ACTIVATED CARBON for DOGS - Dosage and uses

ACTIVATED CARBON for DOGS - Dosage and uses
ACTIVATED CARBON for DOGS - Dosage and uses
Activated Charcoal for Dogs - Dosage and Uses
Activated Charcoal for Dogs - Dosage and Uses

Activated carbon is one of the elements that should be part of our home first aid kit. Thus, activated charcoal for dogs is used above all in the treatment of poisoning caused by different toxic substances. In addition, always following the veterinarian's criteria, it can also be administered in certain digestive disorders.

What is activated carbon?

Activated carbon is a product obtained from different materials, such as wood, almonds, coconut, palm trees, oil, peat or mineral carbon. It has different uses when it is part of filters, but the case that concerns us is that of activated carbon, which is used in he alth problems that affect dogs.

Activated charcoal for dogs works by binding to toxic products, thus preventing their absorption by the body, or at least, that absorption is reduced. Therefore, direct contact between the carbon and the toxicant is necessary. It has a very powerful absorbent effect, since it has a large surface with which to bind other substances. A single gram of activated charcoal is capable of absorbing 100 to 1,000 mg of toxins. Also, its use is very safe

The effect will be greater or less depending on the characteristics of the substance ingested or even the content of the dog's stomach. It should also be borne in mind that it is more effective the sooner it is administered. In fact, if time has passed and the toxicant has been absorbed, offering the activated charcoal will no longer have benefits. Sometimes is combined with other ingredients to add further effects on the digestive system.

Activated Charcoal for Dogs - Dosage and Uses - What is Activated Charcoal?
Activated Charcoal for Dogs - Dosage and Uses - What is Activated Charcoal?

What is activated charcoal for dogs?

First of all, activated charcoal can be used as a food supplement to protect the intestinal wall in case of indigestion or digestive discomfort. For this reason, activated charcoal can be used for dogs with gas, diarrhea and other gastrointestinal problems, always following the instructions of the veterinarian and as part of the treatment. These supplements often contain other ingredients.

Activated charcoal is also used to detoxify dogs, making it one of the best ways to treat a poisoned dog. If we discover our dog ingesting a toxic substance, in some cases it is recommended to try to eliminate it as much as possible from the stomach. This is done inducing vomiting But first we always have to make sure that it is the most recommended action. To make sure, we'll call the vet.

When NOT to use activated charcoal for dogs

Do not induce vomiting if the dog:

  • You have swallowed cleaning products or petroleum products.
  • He has already vomited.
  • You are not fully conscious.
  • He has breathing difficulties or neurological damage.
  • The product label expressly states not to induce vomiting.

How to administer activated charcoal for dogs?

Once it is confirmed that vomiting is indicated, vomiting is triggered by administering hydrogen peroxide in a 3% solution To do so, in a glass of water, add a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide for every 4.5 kg of the dog's weight. The same dose can be given up to a maximum of three times at intervals of 15-20 minutes while we travel to the veterinary center.

After vomiting, and only when the vomiting has stopped, is it recommended to administer the charcoal activated for intoxicated dogs. Of course, supplying it does not replace a visit to the veterinary center. The professional must assess the animal, stabilize it and continue decontamination. In addition, activated charcoal is usually combined with so-called cathartics or laxatives, which favor the evacuation and consequent elimination of the toxin through the faeces. In other words, they speed up the transit of the substance through the digestive tract, so there is less time for the body to absorb it.

Activated charcoal for dogs - Dosage and uses - What is activated charcoal for dogs for?
Activated charcoal for dogs - Dosage and uses - What is activated charcoal for dogs for?

Dose of activated charcoal for dogs

Activated Charcoal can be found in 5.5 mg tablets, making it easy to administer at home. The dose, in cases of ingestion of a toxic substance, is one tablet for every 5 kg of weight of the dog. You can also find activated charcoal in liquid or powder to dilute in water, but it is more complicated to give it to the dog through a syringe. They have a dense and viscous consistency that can cause rejection in some dogs, hence the difficulty of getting them to swallow it. Others do ingest it without any problem, but care should be taken so that an aspiration does not occur that ends up with the product in the respiratory system. Activated charcoal can also be administered by your veterinarian through a gastric tube Also, if activated charcoal is prescribed for digestive problems, the dose will need to be adjusted by your veterinarian and the administration schedule.

Activated Charcoal Side Effects for Dogs

Not very common as it is not absorbed or metabolized, but administration of activated charcoal can cause adverse effects in some dogs. We must be attentive to signs such as the following:

  • Incoordination.
  • Alterations at the mental level.
  • Tremors.
  • Panting.
  • Seizures.
  • In the most severe cases, the dog goes into a coma.

If we detect any of these signs, we must notify the veterinarian immediately. By the way, after the administration of activated charcoal it is normal for the evacuated stool to be black, so we should not worry. Here we leave you the Types of feces in dogs and their meaning.
