He alth 2024, September

10 symptoms of stress in hamsters

10 symptoms of stress in hamsters

In this AnimalWised article, we tell you about the possible causes and main symptoms of stress in hamsters. In addition, we offer you some advice to offer an optimal quality of

Why does my hamster scratch a lot? - Causes and treatment

Why does my hamster scratch a lot? - Causes and treatment

A hamster that scratches a lot may have a disease or allergy that causes itching and skin irritation. In addition, by scratching intensely, the rodent can cause injuries that

Thick, Sticky SALIVA IN DOGS - What Does It Mean?

Thick, Sticky SALIVA IN DOGS - What Does It Mean?

Thick, sticky saliva in dogs. If your dog has dry, sticky drool, it's likely due to dehydration or heat stroke, which is a veterinary emergency

Most common diseases in dogs and their symptoms

Most common diseases in dogs and their symptoms

Knowing in a general way the most common diseases in dogs helps us to know how to take better care of our pets and to quickly detect any symptoms of discomfort

Rectal Prolapse in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatment

Rectal Prolapse in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatment

Rectal prolapse in dogs, fortunately, is not a very common problem, but there are situations in which it can occur and, therefore, it is convenient to know what it consists of, what the signs are

How to tell if a cat is dehydrated

How to tell if a cat is dehydrated

How to know if a cat is dehydrated. Dehydration is due to an imbalance of water and electrolytes in the cat's body and this can lead to serious complications and even death

Jaundice in cats - Causes and symptoms

Jaundice in cats - Causes and symptoms

Jaundice in cats - Causes and symptoms. Jaundice is defined as the yellowish pigmentation of the skin, urine, serum and organs due to accumulation of the pigment called bilirubin

My puppy won't drop his testicles, why?

My puppy won't drop his testicles, why?

My puppy does not drop his testicles, why? As in the males of most species, including humans, there is a stage in which the testicles must

My dog can't urinate, what do I do?

My dog can't urinate, what do I do?

The accumulation of toxins has negative consequences for the body, hence the importance of correct urine elimination and the need to go to the vet

Why doesn't my dog have strength in his hind legs?

Why doesn't my dog have strength in his hind legs?

Have you observed alterations in your dog's gait? Are you wondering why my dog has no strength in his hind legs? We talk about THE MOST COMMON CAUSES

Why do puppies die after they are born?

Why do puppies die after they are born?

Why do puppies die after they are born? Unfortunately, about 25% of the puppies that are born each year around the world die as a result of clinical conditions

How do I know if my dog is fat?

How do I know if my dog is fat?

How to know if my dog is fat?. Canine overweight and obesity are diseases that are on the rise, which is very dangerous since excess weight can act as a

Why does my cat have a lot of gas? - Find out the answer

Why does my cat have a lot of gas? - Find out the answer

Why does my cat have a lot of gas? Do cats pass gas? Gas in cats is more common than you think and at AnimalWised we are going to explain why cats pass a lot of gas

Why is my cat limping? - Causes, symptoms and what to do

Why is my cat limping? - Causes, symptoms and what to do

There are several causes that can cause lameness in a cat. In this AnimalWised article we will talk about the most common symptoms and the treatment that should be applied

Why does my cat lick itself a lot? - Here the answer

Why does my cat lick itself a lot? - Here the answer

If your cat licks a lot, it is essential that you pay attention to the licked areas, since depending on this the underlying cause varies. For example, if he licks his belly, it may be

Why do betta fish inflate?

Why do betta fish inflate?

Why betta fish inflate. The bright colors and beauty of betta fish have made them the stars of many aquariums. Despite its character, it is a precious specimen that

Why do the fish in the aquarium die?

Why do the fish in the aquarium die?

Why do the fish in the aquarium die? If you like fish, surely you have an aquarium and if this is the case, it is most likely that you have already had the hard time of seeing

My puppy won't stop scratching, what does it mean?

My puppy won't stop scratching, what does it mean?

My puppy won't stop scratching, what does it mean? If you are the lucky companion of a puppy dog, you will have noticed that they do not sit still, they sleep and eat a lot and

My chinchilla doesn't drink water - Solutions

My chinchilla doesn't drink water - Solutions

My chinchilla does not drink water. If you have recently adopted a chinchilla as a pet, you may have doubts about its behavior or habits. The chinchilla is a

Why does my chihuahua shake a lot?

Why does my chihuahua shake a lot?

Why does my chihuahua shake a lot? Surely you know a chihuahua, or have recently incorporated one into your family, and keep wondering why it shakes so much. To the

Why does my dog wobble when walking?

Why does my dog wobble when walking?

Why does my dog wobble when walking? Seeing our dog staggering while he tries to walk is a worrying situation that should put us immediately on alert. There is not one

My cat cannot walk - CAUSES and SOLUTIONS

My cat cannot walk - CAUSES and SOLUTIONS

Does your cat stumble and fall? Can't he walk or does he lose his balance? Is your cat's back legs failing? Behind these symptoms may be serious problems affecting the spine, hearing

Home Remedies for Cat's COLD

Home Remedies for Cat's COLD

Did you know that there are home remedies for cat colds? Felines are prone to various respiratory illnesses, such as colds

Why Is My Dog Limping on One Hind Leg? - Causes and Solutions

Why Is My Dog Limping on One Hind Leg? - Causes and Solutions

On occasions, we can see our dog limp for a few moments with his hind leg and return to normal walking after a while. Some causes are rupture of the cruciate ligament, dysplasia

Why does my cat gag?

Why does my cat gag?

Why does my cat gag? Gagging is those involuntary and continuous gestures that you can make when you feel like you're going to vomit, but finally you don't. Well, to

Why does my cat drool when I pet it? - Here the answer

Why does my cat drool when I pet it? - Here the answer

Why does my cat drool when I pet him? Like us, felines can drool for different reasons and in response to various stimuli. Salivation is a phenomenon

Gastritis in cats - Symptoms, causes and treatment

Gastritis in cats - Symptoms, causes and treatment

Gastritis in cats - Symptoms, causes and treatment. Gastritis is one of the most common gastrointestinal diseases among domestic cats. It is characterized by a

Pancreatitis in cats - Symptoms and treatment

Pancreatitis in cats - Symptoms and treatment

Pancreatitis in cats - Symptoms and treatment. Feline pancreatitis is one of the most common diseases in cats and one that most often goes unnoticed. This is due to

My cat can't urinate - Causes

My cat can't urinate - Causes

My cat can't urinate - Causes. Dysuria or difficulty urinating is a symptom that can indicate a serious or very serious pathology to the cat owner. Difficulty urinating

MY CAT IS WEIRD - Causes and What to Do

MY CAT IS WEIRD - Causes and What to Do

My cat is weird - Causes and what to do. Abnormal behavior in cats can be due to many reasons, such as stress, heat, illness or depression. See your vet for further diagnosis

Why does my dog vomit after eating?

Why does my dog vomit after eating?

Why does my dog vomit after eating? Have you noticed that your dog vomits up undigested food? Many of the diseases that affect our dogs are those related to

Jaundice in dogs - CAUSES, SYMPTOMS and TREATMENT

Jaundice in dogs - CAUSES, SYMPTOMS and TREATMENT

Jaundice in dogs - Causes, symptoms and treatment. Jaundice is the yellowish discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes due to different pathologies. We explain why a dog turns yellow

Is it normal for my cat to drink a lot of water? - Causes and solutions

Is it normal for my cat to drink a lot of water? - Causes and solutions

Is it normal for my cat to drink a lot of water? In general, a cat drinking more water than usual is not normal and is usually a sign that something is wrong. An average cat of 4 kilos

My dog sneezes a lot - CAUSES and TREATMENTS

My dog sneezes a lot - CAUSES and TREATMENTS

My dog sneezes a lot - Causes and treatments. Although sneezing is normal, if our dog sneezes a lot and has runny nose, coughs or vomits, we must go to the vet to find out the reason

Food allergy in cats - Symptoms and treatment

Food allergy in cats - Symptoms and treatment

Food allergy in cats, symptoms and treatment. A food allergy in cats can produce dermatological, respiratory, neurological symptoms and even changes in their behavior

FELINE TRIADITIS – Symptoms and treatment

FELINE TRIADITIS – Symptoms and treatment

Feline triaditis – Symptoms and treatment. Small felines are more predisposed than other animals to suffer from triaditis, or what is the same: to produce diseases together

SPINE problems and injuries in CATS - COMPLETE GUIDE

SPINE problems and injuries in CATS - COMPLETE GUIDE

Spine problems and injuries in cats. 1. Osteoarthritis. 2. Spinal infection. 3. Vertebral fractures. 4. Tumors. 5. Disc herniation. 6. Spinal angiomatosis. 7. Hyperesthesia syndrome

Pododermatitis in cats - Symptoms and treatment

Pododermatitis in cats - Symptoms and treatment

Pododermatitis in cats, symptoms and treatment. Feline pododermatitis is a rare disease. The exact origin of the disease is not known and the treatment is long

Feline Urological Syndrome or FUS - Symptoms and Treatment

Feline Urological Syndrome or FUS - Symptoms and Treatment

Feline urological syndrome or FUS - Symptoms and treatment. The cat's urinary system has a mission, the elimination of waste, and those directly responsible for carrying it out

Allergy in cats - Symptoms and treatment

Allergy in cats - Symptoms and treatment

Allergy in cats - Symptoms and treatment. Surely you have heard that someone you know has allergies to cats, but did you know that cats can also have allergies to different