Thick, Sticky SALIVA IN DOGS - What Does It Mean?

Thick, Sticky SALIVA IN DOGS - What Does It Mean?
Thick, Sticky SALIVA IN DOGS - What Does It Mean?
Thick Sticky Saliva In Dogs - What Does It Mean?
Thick Sticky Saliva In Dogs - What Does It Mean?

Thick and sticky saliva in dogs is a sign that we should not miss. Normally, saliva with these characteristics will not appear in isolation, but as part of a set of symptoms that are usually related to problems as serious as a dehydration or the dreaded heat stroke.

In this article on our site, we explain why thick and sticky saliva in dogs, what it means and how to identify these disorders, which will always require veterinary care, as they seriously compromise the life of our dog.

Thick and dry saliva in dogs due to dehydration

The main cause of thick, sticky saliva in dogs is dehydration When a dog is dehydrated, what What happens is that your body loses more fluids than it manages to replace. In these cases water is lost, but also electrolytes. Dehydration can occur when a dog vomits profusely or has very bad diarrhea. An example is severe gastroenteritis or infectious diseases such as canine parvovirus.

My dog does not drink water

On the contrary, a dog that drinks littlecan also end up dehydrated, not because he loses fluids fast, but because he doesn't replenish all he needs. This picture can occur when a high fever appears or, in general, a serious illness that makes the dog lethargic and does not eat or drink. In a heat stroke, which we will see in more detail in the next section, there is also dehydration because there is a rapid loss of fluids.

In this other article on Why doesn't my dog drink water?, we explain more reasons why your dog drinks little or no water.

Symptoms of a dehydrated dog

To know if our dog is dehydrated, we can take between our fingers a fold of its skin from the area of the withers and stretch up carefully. Upon release, the fold should return to its starting position immediately. That it takes more or less indicates the degree of dehydration that the dog suffers. Other signs of dehydration in dogs are:

  • Dry mouth.
  • Sticky gums.
  • Thick and consistent saliva.
  • Hollow eyes.

In the most severe cases, or if the dog is not treated, it will go into shock and may die. In case you find a dehydrated dog, you can consult this other article about Homemade serum for dehydrated dogs.

Thick Sticky Saliva In Dogs - What Does It Mean? - Thick and dry saliva in dogs due to dehydration
Thick Sticky Saliva In Dogs - What Does It Mean? - Thick and dry saliva in dogs due to dehydration

My dog has sticky saliva - heat stroke

Dangerous heat stroke is another cause of thick, sticky saliva in dogs. It is a veterinary emergency It is caused by the rise in body temperature in a hot environment that does not allow the dog to cool down, as it does so by exchanging air to the outside by panting. When the temperature inside the dog's body and in the environment are similar, the dog does not get to lose its heat. A very high temperature, if not lowered in time, can kill the dog

The example of a dog left locked up in a vehicle in the sun is typical, but heat stroke can also occur after intense exercise in hot weather, an illness that makes it difficult to breathe, a high fever, etc. In addition, the brachycephalic dog breeds, due to their physical conformation, with a short and flattened snout, are more sensitive to this problem.

Symptoms of heat stroke in dogs

Signs of heat stroke include:

  • Very intense panting.
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Bright red coloration of mucous membranes and tongue.
  • Dry, thick and consistent saliva.
  • Vomiting.
  • Fever.
  • Bloody diarrhea.
  • Shock.

And, finally, death, if the temperature cannot be lowered in time. For more information, you can consult this other article on Heat stroke in dogs - Symptoms, What to do and Treatment.

Thick Sticky Saliva In Dogs - What Does It Mean? - My dog has sticky saliva - heat stroke
Thick Sticky Saliva In Dogs - What Does It Mean? - My dog has sticky saliva - heat stroke

What to do if my dog's saliva is thick and sticky?

Thick and sticky saliva in a dog is not a good sign Therefore, it is essential to take him to the vet without wasting time. If our dog is dehydrated, he may need to replenish fluids by administering intravenous fluids, which requires admission. Other times, especially if we act in time or the dehydration is mild, to recover it, it is enough to administer oral serum, as recommended by the veterinarian. But this is only possible if the dog is not vomiting.

Your veterinarian will need to determine the reason for dehydration to treat the underlying cause, i.e. what has triggered fluid loss or lack of water intake. In the case of heat stroke, the transfer to the veterinary clinic is of vital importance and must be done immediately. During the trip we can cool the dog in an air-conditioned vehicle and soak it with cold water.
