Why does my cat lick itself a lot? - Here the answer

Why does my cat lick itself a lot? - Here the answer
Why does my cat lick itself a lot? - Here the answer
Why does my cat lick itself a lot?
Why does my cat lick itself a lot?

In this article on our site we are going to explain why a cat licks itself a lot. We will see that there are multiple causes that may be behind this behavior, so we will detail them according to the area on which the cat concentrates its attention.

Remember that cats lick their entire bodies normally, as part of their daily grooming. In this article we will not refer to this hygienic behavior, but to excessive licking, when this behavior becomes abnormal and problematic. Keep reading and discover why your cat licks himself so intensely

Symptoms of Excessive Licking in Cats

Before explaining why a cat licks itself a lot, we should know that its tongue is rough, so excessive licking will end up damaging the fur and skin. Thus, if our cat licks himself a lot his hair will fall out and he will injure himself These are the injuries that we can observe in the area that is the object of his licking.

When a cat develops this behavior it may be due to a physical or psychological problem, which the veterinarian will always have to identify. If the physical examination is normal, it is when one can think of a cause such as stress or boredom Although, on other occasions, the explanation is due to excessive licking due to simply because the cat has stained it. However, this latter behavior will subside quickly.

My cat licks his mouth a lot

The explanation for why our cat licks his mouth a lot or licks his lips can be found in the fact that he has come into contact with some substance that he wants to clean himself from, but also it could indicate some oral discomfort, such as that caused by gingivitis, bad teeth or ulcers. We may also notice hypersalivation and a bad smell.

If we examine his mouth we may detect the problem, which will require veterinary treatment. A repeated licking of the lips may be indicating nausea or discomfort when swallowing.

Why does my cat lick itself a lot? - My cat licks his mouth a lot
Why does my cat lick itself a lot? - My cat licks his mouth a lot

My cat licks his paw a lot

In these cases, why our cat licks a limb a lot can be related to the presence of a wound, both on the paw as in the foot, between the toes or pads. A careful examination can reveal the presence of a lesion. If it is a superficial wound we can disinfect it and control its evolution. On the other hand, if the wound is deep, there is an infection or we find an embedded foreign body, we should go to the vet.

Why does my cat lick itself a lot? - My cat licks his paw a lot
Why does my cat lick itself a lot? - My cat licks his paw a lot

My cat licks his belly a lot

The belly is a vulnerable area for the cat, prone to injuries or damage from contact with different irritating substances. Therefore, the explanation for why our cat licks this area a lot can be found in an injury of this type. If we carefully examine the belly, we may find a wound or irritation that we should bring to the attention of our veterinarian. If our cat suffers from dermatitis or allergy it is necessary to discover its cause.

On the other hand, excessive licking in the lower abdomen area can indicate pain caused by cystitis, which is inflammation of the bladder.

My cat licks his penis a lot

A urine infectioncan explain why our cat licks his genitals a lot, since he will feel pain and itching, in addition to urinating repeatedly. A penis injury can also cause excessive licking, as can any difficulty passing urine. The veterinarian will be in charge of diagnosing and treating. It is important, in the case of infections, to establish early treatment to prevent the condition from worsening if the infection ascends to the kidneys or an obstruction occurs in the urinary tract.

My cat licks his anus a lot

In this case we could be facing a irritation that can be caused by diarrhea or decomposition , which explain why the cat licks itself a lot when it has pain or itching in the area. Constipation, which will cause the cat discomfort, or even the presence of feces or some foreign body that it is unable to expel, can cause excessive licking in an attempt to get rid of the discomfort. Also the presence of internal parasites We must observe the area in case there is an anal prolapse or problems with the anal glands and see your vet to treat the primary cause.

My cat licks his tail a lot

The base of the tail may show absence of hair and wounds because our cat licks himself a lot due to the presence of fleas In addition, if our cat is allergic to the bite of these parasites, the lesions will be considerable due to the intense itching they cause. Although we do not see fleas, we can find their remains. In addition to treating with a suitable antiparasitic, it may be necessary to administer medication to combat the dermatitis produced.
