Homeopathy for animals

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Homeopathy for animals
Homeopathy for animals
Animal Homeopathy
Animal Homeopathy

Homeopathy is a completely natural therapy that is on the rise, also in the animal world, as its homeopathic benefits have been observed in different species.

Discover in this article on our site what is homeopathy for animals and all the benefits it can bring to your pet, in this way you can take care of it, also in a natural and respectful way with its organism.

If you are a fan of homeopathy and have animals in your care, do not hesitate to find out everything in this article.

What is homeopathy

Homeopathy is a natural therapy that treats each living being in an individualized way It is based on the idea that an organism is not a set of separate parts, but rather a whole, animated by a vital force which, if balanced, guarantees good he alth.

When this force is disturbed, the body is unprotected against disease and that is when a pathology occurs. This concept may seem very abstract, but the idea of an energy or vital force that animates the body is also contemplated in other currents such as traditional Chinese medicine or acupuncture.

Homeopathy for animals - What is homeopathy
Homeopathy for animals - What is homeopathy

How homeopathy works

When homeopathy is applied, the most important thing is to treat the sick animal, not the disease.

This means that special importance is given to the symptoms of the animal and to the behaviors that allow us to intuit how it experiences those certain symptoms. This step is essential to treat in a truly individualized way.

Once the homeopathic veterinarian has identified the remedy, the treatment can begin to be applied and generally the effect is quite fast. When we talk about homeopathy for animals we must be clear that the remedies used are completely harmless

These are remedies obtained through mineral, animal or vegetable strains and diluted to reach minimum concentrations, where the substance used is already it does not have any kind of toxicity and therefore does not have any adverse effects.

Homeopathy acts on the vital force, balancing the disturbances that cause illness and therefore restoring the state of he alth.

Homeopathy for animals - How homeopathy works
Homeopathy for animals - How homeopathy works

In which animals can homeopathy be applied?

The most conventional thing is to apply homeopathy to our closest pets, such as dogs and cats, but homeopathy is effective applied to any animal or sensitive organism.

In fact, homeopathy works better on animals than on people because they are more sensitive to the effects caused by the remedies. For this reason, the application of homeopathy is not limited to domestic pets, it also acts effectively on horses and other animals such as cows or rabbits.

There are certain symptomatic treatments that can be applied at home, however, the most recommended way to apply homeopathy optimally is to go to a homeopathic veterinarian.
