Did you know that the English bulldog was initially used as a fighting dog? We are talking about the 17th century and between that stage and the contemporary period numerous crosses were made until the English bulldog we know today was obtained.
From his appearance we can highlight his flat snout and his round and expressive eyes, his ears are short and his head has various folds that give him an adorable appearance. It is a very confident, brave, sociable, calm dog and ideal for family life, especially when there are children in the home.
Welcoming an English bulldog is an excellent decision, but it also entails a great responsibility, and that is caring for our pet's he alth. Do you want to know what the most common diseases in English bulldogs are? In this AnimalWised article we show them to you:
Eye problems
The eyes of the English bulldog are particularly delicate and consequently this breed of dog is at particular risk of suffering from the following eye diseases:
- Ectropion: Ectropion in dogs is a disease in which the eyelid moves outwards, compromising the he alth of the part inside of the eyelid that is now in contact with the external environment. It is a disease with a good prognosis but whose veterinary treatment is essential.
- Entropion: Entropion in dogs is the opposite of the previous situation. In this case, the edge of the eyelid folds inward. This situation is characterized by the contact of the eyelashes with the eyeball, which mainly causes irritation, pain and difficulty keeping the eyes open. Entropion is treated with surgery.
- Keratoconjunctivitis: This disease can cause serious damage to the eyeball if not treated in time. Keratoconjunctivitis causes inflammation of the lacrimal glands, conjunctiva, and cornea. This disease causes mucous discharge, redness, and even ulcers on the cornea. The treatment consists of the application of moisturizing eye drops and antibiotics, although in some cases, surgery can also be used.

Respiratory problems
The flat snout of the English bulldog along with its wide head causes a phenomenon known as brachycephalic syndrome, this syndrome causes noisy breathing, which is normal due to the distribution and size of the respiratory structures, however, it also causes problems that must be treated and that are manifested through the following symptoms:
- Heavy breathing, increased snoring, or vomiting
- Respiratory difficulty, blue mucous membranes
- Continuous nasal breathing, which is also done with the mouth open
Due to these symptoms, you should go to the vet urgently since the supply of oxygen to the tissues may be compromised. Pharmacological treatment is usually carried out through anti-inflammatory and bronchodilator active ingredients, however, in some cases surgery may be necessary.

Hip and elbow dysplasia
Although the English bulldog is not a particularly large breed, unfortunately it also suffers from a greater predisposition to hip dysplasia.
Hip dysplasia is a bone and degenerative disease that affects the coxofemoral joint, which is the one that connects the hip with the femur. This joint becomes deformed, causing pain and lameness in the dog, these symptoms being observed especially during exercise. The treatment is generally pharmacological and is intended to relieve symptoms, however, in some cases the veterinarian may recommend surgery.
Elbow dysplasia is a disease that originates in the growth stage and affects this joint causing inflammation and progressive degeneration of bone and joint tissueThe main symptoms are lameness, pain and intolerance to physical exercise. The first treatment option is orthopaedics, however, in severe cases surgical intervention may be necessary.

Skin problems
The English bulldog's immune system is especially sensitive, for this reason this breed is especially predisposed to allergies, which are those exaggerated reactions ofdefense cells against a certain allergen. The allergies that affect the English bulldog to a greater degree are skin allergies.
The skin allergies that we can observe in the English bulldog are mainly caused by the inhalation of allergens, such as mold or pollen. An English bulldog with allergies will manifest constant itching, with inflammation and redness of the skin, rashes, lesions and even wounds caused by excessive scratching.
In this case you should go to the vet to try to find out the cause of the allergen and determine a treatment, which can be done based on of antihistamines, anti-inflammatories and topical analgesics or in the most severe cases with corticosteroids to suppress the response of the immune system.

Tips to keep your English bulldog he althy
That the English bulldog is a breed predisposed to various diseases does not mean that we cannot do anything to prevent the appearance of these pathologies, pay attention to the following tips, very important to keep our dog in good condition:
- The English bulldog does not like exercise, this does not imply that he does not need it, but it should be a gentle exercise and adapted to the needs of this dog
- It is essential that our pet properly follows the established vaccination schedule
- To prevent overweight it is important to provide this dog with a good diet, adapted to the nutritional requirements of each vital stage
- To reduce the allergies of the English bulldog it is his environment must be kept clean and disinfected, but aggressive chemicals must not be used for this