My puppy won't stop scratching, what does it mean?

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My puppy won't stop scratching, what does it mean?
My puppy won't stop scratching, what does it mean?
My puppy won't stop scratching, what does it mean?
My puppy won't stop scratching, what does it mean?

If you are the lucky companion of a puppy, you may have noticed that they do not sit still, they sleep and eat a lot and explore everything. Also, there may be several situations where you are not quite sure what is wrong with your pup. For example, have you noticed that your puppy scratches a lot?

Of course, the best thing you can do for him is to go to your trusted veterinarian so that he can find out the reason and, with a good diagnosis, he can prescribe the indicated treatment for your puppy. But, if you ask yourself: my puppy won't stop scratching, what does it mean?; We invite you to continue reading this new article on our site in which we are going to explain all the possible causes of this behavior in your faithful companion.

External parasites that cause your puppy itching

If your puppy won't stop scratching and you want to know why, one of the first reasons you should check is the presence of external parasitesThese cause great itching in our puppy and even pain and discomfort. In addition, the dog's external parasites can also be disease transmitters and some can spread to people, for these reasons it is vital that you keep your puppy well dewormed.

Some of the most common external parasites in dogs are fleas, ticks, mites, and fungi One of the The most common diseases caused by mites is mange in dogs and, in the case of fungi, one of the conditions to take into account is ringworm. All these parasites and the diseases they can cause in dogs cause great itching and discomfort that will make your puppy not stop scratching. It is important that you do good prevention of these throughout the year and always according to the guidelines of your veterinarian and, if we see them on the fur or skin of our faithful friend, we must act immediately to eliminate them.

My puppy won't stop scratching, what does it mean? - External parasites that cause your puppy itching
My puppy won't stop scratching, what does it mean? - External parasites that cause your puppy itching

Insect bites and wounds

Furthermore, there are more insects that can bite your dog besides those that are considered parasites. It is likely that if your puppy does not stop scratching he has, on the part of the skin where he scratches, a bee, wasp, ant or spider sting In In this case, you should provide relief to stop scratching, try putting a cloth with gall over the bite for a few seconds.

Also, it is possible that what makes your dog so itchy is a small cut or scrape from playing and running Therefore, you should check the skin carefully in the part where it persists in scratching and observe if there is any wound. It is good that you know the different types of wounds in dogs and first aid, but even so, we recommend that you go to a veterinarian.

Allergies that cause your puppy to keep scratching himself

Another reason why your puppy may be scratching so much is that he has some type of skin or food allergy Allergies in dogs, It is a condition that can cause unbridled itchiness in our furry companion, to the point that they scratch so much that they make small wounds and seem desperate to scratch more. If you think your puppy may have a food or skin allergy, if it shows symptoms such as skin in poor condition and a lot of itching, it would be a good idea to take him to the vet to determine the cause of the allergy and thus be able to treat your puppy properly. and avoid from now on what causes the allergy.

My puppy won't stop scratching, what does it mean? - Allergies that make your puppy not stop scratching
My puppy won't stop scratching, what does it mean? - Allergies that make your puppy not stop scratching

Skin irritation and dermatitis

In the same way that an allergy that becomes visible on the skin causes a great itch in a puppy, skin irritation, often caused by irritating agents such as some air fresheners or colognes, and atopic dermatitis, produce unbearable itching in dogs that suffer from them. For this reason, it is vital that if you notice that your puppy does not stop scratching, that he has small wounds and scabs on the skin and scaly skin, among other symptoms, go to your trusted veterinarian to diagnose the exact problem and offer you an appropriate treatment for your puppy's skin problem and thus solve it as soon as possible.

Stress and anxiety

Puppies have a high level of energy that they need to expend daily, if not given enough activity to deplete and renew energy, this accumulates and transforms into behaviors that humans dislike, such as, for example, destroying the house, repetitive movements or stereotypes, hyperactivity, hair loss, among others. It is possible that your puppy's continuous scratching is due to his stress and anxiety, since this behavior is part of hyperactivity. It is really important that to avoid these problems you learn to recognize some signs of stress in the dog, such as those mentioned above. As soon as you detect these symptoms, it is important that you help your dog to relax and that you change some habits so that it does not happen again.

My puppy won't stop scratching, what does it mean? - Stress and anxiety
My puppy won't stop scratching, what does it mean? - Stress and anxiety

Hormonal disorders

Hormonal disorders are some of the conditions that can cause excessive scratching in a dog. For example, Cushing's syndrome in dogs can cause itchy skin because the body's level of cortisol is unbalanced and this hormone helps to have a good structure of the skin, so if it is compromised, it can there may be itching and even skin infections.

Another hormonal disorder that can cause a lot of itching is hypothyroidism in dogs, since some of the symptoms of this disease are seborrhea and pyoderma, skin problems that will make your puppy scratch a lot. Again, if you notice any symptoms or changes in your puppy, take him to the vet as soon as possible.

Otitis, cause itching and pain in your puppy's ears

Finally, another reason why your puppy won't stop scratching could be, if he scratches his ears or head, otitis This disease is quite common in puppies, especially after baths. This condition will cause your pup to desperately scratch his ears, tilt his head to the side of the affected ear, and jerk his head, among other symptoms. If you detect this in your dog, you should take it to the vet so that they can give you the best possible treatment so that the otitis heals well as soon as possible and, thus, stops the ear from hurting and stops scratching. If you were wondering: my puppy won't stop scratching, what does it mean?, now you know several possible causes and you know that you should go to a specialist to help your faithful little companion in the best possible way.
