Sometimes we notice that our cat is not as usual, but we are not able to define what it is about his behavior that calls our attention. Simply, our cat is weird and we can't explain much more to the vet.
In this article on our site, we will look at the most common causes that explain why my cat is weird, as well as what to do when regard. We will also explain what to look for when determining what is happening to our cat.
How to know if a cat is sick?
When our cat is acting strange, the first thing we think about is the possibility that he is sick. And it is possible, since, on occasions, the symptoms of different pathologies are quite non-specific and we are not always going to be able to detect them clearly, that is, there is not always a clear pictureof vomiting, diarrhea, or runny nose. There are numerous pathologies that take place, let's say, silently. In them, we can only notice that the cat:
- It moves less.
- Spend more time lying down or hidden.
- Your social interactions decrease.
- Stop spending hours grooming yourself.
- We appreciate it a little thinner or with a matt coat.
- Vomits sometime.
None of these signs point directly and forcefully to a single disease. He does not even allow us to think, many times, that he is sick, since he does not make it clear to us that he really is. For this reason, in these cases, it is best that we take note of any unusual behavior, that is, different from what was previously the cat's routine, and communicate it to the veterinarian
This abnormal behavior in cats may be an indication that he is incubating some disease or that certain chronic pathologies are appearing that manifest themselves slightly until the damage is already very advanced. For example, in cats, kidney disease is frequent, which can present, in its chronic form, with progressive weight loss, sporadic vomiting and increased intake of water and in urine output. As it happens over many months, it can go unnoticed, just like inflammatory bowel disease, which can present with loose stools and sporadic vomiting.
How to know if a cat has a fever?
One of the clearest signs that a cat is sick is a fever. For this reason, we recommend that you take your cat's temperature, as we explain in this other article on Fever in cats - Causes and symptoms and, if your cat has a fever, it is best to go to the vet.

My cat is weird with me
But not only physical illnesses can affect a cat's behavior. Cats are very sensitive animals to the changes that occur in their routine, which generates a lot of stress and a change in their behavior, such as:
- Moving.
- Arrival of new members to the family.
- Plays.
- Sounds that go unnoticed by us.
- Change in diet.
Symptoms of stress in cats
If you suspect your cat is stressed, here are some possible symptoms of stress in cats:
- My cat is weird and is hiding.
- Lack of appetite.
- He self-grooms compulsively to the point of injuring himself.
- The cat urinates or defecates outside the litter box.
This strange behavior is commonly attributed to stress. Even so, we should always go to the vet to rule out a physical problem. Stress is treatable through modifications in environment and management. An ethologist or a veterinarian specialized in behavior can give us the guidelines to follow.

My cat is weird after the vaccine
We highlight this situation because, although it is not frequent, after vaccination we can notice the cat decayed during the first 24 hours It is a reaction normal and not worrisome caused by the effect of the vaccine, in addition to the stress that for many felines involves having to leave their home, travel to the clinic and manage it.
In general, the next day the cat will resume its normal activity without us having to do anything. Although this possibility is very rare, if the cat does not improve after 24 hours, we should contact the veterinarian.
In this other article we explain more about the side effects of vaccines for cats.

My cat is weird and meows
Some caregivers are surprised by a strange behavior characterized by:
- High-pitched and constant meowing.
- Inappropriate Disposal.
- Increased aggressiveness.
- More displays of affection than usual.
- Strange poses.
- Rubbing against objects or our legs.
This is heat in cats and in some felines it can appear as early as four months, so keepers don't they expect it and find its symptoms disconcerting. Therefore, it is a physiological process that will be repeated throughout the life of the cat if we do not intervene. Currently, castration is recommended so that there is no heat or unwanted pregnancies or diseases linked to the hormones of the reproductive cycle. Here we explain more about Neutering cats - Price, consequences and procedure.

My cat doesn't play
Once we have reviewed the most common reasons why our cat is strange, it remains to take into account the changes in behavior associated with age. Kittens are full of energy and eager to play, so their play sessions are very intense.
As the months go by, it is normal for their activity to calm down. The reduction of games can become especially noticeable when they get very old In these cases, it is possible that it is associated with aging, but it can also be a consequence of joint diseases, systemic, etc. A complete veterinary examination, at least annually, is recommended for all cats from seven years of age.
To help you identify aging in cats, you can consult this other article on The 5 most frequent symptoms of aging in cats.
Depression in cats
Another possible reason why my cat doesn't play is associated with depression. If you suspect that your cat is sad, consult this other article on My cat is depressed - Causes, symptoms and treatment and go to your veterinarian.