veterinarian so that he or she can tell us which products we should use to deworm our parrot periodically It is common to use dewormers broad spectrum that act internally and can be added to the drinking water.
To avoid infestation by mites and lice we must use topical antiparasitic to spray the parrot, always under veterinary supervision and strictly following the manufacturer's recommendations.

Colibacillosis in parrots
Colibacillosis is a disease caused by the bacteria Escherichia Coli and spread by direct contact with an infected bird. This disease is considered the main cause of death in these birds, so it is very important to recognize the signs it manifests through:
- Fatigue
- Dejection
- Loss of appetite
- Gastrointestinal symptoms
- Joint pain
- Concern
Once the diagnosis of the disease has been verified, the sick animal must be isolated, a thorough hygiene of the cage must be maintained and the feeders and drinkers must be changed daily. The vet will prescribe a antibiotic-based treatment to control and combat the infection.

Coccidiosis in parrots
Coccidiosis is a disease caused by internal infestation of some parasitesCalled coccidia, these parasites enter our pet's body through the ingestion of contaminated food or water or through contact with contaminated surfaces. Coccidia adhere to the intestinal walls and destroy the cells responsible for the assimilation of nutrients, giving rise to a clear clinical picture:
- Diarrhea
- Watery diarrhea
- Diarrhea accompanied by blood
- Dejection
- Weakness
To treat coccidiosis in parrots we must urgently go to the vet, who will prescribe an antibiotic treatment to combat the infection, generally using antibiotics from the group of sulfonamides. To prevent this disease and complement the pharmacological treatment, an exhaustive hygiene of the cage and the accessories is necessary.

Salmonellosis in parrots
Salmonellosis can also affect parrots and is caused by the presence of the bacteria Salmonella Typhimutium, which enters the organism of the animal through the intake of contaminated water or food and which, by colonizing the different tissues of our pet, causes the following symptoms:
- Inflammation
- Abdominal distension
- Gastrointestinal symptoms
- Foul Diarrhea
- Heart injuries
- Liver lesions
- Spleen injuries
- Lung injuries
It will be essential to go to the vet as soon as possible to prescribe an antibiotic treatment to control the spread of the bacteria and the symptoms, as in other cases, thorough hygiene of the cage and accessories will be essential and of great importance.