White Gums in Dogs - What does it mean? MAIN CAUSES

White Gums in Dogs - What does it mean? MAIN CAUSES
White Gums in Dogs - What does it mean? MAIN CAUSES
White Gums in Dogs - Causes
White Gums in Dogs - Causes

By observing our dog we can obtain important data when it comes to taking care of its he alth. We have a clear example in the coloration of the gums These, in a he althy dog, maintain a pink tone, so white gums in dogs, very red or yellowish will be indicating different he alth problems. In this article on our site we will see the causes that can explain why a dog has white gumsIn general, a visit to the vet is going to be necessary.

What is the color of he althy gums in dogs?

As we have said, if we look at our dog's gums we will observe that they have a pink coloration, except in those breeds such as chow chows, which have, in a completely normal way, a blackish shade of gums. However, there are pathological states that can alter the pink color. In these cases, the gums will show shades like the following:

  • Yellowish: This coloration, called jaundice, usually appears when there are liver problems.
  • Rojas: we can find this color in heat strokes and, in general, in the initial phases of any shock. In carbon monoxide poisoning the gums also turn red.
  • Grays: This tone is displayed in severe collapse situations.
  • Dotted: tiny red dots are petechiae, small hemorrhages that can occur in liver failure.
  • Bluey: occurs when there is a lack of oxygen and is called cyanosis.
  • Pale: We will explain the common causes of white gums in dogs in the following sections.

Now that you know what the gums of sick dogs are like, it is important to highlight that the gums also give us information about circulation. If we press them with a finger and remove it, in a matter of a second they should return to their original color. It is the capillary refill time If this time is two seconds the dog has a circulatory problem. Three seconds or more is indicative of shock. For more information, do not miss our article on the "Meaning of the coloration of the mucous membranes of dogs".

White gums in dogs - Causes - How is the color of he althy gums in dogs?
White gums in dogs - Causes - How is the color of he althy gums in dogs?

Why does my dog have white gums?

The paleness that canine gums can present is usually caused by aa anemia, which translates into an insufficient amount of red blood cells that can have different origins, as we will see. In addition, discolored gums in dogs will appear in conditions that lead the animal to a state of shock , which implies a serious risk to its life. If we notice that our dog's gums are pale, we should go to the vet to identify the cause and treat it.

White gums in dogs due to anemia

We have seen that anemia is the main cause of white gums in dogs. This anemia can be caused by different circumstances that we group into the following:

  • Blood loss: a internal or external hemorrhage may be behind the paleness of the mucous membranes. Sometimes this loss is small but extends over time chronically. For example, such are the hemorrhages that can cause gastrointestinal ulcers but also parasitesboth internal and external, especially in puppies or weakened animals. Tumors can also cause bleeding. In these cases we will observe white gums and decay in these dogs.
  • Hemolytic Anemia: Occurs when red blood cells are destroyed at a faster rate than usual. This destruction can be caused by immune-mediated problems in which the body attacks its own cells, but it can also be congenital or caused by infections such as babesia or leptospirosis. At rupture, the blood cell is divided into its components, bile and hemoglobin. This, in the most serious cases, is capable of coloring the urine brown and the mucous membranes yellow. Sometimes the reaction to some medications or, in newborn puppies, neonatal isoerythrolysis is behind this anemia.
  • Inadequate red blood cell production-The formation of red blood cells can be impaired in chronic diseases, such as those involving the kidneys or liver. Likewise, iron loss due to chronic bleeding from gastrointestinal ulcers or serious infestations of hematophagous parasites is another cause. Some drugs and tumors can also affect this production.
White gums in dogs - Causes - White gums in dogs due to anemia
White gums in dogs - Causes - White gums in dogs due to anemia

White gums in dogs due to shock

There are situations of serious risk to the dog's life in which it goes into shock. One of the signs that occurs in these dogs is white and cold gums Some of the pathologies with risk of shock are acute abdomen, torsion/dilation of stomach or peritonitis. In all of them, immediate veterinary attention will be required since, otherwise, the dog could die.

As you have been able to verify, the change of color in the gums of dogs is always an indication that something is wrong. For this reason, it is essential to go quickly to a specialist to carry out a first examination, especially if the gums are white.
